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HTC ONE user thread


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Does anyone here with an HTC One also have an active iDEN line (or know someone with an active iDEN line)? If so, S4GRU staff would appreciate it if you could run an experiment by swapping the iDEN line SIM into the One and checking for LTE connectivity.




Aren't all the iDen sims the standard size? The HTC one is a micro I believe, so cutting it would make the iDen handset useless.

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Aren't all the iDen sims the standard size? The HTC one is a micro I believe, so cutting it would make the iDen handset useless.


Nothing a sim adapter couldn't fix, or a new SIM.


It would be VERY interesting to see what would happen :)

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Give it time and one of the devs @ XDA will likely have a way to remove it. You could just set a different panel as your home screen and never look at it....viperboy already as a working ROM up, there's a unlock/root toolkit as well. Hoping some of the other top HTC devs head over as well (Scott, aamikam, mikeyxda, etc)


Mikeyxda is developing for the note2 on VZW now.


Sent from my little Note2



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Nothing a sim adapter couldn't fix, or a new SIM.


It would be VERY interesting to see what would happen :)


I'm interested now that you guys mentioned it, but what exactly are we looking to find out with this little experiment?


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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Mikeyxda is developing for the note2 on VZW now.


Sent from my little Note2


Yeah, several of my favorite devs went from sprint to the note 2 on verizon.

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I have a basement office (IT), and i'm close enough to a tower that my GS3 could still grab a very weak 4G signal (pulled a max of around 2 meg down). The One seems to have no trouble grabbing a decent 3G signal, but haven't coaxed 4G out of it down here like I could with the GS3. Of course, the GS3 spent most of it's time on 3G, but if I cycled airplane mode and held it up a bit higher I could grab LTE most of the time.

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Mikeyxda is developing for the note2 on VZW now.


Sent from my little Note2

crap I'm still running his meanrom ics on the 3D that's about to become a hand-me-down.
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Well, for the record my HTC ONE picks up both AT&T and T-Mobile in Boston, as expected.


I am hoping that the simlock can eventually be removed (legally). Additional functionality is never a bad thing.


I compared the 1x signal to my old EVO 4G LTE and it was about 1dB difference in favor of the new One. I would say that the EVO 4G LTE seemed to jump around a bit more while the One held a lot more consistent.


Overall, the One holds onto LTE forever; I am not sure how practical that is at -127dB but no complaints. Seems promising, so far so good.

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More supply issues forthcoming?




Don't even say that! I just want my damn phone.. Why is it that a phone that came out 3 days ago still has not shipped out! I ordered it on the 6th to avoid a delay. Im really close to just canceling the order and getting something else.

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So I know I am not comparing apples to apples here but I have two new HTC Ones, an iPhone 5, a Samsung GS3 and a Nexus S 4G.



The HTC is pulling a -99db 3G signal with a wifi signal of -45db.

The Nexus S 4G is pulling -86db 3G with a wifi signal of -67dbm.

The iPhone is pulling an -89db 3G signal (I don't know how to test the wifi strength)


I also did some limited testing over the weekend using the GS3 and found that the GS3 consistently held a 6-10db better 4G LTE signal than the HTC One moving around the local area for an hour or so over the weekend (admittedly a very small sample).


I have also noticed that the Ones seem to struggle to acquire and maintain 4G LTE signals where available. In fact the wimax Nexus S seems to hold 4G better in the Boston market (obviously a different technology).


I am just wondering if anyone else seems to be experiencing similar issues. I have seen more compliments on the HTC RF performance than complaints, so I'm just wondering if I have a lemon....



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I noted earlier in this thread that every time I would hold the phone I would lose up to -20 dBm signal and loose 4G.


So I know I am not comparing apples to apples here but I have two new HTC Ones, an iPhone 5, a Samsung GS3 and a Nexus S 4G.



The HTC is pulling a -99db 3G signal with a wifi signal of -45db.

The Nexus S 4G is pulling -86db 3G with a wifi signal of -67dbm.

The iPhone is pulling an -89db 3G signal (I don't know how to test the wifi strength)


I also did some limited testing over the weekend using the GS3 and found that the GS3 consistently held a 6-10db better 4G LTE signal than the HTC One moving around the local area for an hour or so over the weekend (admittedly a very small sample).


I have also noticed that the Ones seem to struggle to acquire and maintain 4G LTE signals where available. In fact the wimax Nexus S seems to hold 4G better in the Boston market (obviously a different technology).


I am just wondering if anyone else seems to be experiencing similar issues. I have seen more compliments on the HTC RF performance than complaints, so I'm just wondering if I have a lemon....



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I've stated some gripes here before, but I noticed today while driving that I lost my LTE signal before I left the purple tracks on Sensorly. I am pretty sure this has happened to me previously, but it happened before my eyes today. And I made sure I was only holding the phone by its sides, at the middle.

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was going to pass on this device and hold out for a tri-band lte device...but got a quote of $148.88 + $20 gift card...hard to say no to. (Upgrade line, not new line)


Where at and why?


Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE



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Sams Club :D (had delay in shipping) PLUS IN 4 MONTHS, i have 3 lines on my account due for an upgrade


Might stop at my Sams Friday and see what they can do for me, trying to decide HTC one or s4....


Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE



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I've stated some gripes here before, but I noticed today while driving that I lost my LTE signal before I left the purple tracks on Sensorly. I am pretty sure this has happened to me previously, but it happened before my eyes today. And I made sure I was only holding the phone by its sides, at the middle.

I ended up returning mine and went back to the EVO LTE :-(

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Well, for the record my HTC ONE picks up both AT&T and T-Mobile in Boston, as expected.


I am hoping that the simlock can eventually be removed (legally). Additional functionality is never a bad thing.


I compared the 1x signal to my old EVO 4G LTE and it was about 1dB difference in favor of the new One. I would say that the EVO 4G LTE seemed to jump around a bit more while the One held a lot more consistent.


Overall, the One holds onto LTE forever; I am not sure how practical that is at -127dB but no complaints. Seems promising, so far so good.


What frequency bands is the One picking up? Just LTE, or is it picking up UMTS as well?

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So I know I am not comparing apples to apples here but I have two new HTC Ones, an iPhone 5, a Samsung GS3 and a Nexus S 4G.



The HTC is pulling a -99db 3G signal with a wifi signal of -45db.

The Nexus S 4G is pulling -86db 3G with a wifi signal of -67dbm.

The iPhone is pulling an -89db 3G signal (I don't know how to test the wifi strength)


I also did some limited testing over the weekend using the GS3 and found that the GS3 consistently held a 6-10db better 4G LTE signal than the HTC One moving around the local area for an hour or so over the weekend (admittedly a very small sample).


I have also noticed that the Ones seem to struggle to acquire and maintain 4G LTE signals where available. In fact the wimax Nexus S seems to hold 4G better in the Boston market (obviously a different technology).


I am just wondering if anyone else seems to be experiencing similar issues. I have seen more compliments on the HTC RF performance than complaints, so I'm just wondering if I have a lemon....




And this is why I will never buy a phone on launch day again. Stuff like this just worries me. Hopefully someone else can do a comparison like you have between a couple devices.

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So I know I am not comparing apples to apples here but I have two new HTC Ones, an iPhone 5, a Samsung GS3 and a Nexus S 4G.



The HTC is pulling a -99db 3G signal with a wifi signal of -45db.

The Nexus S 4G is pulling -86db 3G with a wifi signal of -67dbm.

The iPhone is pulling an -89db 3G signal (I don't know how to test the wifi strength)


I also did some limited testing over the weekend using the GS3 and found that the GS3 consistently held a 6-10db better 4G LTE signal than the HTC One moving around the local area for an hour or so over the weekend (admittedly a very small sample).


I have also noticed that the Ones seem to struggle to acquire and maintain 4G LTE signals where available. In fact the wimax Nexus S seems to hold 4G better in the Boston market (obviously a different technology).


I am just wondering if anyone else seems to be experiencing similar issues. I have seen more compliments on the HTC RF performance than complaints, so I'm just wondering if I have a lemon....




you really can't compare Wimax to sprint LTE in Boston. Where are you testing in the area? I can share some interesting info.



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