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Video Game Discussion (Was: So...which next gen console are you getting?)


Xbox One or PS4?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console are you getting?

    • Xbox One
    • Playstation 4
    • Wii-U
    • PC Master race has no reason to buy one of these pieces of junk!
    • Still Deciding...

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I guess I'm the odd man out. I was very disappointed in the battlefront beta...mostly because EA/Dice's epic fail with Hardline and BF4. And without any type of campaign..paying 60 bucks for another BF4 except with 80ft tall steel cows and snow just doesn't seem at all like they earned the price tag. I never played a game where we actually beat the cows...and hit detection was mediocre, and just sucked from more than a couple feet away. I'm waiting on R6:Siege.

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I guess I'm the odd man out. I was very disappointed in the battlefront beta...mostly because EA/Dice's epic fail with Hardline and BF4. And without any type of campaign..paying 60 bucks for another BF4 except with 80ft tall steel cows and snow just doesn't seem at all like they earned the price tag. I never played a game where we actually beat the cows...and hit detection was mediocre, and just sucked from more than a couple feet away. I'm waiting on R6:Siege.

Can't wait for Rainbow Six.. It has been too long.
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I guess I'm the odd man out. I was very disappointed in the battlefront beta...mostly because EA/Dice's epic fail with Hardline and BF4. And without any type of campaign..paying 60 bucks for another BF4 except with 80ft tall steel cows and snow just doesn't seem at all like they earned the price tag. I never played a game where we actually beat the cows...and hit detection was mediocre, and just sucked from more than a couple feet away. I'm waiting on R6:Siege.

Hardline majorly sucked for me.  I regret that purchase big time, but I really enjoyed the Battlefront beta.  Near the end of the beta, Rebels won almost every time once they knew how to take down the AT-ATs.  Haven't heard much of Rainbow 6, but genuinely curious about it now.

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Holy Thread Revival Batman!!!!! After laying dormant for nearly 2 years, we are back in business!


I just picked up Rise of the Tomb Raider but I still need to finish Definitive Edition first before I jump into it. Game is so good so far, I can't believe I didn't play it sooner.

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I guess I'm the odd man out. I was very disappointed in the battlefront beta...mostly because EA/Dice's epic fail with Hardline and BF4. And without any type of campaign..paying 60 bucks for another BF4 except with 80ft tall steel cows and snow just doesn't seem at all like they earned the price tag. I never played a game where we actually beat the cows...and hit detection was mediocre, and just sucked from more than a couple feet away. I'm waiting on R6:Siege.

no your not alone, i love star wars but the battle front beta was just bad IMO i love the idea but the execution was bland. (yes i know it was beta).  I did and still do love BF4, hard line sucked.  Just picked up halo 5 single player campaign was so so, with all the hype i expected more, but i do enjoy the multi player. 

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