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What Sprint Phones Did You Own?


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Samsung Moment (someone from Sprint still owes me a formal apology for that POS) ;-)

Samsung Intercept

Samsung Transform

Evo 4G

Evo 3D

Evo 4G LTE

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Samsung GS3


These have all been daily drivers at one point. If I include phones that I have picked up and activated for a day or two before passing them on to other family members :


Optimus S

Nexus S 4G

LG Viper

Evo Shift 4G


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Samsung Rant - Not the "smartphone" that it tried to be but works as a phone. Still have and it's a good backup.

BlackBerry 8330 - My replacement after five phones in four weeks, a true smartphone, although underpowered.

Samsung Moment - My replacement when the BlackBerry got runover, this was a POS that went into airplane mode daily.

Samsung Intercept - My replacement when my 5th Moment died. Underpowered as hell, but worked much better until the Froyo update, which made it unusable.

HTC EVO 4G - My replacement after my local store refused to fix my Intercept. Unbelievable phone.

HTC EVO 3D - Got a great price on it, but unfortunately I should have stuck with the 4G. Undeveloped in 3D content by HTC and Sprint. Have but charging port is dead on it.

Samsung Galaxy S3 - I thought I would never go back to Samsung after the problems with the other phones. But I love this phone and have no interest to upgrade to the GS4.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using TapaTalk


Edited by Katt50
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1. Can't remember what the name of my first one. Screen wasn't even color.

2. Sanyo SCP-5300 (the worst phone ever)

3. LG PM-325 (had to do slider)

4. Samsung MMA-900, The BLADE.  Couldn't compete with the Razr. This by far has been my favorite phone.

5. Blackberry curve 8330

6. Samsung Instinct s30 grey

7. HTC Evo 4g

8. Iphone 5

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Samsung SPH-A460


Samsung SPH-N400


Switched to AT&T Wireless(Motorola V551)

AT&T Wireless turned into Cingular

Cingular turned into AT&T(Samsung A707, LG VU, LG INCITE, LG EXPO)

When WiMax Started I switched back to Sprint(my parents and siblings stayed with Sprint the whole time and I went back to the family plan)

Evo 4G(WiMax)

Evo 3D

Galaxy Nexus

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Samsung SPH-N400 (first cell phone)
LG Vi 5225
Sanyo PM8200
Motorola MotoQ
BlackBerry Curve 8330
Samsung Galaxy S2 (Epic 4g Touch)
Samsung Galaxy Note 2


Take a look at http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1611-phone-history/


Maybe merge the threads?

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We really need Robert to chime in. It would be quite entertaining.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Lol I'm saying the SAME thing. This guy would put us all to shame, he's probably owned every phone from Sprint

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Started off under Sprint Spectrum with the Ericsson, then came to pcs with the Sanyo 4700, 4900 then the 7500. Also had Nextel's with the 355i, 8350i blackberry, ic402, i670, and a couple of others. Samsung Instinct, Palm Pre, Evo 4G, Blackberty 9930, HTC Arrive, Evo 4G LTE, current phone Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

Been with Sprint since December of 96.


I forgot a phone and it was good to. Panasonic Pro200. A QChat device.


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 - Samsung SPH-A500.  Pretty but awful radio.  Traded (plus $100) for Sanyo 5300 after about 5 months.

 - Sanyo SCP-5300 (AKA Sprint VM4500, during the short lived Sprint renumber by market position kick).  Outstanding reception.  Also the first camera phone model with a built-in flash.  Actually took better pictures than most phones until about two years later.

 - Sanyo SCP-5500.  All around great phone.  Took video too.  It sits forever charged and waiting for me in case it's ever needed again.  Definitely one of my favorites.

 - Samsung SPH-A900.  What the RAZR should have been, though kind of a dud software wise.  You had to love random resets.

 - Samsung SPH-A900m.  After the probably eighth A900 Sprint replaced for me, they gave me this one.  It has vastly improved performance in all respects.  I actually did some interesting modifications, like grinding away part of a metal edge that obstructed the antenna at certain angles, changed the keypad LEDs to a bright white, as well as a few other things to enhance this handset.

 - Sanyo M1.  This was an interesting phone.  It actually had an auto-focus camera, and the ability to manually lock the focus on something before taking the photo.  Camera showed for every bit of its two megapixel resolution, so well that I would say it is the best 2MP phone camera ever.  1GB of storage was great for taking snapshots.  Recorded pretty good video too.  Very good reception.  Awful standby life for a non smartphone, about 3 days.  Great talk time for a flip phone of its time.

 - Hitachi SH-G1000.  In a word, Garbage.  Decent PDA, bad phone.

 - Palm Pre.  Love it.  Still love it.  I have a totally pristine Pre, lightly modified, clocked 1000MHz on my shelf, with some hand-build CPU cooling modification including a piece of pure silver for heat dissipation.  Camera was decent on a bright and sunny day, but overall the old M1's was better.

 - Samsung SPH-M900.  Helped me fall in love with OLED displays.  Camera finally consistently better than the old Sanyo M1.  Had a keyboard with a rather funky layout.  Now runs Android 2.3, very near bone stock Google style.

 - Samsung SPH-D700.  Another OLED, this one you could see in the sun.  Camera actually finally pretty usable for its time as cameras (not just phone cameras) went.  Bad radio.  Many disconnected calls.  Performed to a level that made most other phones for about a year seem slow.  Still pretty usable today.  WiMAX.

 - Motorola MB855.  Back to the world of LCDs for a bit, this one was a sharp LCD but used a goofy 4 way pentile arrangement to its pixels to brighten the image.  Camera very sharp but funky color rendition, noisy picture.  Epic was better.  Great video recording.  Worked well with Motorola's heavily white theme.  GREAT reception, best smartphone I have ever used radio-wise.  I would say finally this was a smartphone that could hold its own against regular phones with good radios.  WiMAX.

 - Samsung SPL-L710.  My current main phone, and probably the one the least in need of a review.  A bit too big.



 - Motorola DPC-550 (Verizon, formerly Airtouch, formerly CellularONE).  Mom and Dad's old phone.  They activated it for me at age 15 as long as I could pay the bill.  It cost $12.99/month with 30 minutes of airtime which was good for double that if used during off-peak hours.  Additional airtime cost 25 cents per minute on peak and 12 cents off peak (night).

 - Nextel i1000+.  Great phone.  Loudest ringer ever.  Good reception.  Unusable Internet.  I still have this around somewhere.

 - Nextel i90c.  Smaller, prettier.  Not the greatest reception.  Semi-usable internet.  Thrown in the garbage can (and not retrieved) while walking through the downstairs science wing hallway in my high school in late 2001 or early 2002, after the fifth or sixth time it disconnected a call during a 10 minute time span, all the while supposedly having full or nearly-full signal.  Went back to i1000.

 - Nextel i95cl.  Bigger, prettier display.  Now in color.  Bulkier.  More useful internet.  Bad reception.  Required fondness for calls being disconnected mid-sentence.  Microwaved.  Sent back as dead.  Replaced.  Replacement phone, although brand new, was equally bad.  Switched to Sprint, see above.

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- LG Muziq


- LG Rumor (Later I started to refer to it as my LG Hoopty because my batter didn't last but a few hours, so I took the battery from two of my friends Rumors, both which was Alltel phones. So my phone was black and blue with either a red or purple battery.)


- HTC Evo 4G


- Samsung S3


I also been on Verizon and Nextel as well in the past.  I don't remember the phones or model numbers, but I do know that I had the first color screen phone, and the first camera phone that Nextel had. I used to really like that little button that flipped the phone open for you lol

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Sanyo SCP-8100


Palm Trēo 700p


iPhone 4S


Between the last two I was on the Death Star AT&T with a shit Centro and awesome iPhone 3GS. Only problem was I couldn't keep from dropping calls. So Sprint finally came to their senses and carried iPhones. I got to come back.


Before all of them though I had WorldCom and was sold to old school AT&T Wireless. Had a Nokia something or other.

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Samsung MM-A900: This was awesome for a free phone.

HTC Titan: Loved the keyboard. First Windows Mobile phone I had. Made me comfortable with flashing custom roms. 

HTC Vogue: First touch screen Windows Mobile phone. I hated the on screen keyboard on this. Later became an Android phone.

HTC Touch Pro: Smaller form factor, bigger screen than the Titan.


HTC Diamond

HTC Touch Pro 2: I loved this phone for having the best keyboard I ever used. I touch typed with this phone.

Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G: Logical upgrade for the TP2. Using the on-screen keyboard on this made me comfortable with going keyboard less. Also, WiMax was nice around my area.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus: First 4G LTE phone, massive mistake since I bought this and no 4G LTE phone and 4G was nonexistent in my area a year after release.

Samsung Galaxy S 4: Upgraded to this recently. The radio on this is way more powerful than the Galaxy Nexus. Also, it's nice and light.

Been with Sprint ever since 2006 with the SERO plan. I had a Palm Treo 600 on Verizon as well as a Motorola e815 and one of the earlier Samsung camera phones when I was with my parent's lines.

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