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Coronal Hole in the Sun.


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3 pages of DAFUQ and not one mention of the Aladeen in the Aladeen on the Aladeen with the Aladeen next to the Aladeen?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This Is the Song Thread That Never Ends...


What is with you skids lol? Seriously. I'm just posting shit that gets in the news about the sun. never knew That was so bad.

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What is with you skids lol? Seriously. I'm just posting shit that gets in the news about the sun. never knew That was so bad.


Well.... I don't know who skids are, but none of this is really news... and this thread is way longer than it should be.

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What is with you skids lol? Seriously. I'm just posting shit that gets in the news about the sun. never knew That was so bad.



Well.... I don't know who skids are, but none of this is really news... and this thread is way longer than it should be.


Skids? SKIDS?


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What is with you skids lol? Seriously. I'm just posting shit that gets in the news about the sun. never knew That was so bad.


"Skids" and "shit"?  Are you talking to your underwear?





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  • 4 weeks later...

If it occurs every 10 years or so, I should be able to recall at least two periods in my life where this had a noticeable effect, honestly I don't :) I think at worst we would maybe notice the northern lights farther south and possibly some small errors in unhardened \ unshielded \ non ecc electronics but momma earth does a good job of keeping us safe when we aren't too busy destroying it. We frequently hear about this kind of huge impending doom ™ but honestly I am far more concerned by the routine tsunamis, earthquake, hurricans, tornados, cyclones, centipedes and tang than CME's \ solar flares etc. If at worst it knocks out power it's no problem. We routinely turn off power \ sewerage \ water for impending natural disasters so we are prepped anyway. Life on a volcano in the middle of the pacific ;) A few hours without FB won't kill me, now a few hours without being able to check for building permits, thats another matter!


iirc it was actually the opposite was rumoured to be causing impending problems, that we 'may' be headed towards a repeat of the maunder minimum of the 17th century? I think they were only talking about a few degree dip but for perhaps a hundred years. No idea if they were right, I'll leave that to the hexpurts. 

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Holy shit I'm bored.


Just read this thread because I have nothing else to do....


But seriously, this thread is about 3 times as long as it should be.


On the rich man's HTC, sipping on some Moonshine.



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Holy shit I'm bored.


Just read this thread because I have nothing else to do....


But seriously, this thread is about 3 times as long as it should be.


On the rich man's HTC, sipping on some Moonshine.

It's not over yet... lol


If it occurs every 10 years or so, I should be able to recall at least two periods in my life where this had a noticeable effect, honestly I don't :) I think at worst we would maybe notice the northern lights farther south and possibly some small errors in unhardened \ unshielded \ non ecc electronics but momma earth does a good job of keeping us safe when we aren't too busy destroying it. We frequently hear about this kind of huge impending doom but honestly I am far more concerned by the routine tsunamis, earthquake, hurricans, tornados, cyclones, centipedes and tang than CME's \ solar flares etc. If at worst it knocks out power it's no problem. We routinely turn off power \ sewerage \ water for impending natural disasters so we are prepped anyway. Life on a volcano in the middle of the pacific ;) A few hours without FB won't kill me, now a few hours without being able to check for building permits, thats another matter!


iirc it was actually the opposite was rumoured to be causing impending problems, that we 'may' be headed towards a repeat of the maunder minimum of the 17th century? I think they were only talking about a few degree dip but for perhaps a hundred years. No idea if they were right, I'll leave that to the hexpurts. 

Well 10 and 20 years ago. Wireless hardly existed and technology compared to now has evolved like crazy. The one CME that is going to hit earth could cause problems with wireless objects.

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It's not over yet... lol


Well 10 and 20 years ago. Wireless hardly existed and technology compared to now has evolved like crazy. The one CME that is going to hit earth could cause problems with wireless objects.



radios have been around for a while now...  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo_Marconi


whether its a phone or a ham set the principles are the same... your phone is going to be fine and if the tower is properly grounded so will they..  


so make a new tin foil hat everything is going to be fine 

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I have a nice line of phone cases manufactured from think gauge aluminium on ebay should anyone feel the need, they come in two finishes, dull and shiny ;)


As regards radio's 10 years ago. I shall preface this with the disclaimer that I believe physics was invented by satan himself for the sole purpose of making my life a living misery but something I have on occasion been forced to comprehend as a researcher and an engineer before coming to my senses and 'retiring' to a beach and parenthood. 


It is true we are likely to see an increase in solar activity and that various types of radiation will come close to earth. The earth is naturally protected from radiation to a large degree by the magnetosphere. What we would notice is an increase in the size and frequency of the auroras (i.e. visible closer to the equator) and some disruption to short wave radio transmissions which are significantly distant from cellular frequencies. In all of recorded history that has been a single instance of a power grid being knocked out in the late 1980's and there is a strong chance it was coincidence given that the rest of the world, including some rather spit and string esque power grids in 3rd world countries, or even the northern USA \ Alaska were fine and they had geographic proximity.


It genuinely is not something to worry about, at the absolute worst the power may go out which is something the vast majority of us prepare for anyway due to other far more frequent natural disasters. 10 years ago I was happily using 3g on 2100mhz, prior to that I was using edge \ gprs (I assume on bands like 700\800\1500 ??), the phones didn't go out (except due to drunk farmer on tractor related incidents), the power didn't go out (see farmer disclaimer) and no ones cojones got friend :)    


If you are worried then by all means be prepared, at least to lessen the impact of power loss which the majority of people on this forum should probably do anyway. Theres little you can do about communications, you can protect your equipment (electronic that is ;) ) but really there isn't much point. The reality is that if you are far enough north you will probably get some nice light shows and that is it. 


Should you be in space at the time, feel free to worry. 

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