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FCC wants to open up the 3.5 Ghz band


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I mean, 5 GHz Wi-Fi works pretty decently, and that's from a tiny little box sitting in the middle of your house. With the proper equipment, I'm sure 3.5 GHz could be used practically in certain places.



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Honestly let verizon, and ATT get some of this spectru, so they can stop complaining about Sprints 2500-2600 spectrum, and let Sprint gobble up That 600 spectrum that they really need.  Seems fair to me at least   :P

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According to the FCC's report in Dec. 2012, Using the techniques pioneered by White Space receivers, devices will be able to share the frequencies with the government if they incorporate geographic location information and interrogate data bases before they transmithttp://www.fcc.gov/document/enabling-innovative-small-cell-use-35-ghz-band-nprm-order


More info at dailywireless: http://www.dailywireless.org/2012/12/12/fcc-paves-way-for-3-5ghz-band-nationwide/

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3.5 is great for outdoor LTE, and is a serious contender in the fixed wireless game.  One Son is preparing to be a heavy hitter in.  

Would you not want the flexibility of a network that would allow you 100+mbps outside on your mobile, and inside on through your home wifi via a fixed terminal connection on your home?


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