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Has the wait been worth it?

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Up until about the last month it has not been bad. But recently I have been getting more and more frustrated. I don't run many speedtests, but quite often I find web pages failing to load and if I do a speedtest it comes back saying .1 mbps even though my phone claims full 3g. My town never got wimax and still isn't listed as an LTE "coming soon" recipient.


Phone price isn't really an issue, but it also makes me a little mad to see Sprint pricing their Galaxy s4 higher than other carriers. And the $100 off deal to new customers really seems like they don't give a #$*& about their existing customers.


It sucks and I strongly question whether it will be different in the next 12 months.

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Up until about the last month it has not been bad. But recently I have been getting more and more frustrated. I don't run many speedtests, but quite often I find web pages failing to load and if I do a speedtest it comes back saying .1 mbps even though my phone claims full 3g. My town never got wimax and still isn't listed as an LTE "coming soon" recipient.


Phone price isn't really an issue, but it also makes me a little mad to see Sprint pricing their Galaxy s4 higher than other carriers. And the $100 off deal to new customers really seems like they don't give a #$*& about their existing customers.


It sucks and I strongly question whether it will be different in the next 12 months.


Your post is off topic. The topic is about people who are in Network Vision areas that have been upgraded, was the wait for the upgrades worth it. We do not host Sprint complaints. Please refer to our posting guidelines: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/


Your screen name makes you sound like your a troll. If you aren't actually trolling, you may want to consider a screen name change. You can PM me if you want to change your name. I'm not requiring you to change it, but if you keep it people will always assume your trolling if you say something negative.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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General complaints not attached to a specific geographic location are also red flags, IMHO. I've see people troll using general complaints on message boards for years:

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I have wanted to post an answer in this thread for a while. The short answer is yes, it's worth it...but there's so much more to the response and my service area is currently changing daily. It's a very fluid situation when they start rolling out NV upgrades in earnest. The search for LTE is like an Easter egg hunt, but sometimes the tower you found yesterday is off today, or the tower that's been pumping out 0.1-0.6 Mbps one day is connecting only via 1x for a week only to find consistent 1.5-2.0 Mbps 3G for a few weeks, then your seeing a -75 dBm LTE signal blanketing the area for a few days. But the cool part is that you're watching real progress happen before your eyes.


Two months ago, I had good 3G coverage, but terribly slow network speeds almost everywhere I went. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little disillusioned. Here I was in one of the largest metro areas in the country, and I had never had the privilege to see the 4G light up on my phone within 75 miles of my house. I was beginning to wonder the same thing; is this wait going to be worth it?


Suddenly, my 3G service improved dramatically. It literally seemed like overnight. Within a few weeks, I happened upon a 4G signal...and it was less than a mile from my house! Now, one month later, more than 90% of my daily commute is covered in sub -100 dBm LTE with great network speeds. yesterday, the tower in downtown Willow Grove, PA lit up with LTE for the second time ( hopefully for good), and that covers almost every square foot of real estate I travel to & from on a daily basis. Inside Willow Grove Mall, deep in the center? sub -100 dBm LTE service. Inside my supermarket? Same thing. I can count on my phone to provide a legitimate high speed hotspot for my laptop. I can attend a video conference call at my son's little league field so I can be there when the game starts. It is SO worth the wait. 3G or 4G, I have a solid Internet connection that allows me to conduct business seamlessly anywhere I go.


I really could go on & on, but I think I got my point across...NV is bringing a state-of-the-art network to me wherever I need to be so I have more flexibility to balance work & family. I can't give it a better testimonial than that.

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I have wanted to post an answer in this thread for a while. The short answer is yes' date=' it's worth it...but there's so much more to the response and my service area is currently changing daily. It's a very fluid situation when they start rolling out NV upgrades in earnest. The search for LTE is like an Easter egg hunt, but sometimes the tower you found yesterday is off today, or the tower that's been pumping out 0.1-0.6 Mbps one day is connecting only via 1x for a week only to find consistent 1.5-2.0 Mbps 3G for a few weeks, then your seeing a -75 dBm LTE signal blanketing the area for a few days. But the cool part is that you're watching real progress happen before your eyes.


Two months ago, I had good 3G coverage, but terribly slow network speeds almost everywhere I went. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little disillusioned. Here I was in one of the largest metro areas in the country, and I had never had the privilege to see the 4G light up on my phone within 75 miles of my house. I was beginning to wonder the same thing; is this wait going to be worth it?


Suddenly, my 3G service improved dramatically. It literally seemed like overnight. Within a few weeks, I happened upon a 4G signal...and it was less than a mile from my house! Now, one month later, more than 90% of my daily commute is covered in sub -100 dBm LTE with great network speeds. yesterday, the tower in downtown Willow Grove, PA lit up with LTE for the second time ( hopefully for good), and that covers almost every square foot of real estate I travel to & from on a daily basis. Inside Willow Grove Mall, deep in the center? sub -100 dBm LTE service. Inside my supermarket? Same thing. I can count on my phone to provide a legitimate high speed hotspot for my laptop. I can attend a video conference call at my son's little league field so I can be there when the game starts. It is SO worth the wait. 3G or 4G, I have a solid Internet connection that allows me to conduct business seamlessly anywhere I go.


I really could go on & on, but I think I got my point across...NV is bringing a state-of-the-art network to me wherever I need to be so I have more flexibility to balance work & family. I can't give it a better testimonial than that.[/quote']


Very nice post!

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What kind of case do you have on your Note 2? I ask because I recently got a case and noticed that my LTE performance was markedly reduced when I was in Oklahoma. I drove around a site and amazed how bad the range was on the site. I knew that the Note 2 was a solid LTE RF performer.


I checked out the downtilt, and it did not suggest that the range should be as poor as it was. I drove a mile away in a straight shot and lost the signal. I then picked up the EVO LTE I had with me and it was still connected. I then knew something was wrong because the EVO would never have less cover rage than the Note 2. I looked at my Note and remembered I just put on a new case. I took it off and voila, LTE came back. Full range was restored.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


I have an official Samsung case. Not sure the exact name of it. I'll try and use it without the case and see if I notice a difference.


I also have lte all throughout the Kennedy and i90.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


Not really sure what to say. I drive from the northern suburbs to the loop everyday. Depending on traffic I'll take either the edens to the kennedy or the tri-state tollway to the eisenhower and no matter what way I go I will never have lte "all throughout". I'll certainly occasionally have LTE but it comes and goes. Connecting is hit and miss as sometimes I'll map my trip on Sensorly and I can see anywhere from 60% of the points mapped as 4G and other times only 20%. Even still my main post isn't about if I'm connecting to LTE but how the network is performing.


The one thing I do want to investigate a little more is if the issue is with my slingbox as that really does account for the bulk of my usage and what is forming my opinion.

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Now Sprint is being aggressive about advertising LTE in their unlimited commercials.


Sprint been aggressive about unlimited data. The only difference is they now have lte to brag about lol.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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Basically the same as 3g give or take a half hour or so battery time. That's a non factor on the newer 4g phones out due to all in one antennas instead of duel ones.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


I thought the Nexus still had separate LTE and CDMA chipsets? I remember people bitching about its terrible 1X/3G due to a VIA chipset.

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I thought the Nexus still had separate LTE and CDMA chipsets? I remember people bitching about its terrible 1X/3G due to a VIA chipset.


Correct, it does have separate basebands. The CDMA2000 chipset is VIA Telecom, while the LTE chipset is Samsung homebrew.



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I thought the Nexus still had separate LTE and CDMA chipsets? I remember people bitching about its terrible 1X/3G due to a VIA chipset.


Yeah its two in the nexus. The Gnex is the first lte handset by sprint. I said the newer ones like the note 2 and htcone among others.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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I am encouraged when I see speed tests like mellimel's from Chicago at the results from a mostly complete market. Now don't speed test too much, I want the other Chicago folks to keep getting the same sort of speeds. :D

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I am encouraged when I see speed tests like mellimel's from Chicago at the results from a mostly complete market. Now don't speed test too much, I want the other Chicago folks to keep getting the same sort of speeds. :D


Personally, I'm encouraged when I read about the network handoffs working properly and 800mhz voice ;)

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