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Not sure if anyone is interested in this information, but I thought it would be good to share with everyone here as it is directly related to the direction Sprint is going right now.


A bunch of low volume stores have been closed around the country (~100 I think). Most employees in those stores were relocated to other ones however.


A ton of technicians were laid off nationwide as well, including myself. It seems like they are closing tech at low volume S&R stores, making them sales-only. They also seem to have limited stores to 3 technicians now (our store had 5 as of yesterday, we needed 9 just two years ago).


A reddit post also shows also that at least one call center was closed that handles Account Services calls.



Editorial portion from me:

It's obvious from my experience with my coworkers that were laid off that they wren't looking at keeping experience, they likely were entirely deciding based on the cost and at a level completely removed from any retail employee (thus extremely uninformed on who actually helps the company compared to their pay). Newly hired technicians are still around in our district, while experienced techs were let go.


That being said, I'm not bitter or angry at Sprint for being laid off. I entirely understand the need from the business perspective. I am a little bitter at the management that made the decision on who went, as I am 100% certain it wasn't made at a level where the ability of each tech is known, they likely just looked at metrics data that was skewed already and easily manipulated at will, and chopped off the bottom performers and the highest paid.


The separation/severance package is very nice and obviously is costing the company a ton of money up front. They are providing outplacement support for those that were laid off (including assistance to work in similar fields for other companies currently hiring) and conference call seminars to assist employees finding new jobs and with job searching. Sprint definitely isn't just firing the employees and saying "good luck", which I find highly commendable and worthy of recognition.

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I'm sorry you were laid off. It seems like Sprint may be leaning more on the device manufacturers for support and trying to get away from being a full service wireless provider. 


After listening to the recent interview with the CFO, EasyPay is meant to lean more on the device manufacturer for marketing and support. It makes sense, and hopefully means Sprint will become more profitable because of it.

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So sorry to hear that man.  Hope you and your family will be all right financially.  I know you provided some very valuable and insightful information to S4GRU and answering some technical questions about Sprint's operations.  Hate to lose a Sprint source from the inside but "it is what it is".

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Not sure if anyone is interested in this information, but I thought it would be good to share with everyone here as it is directly related to the direction Sprint is going right now.


A bunch of low volume stores have been closed around the country (~100 I think). Most employees in those stores were relocated to other ones however.


A ton of technicians were laid off nationwide as well, including myself. It seems like they are closing tech at low volume S&R stores, making them sales-only. They also seem to have limited stores to 3 technicians now (our store had 5 as of yesterday, we needed 9 just two years ago).


A reddit post also shows also that at least one call center was closed that handles Account Services calls.



Editorial portion from me:

It's obvious from my experience with my coworkers that were laid off that they wren't looking at keeping experience, they likely were entirely deciding based on the cost and at a level completely removed from any retail employee (thus extremely uninformed on who actually helps the company compared to their pay). Newly hired technicians are still around in our district, while experienced techs were let go.


That being said, I'm not bitter or angry at Sprint for being laid off. I entirely understand the need from the business perspective. I am a little bitter at the management that made the decision on who went, as I am 100% certain it wasn't made at a level where the ability of each tech is known, they likely just looked at metrics data that was skewed already and easily manipulated at will, and chopped off the bottom performers and the highest paid.


The separation/severance package is very nice and obviously is costing the company a ton of money up front. They are providing outplacement support for those that were laid off (including assistance to work in similar fields for other companies currently hiring) and conference call seminars to assist employees finding new jobs and with job searching. Sprint definitely isn't just firing the employees and saying "good luck", which I find highly commendable and worthy of recognition.


Thank you for writing such a friendly departure note after working for Sprint for so long.  I really appreciate the maturity in this post.  I hope and pray that you will even come out better for it.  I have really appreciated your comments and participation the past few years.


Best of luck to you in your endeavors.  I hope you will continue to be a part of S4GRU in the future.



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Oh I definitely am going to stick around here. I still fully believe in the direction Sprint is headed and believe the company has what it needs to take on Verizon and AT&T on a nationwide scale. They will just have to do it without me.  :P

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I recently received an email that my local Sprint store is closing next week. It came as a big shocker considering it was a very large corporate store in a nice area in the suburbs of Chicago.

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I'm a victim of the layoffs as well from a retention call center. Can't say everyone was totally surprised, but there were lots of tears when we were told. Financial concerns aside, in a way it's kind of a relief, the job is quite stressful. But Sprint does demand a lot from it's reps, and I can say that making the customer happy was a top priority.

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I'm a victim of the layoffs as well from a retention call center. Can't say everyone was totally surprised, but there were lots of tears when we were told. Financial concerns aside, in a way it's kind of a relief, the job is quite stressful. But Sprint does demand a lot from it's reps, and I can say that making the customer happy was a top priority.

Our best to you as well. :fingers:


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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Hopefully in the long-run things end up turning out better.


Someone I knew recently had to find a new job and it took him the better part of six months... but he seems MUCH happier now vs. his prior job.


It was a rough period for him but I think the outcome ended up being much better.  Hopefully similar events unfold here as well.

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When I was laid-off the first time from Sprint Retail as a ASM after the Nextel merger for the first store reduction, it was a shocker to me, but I decided to take the severance package. Received some excellent training from their outplacement program. Relaxed for a few weeks and after collecting a few unemployment checks, I actually took another open position in Sprint Retail as a LRC. Actually got a raise from when I was an ASM and had the ability to make more money.

I say that to say this. If you want to get back into Sprint somewhere, you can. Don't stress about it, take a short break and reboot and get back at it.

NOW, with that said, once I was let go from Sprint after the second time, I realized a year later that it was the greatest thing that could happen to me as I was stuck with a closed mindset of only wanting to work for Sprint Retail. I now work in Mortgage Banking IT for an extremely large financial institution here in the U.S. and now I have every and I mean EVERY U.S. holiday off that I could only dream of having off in Retail. Not to mention the PTO and Vacation that come up to 6 weeks off a year and I've been here going on 5 years.

Good luck. Pray up. It will all come together. :tu:

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I'm a victim of the layoffs as well from a retention call center. Can't say everyone was totally surprised, but there were lots of tears when we were told. Financial concerns aside, in a way it's kind of a relief, the job is quite stressful. But Sprint does demand a lot from it's reps, and I can say that making the customer happy was a top priority.


Did you make that expression in your avatar when you heard the news?

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When I was laid-off the first time from Sprint Retail as a ASM after the Nextel merger for the first store reduction, it was a shocker to me, but I decided to take the severance package. Received some excellent training from their outplacement program. Relaxed for a few weeks and after collecting a few unemployment checks, I actually took another open position in Sprint Retail as a LRC. Actually got a raise from when I was an ASM and had the ability to make more money.


I say that to say this. If you want to get back into Sprint somewhere, you can. Don't stress about it, take a short break and reboot and get back at it.


NOW, with that said, once I was let go from Sprint after the second time, I realized a year later that it was the greatest thing that could happen to me as I was stuck with a closed mindset of only wanting to work for Sprint Retail. I now work in Mortgage Banking IT for an extremely large financial institution here in the U.S. and now I have every and I mean EVERY U.S. holiday off that I could only dream of having off in Retail. Not to mention the PTO and Vacation that come up to 6 weeks off a year and I've been here going on 5 years.


Good luck. Pray up. It will all come together. :tu:


Im so jelly of you getting EVERY US Holiday.  I wish my company did that.  Also getting 6 weeks of PTO is pretty nice..grrrrr

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Im so jelly of you getting EVERY US Holiday.  I wish my company did that.  Also getting 6 weeks of PTO is pretty nice..grrrrr


I may have been a little over zealous, with "EVERY", but let me say all the banking and state Holidays. If something is closed, we're closed too.

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That makes me kind of wonder, I looked and actually three out of the six Sprint stores closest to me are hiring sales reps? Yet so many are getting cut, these stores must be doing well I guess.


As for the ones who are getting laid off, I hope everything goes well for you and that new opportunities arise!


Remember, when one door closes, another one opens.

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That makes me kind of wonder, I looked and actually three out of the six Sprint stores closest to me are hiring sales reps? Yet so many are getting cut, these stores must be doing well I guess.


As for the ones who are getting laid off, I hope everything goes well for you and that new opportunities arise!


Remember, when one door closes, another one opens.


Sales reps aren't being laid off from my understanding, the technicians are. Call center reps are being let go as call centers are closed since they no longer need that many people on the phones.


Sales reps are still around, and those stores hiring for sales are likely below their previous headcount due to quitting or firing for failure to meet metrics most likely.

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Best of luck to you. We have lost a lot of good people in the layoffs and as a fellow technician, I understand what you mean about the easily skewed metrics. It's a shame it had to come to this, but I am grateful that Sprint is at least taking care of those it could no longer employ

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Best of luck to you. We have lost a lot of good people in the layoffs and as a fellow technician, I understand what you mean about the easily skewed metrics. It's a shame it had to come to this, but I am grateful that Sprint is at least taking care of those it could no longer employ


Yeah, I'm lucky in the sense that I've worked for the company for 6 1/2 years and my severance package is very good, definitely because of my tenure. Sprint was the first job I got out of High School, so I'm taking this as a push to work towards something much better for myself.


The package I was given gives me plenty of time to find another opportunity (while still getting biweekly checks and benefits throughout). I'm going to use the time to find something else and probably go get some technical certifications I've been putting off due to lack of time outside work. In addition, Sprint is providing outplacement services for the laid off employees, to assist with career transition.


Who knows, maybe eventually I'll find my way back to the company in another position as I believe they are headed in the right direction.

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So sorry to hear about the layoffs.  I know what a difficult and confusing time that can be.  


I experienced a force reduction at AT&T ten years ago and now with the gift of time I see it was the best thing that could have happened to me in retrospect.  AT&T was my first job out of high school as well, and all that I knew.  I got to travel all over the U.S. installing and maintaining wireline and wireless gear for the backbone network.  It was great in that it was always changing and there was always a lot of work to be done.  I had a family member who worked in that organization and I sort of just fell into it.  The "Network" and "My Job" were my life and all that I had.  It was great and I loved it for the most part, granted after almost a decade traveling, and living on the road I felt I wanted more.  


I know that the change is difficult, but this could be a great opportunity for everyone affected.  There is a whole, big world out there other than telecom, and while I still enjoy following the communications sector and technology advances, there are other industries that allow a better work-life balance and include higher compensation.


It maybe difficult to see it while you are sitting in the middle of all this change, but this could be a big chance to make a great change for yourself and your family.  Take every opportunity Sprint and your state/federal government present to you.  Go to school if you have the resources and inclination.  It will make your life so much easier in the future, but if it isn't your thing then technical certs are also a great way to go.  I hope you have a successful job search and it allows you to take whatever courses/interests you are interested in pursuing.  


Good luck. 


Yeah, I'm lucky in the sense that I've worked for the company for 6 1/2 years and my severance package is very good, definitely because of my tenure. Sprint was the first job I got out of High School, so I'm taking this as a push to work towards something much better for myself.


The package I was given gives me plenty of time to find another opportunity (while still getting biweekly checks and benefits throughout). I'm going to use the time to find something else and probably go get some technical certifications I've been putting off due to lack of time outside work. In addition, Sprint is providing outplacement services for the laid off employees, to assist with career transition.


Who knows, maybe eventually I'll find my way back to the company in another position as I believe they are headed in the right direction.

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Yeah, I'm lucky in the sense that I've worked for the company for 6 1/2 years and my severance package is very good, definitely because of my tenure. Sprint was the first job I got out of High School, so I'm taking this as a push to work towards something much better for myself.


The package I was given gives me plenty of time to find another opportunity (while still getting biweekly checks and benefits throughout). I'm going to use the time to find something else and probably go get some technical certifications I've been putting off due to lack of time outside work. In addition, Sprint is providing outplacement services for the laid off employees, to assist with career transition.


Who knows, maybe eventually I'll find my way back to the company in another position as I believe they are headed in the right direction.

I, for one, am refreshed by your maturity and perspective on this matter. Now, hopefully, you'll be even better off because of it.

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