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Coronal Hole in the Sun.


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IF anyone knows anything about the sun. The next couple years, the sun is going is peaking with its solar maximum.

Which is in all no way, good at all. NOT EVEN GOOD

Why? Isn't that normal?

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Why? Isn't that normal?

Uhm no? Lol it happens every 10 years. It's 2 years late well 2 or 3. But it's going to happen over the next year or two. During the solar maximum, the sun will emit tuns of solar flares and some will be sooo bad, It'll fry circuit boards. Which means, we'll loose power for a very long ass time. Not just a town, but the whole nation will go dark. Solar flares emit EMP's. If one big enough happens, it takes 30 minutes to reach earth and if we aren't prepared. We're going to be back in the dark ages aka super duper 


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Mannnnnnzzzz...... lolllzzz... no way. far out!! Loose power!! I like tight power with tuns of jewce!


And here I fixed your post a few ways:


uhjm no???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? OLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL.... LLO IT HAPOPENS EEVRY 10 YEARS!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ lolololol!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ tis 2 yearz l8 wel7 2 or 3. OLOLOLOLLOLOLL!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ but it"s goimng to hhappen over the neXt year ro tqO!!!!!!111 LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOL~ during the solar maximun, the suN will emit tuns opf oslra falres and some will be sooo bad, 1tll fry circuit booarsd!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ oolololololololoolo~~ wh1ch means, well loose power fr0 a varyolng Ass t1me.. not judst q t0wN,, btu the whole nation wlil go darK!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ solar flarez emit 3mpz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 if 0ne big enough hapPe||s, It takez 30 minutz to r34ch 3atrh ande i fwe arent prepared,,, we"re going to bew ba0X in the dark aGes aka super duper


Uhm no? Wow it happens evewy 10 yeaws. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! It's 2 yeaws wate weww 2 ow 3. But it's going to happen ovew the next yeaw ow two. Duwing the sowaw maximum, the sun wiww emit tuns of sowaw fwawes and some wiww be sooo bad, It'ww fwy ciwcuit boawds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Which means, we'ww woose powew fow a vewy wong ass time. Not just a town, but the whowe nation wiww go dawk. Sowaw fwawes emit EMP's. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! If one big enough happens, it takes 30 minutes to weach eawf and if we awen't pwepawed. We'we going to be back in the dawk ages aka supew dupew


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"Let me go out!! Like I blister in the sun?"



Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Uhm no? Lol it happens every 10 years. It's 2 years late well 2 or 3. But it's going to happen over the next year or two. During the solar maximum, the sun will emit tuns of solar flares and some will be sooo bad, It'll fry circuit boards. Which means, we'll loose power for a very long ass time. Not just a town, but the whole nation will go dark. Solar flares emit EMP's. If one big enough happens, it takes 30 minutes to reach earth and if we aren't prepared. We're going to be back in the dark ages aka super duper

Seriously? The sun emits solar flares ALL THE TIME. The only thing that changes is there is more solar activity during the maximum. In addition, this cycles maximum is much WEAKER than past cycles MINIMUMS.


Solar flares do not emit EMPs, they emit CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections). The charged particles interacting with the Earth do not fry circuit boards, but they do cause charges to build up in long coils of wire, ie. power transmission lines. This can cause power fluctuations and brown outs, but the likelihood of a widespread blackout is very, very small.


Please, please try to learn a little about what you are trying to write about before you post.


A great start would be here: http://spaceweather.com/ or here: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

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hrm,  we used to blame the double memory faults on our Crays due to solar flares...It was about the only thing hardware that faulted on the thing unless a CPU blew up, which was an exciting event.  The hardware guys would test the crap out of memory and never find anything wrong, so it's easier to blame flares... The Cool thing was that they were Flares around the time of the crashes as well. :)

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Son of a bitch I had just thrown my tinfoil hat out after the Nsa thing. Making a new one tomorrow. Way to ruin my weekend.


Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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wait he wasnt joking???  dude... the solar cycle is is on average... key word there... every 11 or so years... average.. . as far as solar flares those happen all the time... the cme's they produce(the flare doesnt come here coronal mass ejecta charged particles that ride the solar wind do some times hit our magnetic field..  and while sometimes those increased voltages cause problems it doesnt cause mass destruction.. (only pressure cookers do that) 


during solar minimum CME's occur roughtly once every 3 days during max 3 times a day... on average... 


even if they do that doesnt mean they will hit the earth...  even if they do we have PLENTY of warning... The light from the flare and xrays from the ejecta take roughly 8 mins to get here the charged particles take longer...  the average time is 98 HOURS...  http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/classroom/notsofaq.html


stop listening to doomers and gloomers get out of your bunker... take off the tin foil hat you are going to be ok...

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Mannnnnnzzzz...... lolllzzz... no way. far out!! Loose power!! I like tight power with tuns of jewce!


And here I fixed your post a few ways:


uhjm no???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? OLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL.... LLO  . . .  aGes aka super duper


Uhm no? Wow it happens evewy 10 yeaws. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! . . . the dawk ages aka supew dupew


Dwat! We have finally lost a Moderator because of the continuing stress of reading massive diatribes from the illiterate, the ignorant, and the terminally stupid! O', Digi, we will miss you! We will miss you terribly!  We can only hope they let you have a padded smart phone in your new padded cell, although you may have problems using the touch screen from inside your straitjacket.


Farewell, Mr. Blur!  May your recovery forever free you from the demons of the dumb!

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"Watch out for your coronal hole, bud..."




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"Let me go out!! Like I blister in the sun?"



Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



Man, I haven't heard that song in ages....that takes me back to high school days.

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Seriously? The sun emits solar flares ALL THE TIME. The only thing that changes is there is more solar activity during the maximum. In addition, this cycles maximum is much WEAKER than past cycles MINIMUMS.


Solar flares do not emit EMPs, they emit CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections). The charged particles interacting with the Earth do not fry circuit boards, but they do cause charges to build up in long coils of wire, ie. power transmission lines. This can cause power fluctuations and brown outs, but the likelihood of a widespread blackout is very, very small.


Please, please try to learn a little about what you are trying to write about before you post.


A great start would be here: http://spaceweather.com/ or here: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

The sun emits solar flares all the damn time. ROFl But you are not understanding it's the year of solar maximum.. It's like an EMP, EMP's destroy equipment.

They've been talking about how if a STRONG enough solar flare hit the earth, it'd knock out power in most of the world. There was one strong enough released, but it missed earth.

to your


"This can cause power fluctuations and brown outs, but the likelihood of a widespread blackout is very, very small.


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Dwat! We have finally lost a Moderator because of the continuing stress of reading massive diatribes from the illiterate, the ignorant, and the terminally stupid! O', Digi, we will miss you! We will miss you terribly!  We can only hope they let you have a padded smart phone in your new padded cell, although you may have problems using the touch screen from inside your straitjacket.


Farewell, Mr. Blur!  May your recovery forever free you from the demons of the dumb!

Lol I don't if you're trying to insult me or not.

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Dwat! We have finally lost a Moderator because of the continuing stress of reading massive diatribes from the illiterate, the ignorant, and the terminally stupid! O', Digi, we will miss you! We will miss you terribly! We can only hope they let you have a padded smart phone in your new padded cell, although you may have problems using the touch screen from inside your straitjacket.


Farewell, Mr. Blur! May your recovery forever free you from the demons of the dumb!



Lol I don't if you're trying to insult me or not.

Actually a jab at me.

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The sun emits solar flares all the damn time. ROFl But you are not understanding it's the year of solar maximum.. It's like an EMP, EMP's destroy equipment.

They've been talking about how if a STRONG enough solar flare hit the earth, it'd knock out power in most of the world. There was one strong enough released, but it missed earth.

to your


"This can cause power fluctuations and brown outs, but the likelihood of a widespread blackout is very, very small.


Read from a reputable source.  An extremely strong EMP can fry electronics.  A little bit of EMI or RFI as would be produced by sunspots and solar flares might cause a few single bit errors on a complicated enough computer system, so your Windows box might bluescreen, Mac might say you need to reset your computer, and UNIX might kernel panic, but otherwise no permanent harm will be done.


I remember when idiots were lining up to pay dishonest technology companies thousands and tens of thousands to "audit" their PC based, Mac, or UNIX systems for "Y2K" bullshit.  At the end, it was all a big nonissue except for a few dinosaur mainframes and midrange systems.


My point is, research things before you go overboard.  You sound like the bozos who just passed around petitions citing health concerns for 6 months, trying to get the township to forbid Verizon from building a tower about 5 miles from here.  Be careful what you read on the web.  Also, don't read Gizmodo because they love to trumpet things like this.

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Be careful.  In the S4GRU version of Miranda rights, anything you post can and will be used against you.  The above meme image would be an appropriate response to many of your posts, Rukin1.



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Be careful.  In the S4GRU version of Miranda rights, anything you post can and will be used against you.  The above meme image would be an appropriate response to many of your posts, Rukin1.



Lol you're a funny guy. It's the internet, meme's are for everyone rofl

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Dwat! We have finally lost a Moderator because of the continuing stress of reading massive diatribes from the illiterate, the ignorant, and the terminally stupid! O', Digi, we will miss you! We will miss you terribly!  We can only hope they let you have a padded smart phone in your new padded cell, although you may have problems using the touch screen from inside your straitjacket.


Farewell, Mr. Blur!  May your recovery forever free you from the demons of the dumb!


Actually a jab at me.


Nope, not a jab at you at all. Your intelligent posts and responses are well written, literate, and almost always add significant understanding to this forum. I only wish that others would take as much care in forming their posts.  My sarcasm was that all the dribble that you have dealt with finally sent you totally off your rocker! [multi-letter internet acronym avoided here.]

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