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New Nexus 7 thread (was "Second-gen Google Nexus 7 coming in July for $229")


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What?!  The "uncarrier" acts like a carrier.  Imagine that.


I am sure that John Legere would have some boastful reason why.



Oddly enough, AT&T and Verizon (nor do T-Mobile MNVOs) block Nexus 7 IMEIs.


Very lame.


I took the time to tweet John




@john_legere It is not very #uncarrier to block Nexus 7 IMEI from your non-tablet SIM plans. Let me swap between my phone and tablet.

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Oddly enough, AT&T and Verizon (nor do T-Mobile MNVOs) block Nexus 7 IMEIs.


Very lame.


Maybe it is an unlimited data issue.  If tiered data, you can use it however and on whatever device you please.  But if unlimited, operators are wary of devices that are larger and more capable, hence likely to consumer more "unlimited" data.



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Maybe it is an unlimited data issue.  If tiered data, you can use it however and on whatever device you please.  But if unlimited, operators are wary of devices that are larger and more capable, hence likely to consumer more "unlimited" data.




Grandfathered Verizon customers with unlimited data have total freedom with their SIM.  For example, for better or worse, Verizon lets you take a grandfathered unlimited account sim card, put it in a MIFI and enjoy.


AT&T nixed all unlimited plans, so grandfathered users are limited to 3GB but at least you can use it however you want.


The most ironic part is - with an unlocked Nexus 4, you have the ability to create a mobile hotspot built right into Android.

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The most ironic part is - with an unlocked Nexus 4, you have the ability to create a mobile hotspot built right into Android.


I used my Nexus 4 as a hotspot frequently.  And I didn't think anything of it because I have a 5GB plan, not unlimited.  And while I was on WCDMA, I had no problems.  But I was in ABQ for two days next to a Tmo LTE site and used my mobile hotspot.  And after about 20 minutes of usage, I got a Tmo page pop up in my browser saying I needed to cough up another $15 per month to keep using my hotspot.  Since I only pay $30 per month for my 5GB plan, I just paid the extra $15.


Now I'm on a new billing period and I seem to not have any problems on WCDMA using the mobile hotspot.  But I have a feeling if I do the mobile hotspot on LTE again, I'm going to get the pay for the hotspot page again.



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I used my Nexus 4 as a hotspot frequently.  And I didn't think anything of it because I have a 5GB plan, not unlimited.  And while I was on WCDMA, I had no problems.  But I was in ABQ for two days next to a Tmo LTE site and used my mobile hotspot.  And after about 20 minutes of usage, I got a Tmo page pop up in my browser saying I needed to cough up another $15 per month to keep using my hotspot.  Since I only pay $30 per month for my 5GB plan, I just paid the extra $15.


Now I'm on a new billing period and I seem to not have any problems on WCDMA using the mobile hotspot.  But I have a feeling if I do the mobile hotspot on LTE again, I'm going to get the pay for the hotspot page again.





Interesting.  I am on the same 5GB plan but rarely use hotspot, maybe a few MB here and there.  It's nice to have in an emergency pinch.


Thx for the heads up, good to know they monitor.



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Interesting. I am on the same 5GB plan but rarely use hotspot, maybe a few MB here and there. It's nice to have in an emergency pinch.


Thx for the heads up, good to know they monitor.



I was very surprised, almost startled actually. Since I have a set data amount (not unlimited), I thought Tmo would allow me to use it any way I wanted. Even Verizon and ATT allow that. Very "uncarrier" like. :td:


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk



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And after about 20 minutes of usage, I got a Tmo page pop up in my browser saying I needed to cough up another $15 per month to keep using my hotspot.


At least, that is better than getting this pop up...


"Intruder alert!  Intruder alert!  FCC unauthorized LTE device detected."




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  • 1 month later...

I got impatient and manually updated mine.


I am really liking the new google launcher (manually installed) with the transparent status and system bars. Need the latest google search update too, else the icons will be jacked up.


I have a fish aquarium live wallpaper and the transparency makes a pretty visual difference.


not much else really noticable, other than GEL launcher stuff

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The update to 4.4 is out today. Has anyone received it yet?





yep, got in on a 2012 n7 and the n4 yesterday.


The 2012 n7 is still slow and laggy, junk tablet.

The n4 is still nice and zippy.


For 4.4 you need to update the app ops. Install this and save your battery, disable location/wake lock on many apps.



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yep, got in on a 2012 n7 and the n4 yesterday.


The 2012 n7 is still slow and laggy, junk tablet.

The n4 is still nice and zippy.


For 4.4 you need to update the app ops. Install this and save your battery, disable location/wake lock on many apps.



I just got it about two days ago. It's nothing really new TBH, but the 2013 version has better screen responsiveness. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is a sprint forum but I can't find anywhere else to post this. Has anyone signed up for the $0 down $16 a month nexus 7 with 200mb/month free for life?

I have an og 7 and it would be nice to upgrade to the new one. Figured I'd just wait till I could get one for under 200 but then I read about this and am really considering it. Any thoughts?

Ive also always kept Tmo's 100min $30 plan an option if I get fed up with sprint so I'm not sure if I would be eligible for that if I do this.

Edited by lilotimz
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I went to Best Buy after work this evening. Been reading here, and everywhere else about the Nexus 7 (2013). While looking around for a tablet for a Xmas gift for myself, Best Buy elves were trying hard to sweet talk me into buying a Kindle Fire hdx, while I was playing around with it. They were throwing out the thousands of apps to access, video quality, Amazon Mayday, etc...... I asked what about Google Play? I get this answer from one elf. "If you think about it, this tablet is basically like any other Google tablet, but can't get Google Play Store access, it's faster, it has books, blah blah blah blah."


I walked away, seen the Nexus 7 2013 going for $229. Got on my phone, searched Amazon, and they have it for $199. Did a price match, and out the door I went with a new Nexus 7! I'm loving this tablet!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ugh, well my n7/2013 has developed a crack and now I am looking for an appropriate upgrade, ideally same/similar form factor with newer tech.


Initial research points to asus memo 7 me572c, or possibly the lg gpad 8.3 (ideally if I can find a gplay edition). Or go with a refurb/used n7.


Who has 'upgraded' from the n7/2013, what did you get, and would you buy it again or look for something else?


While I wouldn't mind a Nexus 9, its still too large and too expensive for what my usage.


Oh, also must be available in at least 32 gig, cause I got a lot o junk in my trunk.

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well yea there is that option and almost ready to do that anyway cause they are pretty cheap, I was trying to get some feedback from n7 users that might have upgraded and whether it was worth it.

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