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Network Vision/LTE - Hawaii Market (including Honolulu, Oahu and all Hawaiian Islands)


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If you truly want faster Internet than 3G and can manage to hold a steady Wimax signal, I'd say sure, go back to the GS2. I used to switch from my Note 2 and GS2 all the time for the same reason. It doesn't cost you to switch phones if it's been activated on the account previously. But now, mainly stick to my Note 2 cause the battery life is a lot better and most places I'm at (work, home, public Wifi, etc) already have Wifi to use. If you're worried about security, setup a VPN... that's what I do.

Sure, it'd be nice to listen to online radio or my online music storage using LTE instead of the car radio, but that's just how things are. Born and raised there, you definitely get used to waiting and waiting. If you can't wait it out, then there are other providers that can satisfy that need for LTE.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4.

The wait begins, i gave up sprint today, ill go back once NV has finished or atleast my co workers start seeing those 800 signals and or LTE

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Yeah Hawaii has a Disney resort minus the rides lol When they made the announcement a few years back I was like cool, but when it only involves a resort of hotels and nothing like the other resorts with attractions and rides on the mainland I was like WTF?


Anyway, Hawaii getting LTE will be a slow and long process, like some have mentioned everything goes through the port in Honolulu and everything is slower than some are used to. It is what it is.



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Cost (shipping of components isn't cheap and usually comes from the mainland... plus, everything has to go through Oahu ports first before heading to any of the neighbor islands, which adds to the time/cost) , (possible) lack of experienced/trained local contractors (just my guess) , & (most definitely) the red tape to get proper permits. As a business, Sprint needs to make sure the markets with the most subscribers are taken cared of first. Maybe Sprint isn't so popular there... A lot of my family and friends there use Verizon/AT&T.

Like I said a few months ago... Hawaii is usually always last to get stores, services and in this case LTE from Sprint. Sure the competition has LTE there, but I'm sure they focused mainly on the mainland first before heading here. At least, quoting Robert, there is Wimax to use in the meantime.

If anyone here was expecting a quick LTE expansion there then well... I'd say history is repeating itself as the Wimax launch was sluggish and it looks to have happened again with LTE. Let's hope the quoted Feb 2014, hopefully sooner, is really when things start happening.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4.

We were one of the first markets with crappy wimax...Why not lte?


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Anybody checked their bill lately?


If you look at the details or breakdown of data usage, mine

actually had data usage listed in the 4GData -- it listed about

187Mb of 4G data.


Is this indication of some work being done on 4G in Honolulu?

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Anybody checked their bill lately?

If you look at the details or breakdown of data usage, mine

actually had data usage listed in the 4GData -- it listed about

187Mb of 4G data.

Is this indication of some work being done on 4G in Honolulu?

That's the weirdest thing I've heard. Have you travelled at all in the last billing cycle?

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Look at the time it take for a permit to get approved and three to four months it take for the install to start, then It will be next winter to spring 2015 for Hawaii to get any work done.  HAWAIIAN TIME to the fullest for C&C workers and Sprint.  Great plan Sprint waiting until you to submit the permits so late. Your execs are not managing the issues correctly. They need to be more pro-active then re-active.

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  • 2 weeks later...


. An inept government full of bureaucracy and a citizenry that is complacent and overly dependent on government. Permitting and planning here started the same time as Hawaii. But we have NV sites In Progress.




Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk

Sorry but they are not similar, NM has only ~50% more population but ~350% of the number of welfare recipients as compared to HI (for SNAP I think the increase is around 250%). Kanaka are not overly dependent on the government, they would be very glad to see it gone. 


Hawai'i has issues relating to the geography (it's just going to be more expensive to do business 2500 miles into the middle of an ocean), abuse of the taxation system (rich mainlanders building on agricultural land to get cheaper tax), under-funding of government agencies and the SMA system. Unfortunately a large amount of money was misspent on follies like the superferry so when the bad years came due to a lack of regulation on wallstreet there wasn't a lot in the pot to tide people over so government services (like permitting) were cut heavily. This combined with the SMA system lead to large wait times. There was also a political influence that saw permit fees not truly reflect the actual cost of processing, ideally the system should be self funding but it was not (although post Lingle this has started to be corrected). 


The SMA system is designed to protect our natural assets, the beauty of the islands. Sadly it is a difficult task, takes time and is often misapplied. I want to rebuild the wall of a loko i'a which has stood for hundreds of years on my land, I pay nearly 100k in permits and two years to get them at least. Yet someone wants to build a new marina and dynamite a reef, no worries. It needs redoing but the problem with any political duopoly is that it is constantly being bodged by one party then the next so it ends up not doing what either party wanted.


So no, complacent or dependent citizens is not the issue and I'm sorry you think so lowly of us. I hope the above explains a little more of where the issue lies and that it is not quite as clear cut as it may seem from far away. I have a great deal of respect for you, in the manner that you conduct yourself and the atmosphere you have created here but dismissing an entire state as lazy welfare recipients is hurtful and inaccurate. 


As to whether HI should be a priority for Sprint, that's their call. I doubt they were taken by surprise that it would take so long for permits to be approved. The local at&t site has been waiting 10 months at least so current data is public knowledge, they would have known. NV is awesome, I cannot wait for it to be rolled out here, but frankly my money is going elsewhere until it is. I have no ill will against Sprint, it's their game to play, but if the message they are sending is we are a low priority then that's something we will take into account when we come to buy. It makes sense on one level that there is a huge degree of competition, so lower margins, and also higher civils costs but if anything with the geography here and Sprints reputation I thought they would have been falling over themselves to do it here and gain market share. Hawai'i is about the 8th highest state for median income, so it isn't exactly like we don't have the money to spend on cell phones, even if bread is $4 a loaf and gas is $5 a gallon. 

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Sorry but they are not similar, NM has only ~50% more population but ~350% of the number of welfare recipients as compared to HI (for SNAP I think the increase is around 250%). Kanaka are not overly dependent on the government, they would be very glad to see it gone. 


Hawai'i has issues relating to the geography (it's just going to be more expensive to do business 2500 miles into the middle of an ocean), abuse of the taxation system (rich mainlanders building on agricultural land to get cheaper tax), under-funding of government agencies and the SMA system. Unfortunately a large amount of money was misspent on follies like the superferry so when the bad years came due to a lack of regulation on wallstreet there wasn't a lot in the pot to tide people over so government services (like permitting) were cut heavily. This combined with the SMA system lead to large wait times. There was also a political influence that saw permit fees not truly reflect the actual cost of processing, ideally the system should be self funding but it was not (although post Lingle this has started to be corrected). 


The SMA system is designed to protect our natural assets, the beauty of the islands. Sadly it is a difficult task, takes time and is often misapplied. I want to rebuild the wall of a loko i'a which has stood for hundreds of years on my land, I pay nearly 100k in permits and two years to get them at least. Yet someone wants to build a new marina and dynamite a reef, no worries. It needs redoing but the problem with any political duopoly is that it is constantly being bodged by one party then the next so it ends up not doing what either party wanted.


So no, complacent or dependent citizens is not the issue and I'm sorry you think so lowly of us. I hope the above explains a little more of where the issue lies and that it is not quite as clear cut as it may seem from far away. I have a great deal of respect for you, in the manner that you conduct yourself and the atmosphere you have created here but dismissing an entire state as lazy welfare recipients is hurtful and inaccurate. 


As to whether HI should be a priority for Sprint, that's their call. I doubt they were taken by surprise that it would take so long for permits to be approved. The local at&t site has been waiting 10 months at least so current data is public knowledge, they would have known. NV is awesome, I cannot wait for it to be rolled out here, but frankly my money is going elsewhere until it is. I have no ill will against Sprint, it's their game to play, but if the message they are sending is we are a low priority then that's something we will take into account when we come to buy. It makes sense on one level that there is a huge degree of competition, so lower margins, and also higher civils costs but if anything with the geography here and Sprints reputation I thought they would have been falling over themselves to do it here and gain market share. Hawai'i is about the 8th highest state for median income, so it isn't exactly like we don't have the money to spend on cell phones, even if bread is $4 a loaf and gas is $5 a gallon. 


I do not think so lowly of Hawaiians.  Only the government they have allowed to govern them.  The same for New Mexicans.



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Must be nice to drive C&C vehicles home each night .  Having the county paid for the gas. Very day I see the same cars on the road going to work.  I see C&C workers sleeping during the day how long is their lunch hour? four hours (Hawaiian Time).  I see applying for a permit the rules have many changes for Oahu.  Is Sprint aware of the changes? 

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Hawai'i has issues relating to the geography (it's just going to be more expensive to do business 2500 miles into the middle of an ocean), abuse of the taxation system (rich mainlanders building on agricultural land to get cheaper tax), under-funding of government agencies and the SMA system. Unfortunately a large amount of money was misspent on follies like the superferry so when the bad years came due to a lack of regulation on wallstreet there wasn't a lot in the pot to tide people over so government services (like permitting) were cut heavily. 

I for one did not think the Superferry was a folly, i think it was very much needed, but then again I see it from the outside.



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I for one did not think the Superferry was a folly, i think it was very much needed, but then again I see it from the outside.




That's a fair comment and I should have been clearer in my comment, sorry. There is a need for more flexible capacity between islands, but attempting to illegally exempt yourself from the environmental impact studies & requirements then just forging ahead anyway, bankrupting a local airline (and massively impact many other businesses who either expanded in Oahu to ship to the outer islands then were over-committed or were in the outer islands and got wiped out by competition from Oahu) and then having to stop having wasted all that money was rather silly :) I don't think many people really disputed there was a need but the manner in which it was attempted was absolutely insane and always doomed to fail but politicians never gamble with their own money right? 


Perhaps we can be overprotective but when your economy is built on tourism and you have before your own eyes evidence of what will happen when it is left unchecked (i.e. expand to the point where it compromises the original reason people go there) then people do want to ensure that changes in the island won't endanger the land, the ocean or the flora \ fauna, if you want to play here it's got to be pono and there is a lot of history and mistrust due to things being anything but pono. Just to put it in perspective imagine what you would feel about a local developer (and the state are not immune to doing this also) who disinterred everyone in your local cemetery then built a supermarket on it? Now imagine that time and time again, you would, at a minimum, not have a high opinion of developers or their friends in government. 

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Must be nice to drive C&C vehicles home each night .  Having the county paid for the gas. Very day I see the same cars on the road going to work.  I see C&C workers sleeping during the day how long is their lunch hour? four hours (Hawaiian Time).  I see applying for a permit the rules have many changes for Oahu.  Is Sprint aware of the changes? 


And they manage to recognize (i.e. get off work) every holiday from St Kermit's Day to Beltane to Makar Sankranti :) I'm just jealous of course ;)

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What is up with the permits review for electrical?  Not reviewed this cycle?  Does that mean sprint needs to resubmit all permits under the new submitting program?  When I googled "Honolulu County Permit electrical "Not reviewed this cycle" it says that you need to submit under the new electrical program.  WHAT IS GOING ON!  That means all the permits are no good.  A lot of them have this under electrical review.  NOW HOW LONG IT GOING TO TAKE TO RESUBMIT THE PERMITS?  WITH THIS NEW PROGRAM.

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That's the weirdest thing I've heard. Have you travelled at all in the last billing cycle?


Sorry, after calling them, it was most likely a glitch in billing.


I was so hoping for a "secret" lte tower in town somewhere.

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What is up with the permits review for electrical?  Not reviewed this cycle?  Does that mean sprint needs to resubmit all permits under the new submitting program?  When I googled "Honolulu County Permit electrical "Not reviewed this cycle" it says that you need to submit under the new electrical program.  WHAT IS GOING ON!  That means all the permits are no good.  A lot of them have this under electrical review.  NOW HOW LONG IT GOING TO TAKE TO RESUBMIT THE PERMITS?  WITH THIS NEW PROGRAM.


Who knows... might even take longer with the Gov't shutdown.

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I'm jealous i see all these Hawaiian Telecom trucks carrying big rolls of fiber but not being used for sprintu

I imagine Sprint will use hitelcom fiber for backhaul as they're using them for t1 currently


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Bumping this thread a little with some absolutely PATHETIC antennas.






This is "my" cell tower. I put that in quotes because it's only kindasorta mine. I live 2.1 miles from this tower, and I have absolutely NO service inside of my house. If I walk out onto the back porch, I'll be lucky to get an empty triangle icon (technically this is very limited 1xRTT and has worked once when I checked my voicemail) for about a minute at a time. And no data. Nothing. And that's not even the worst part - the signal cuts dead about a mile up the road from this tower. No service for the next mile. I assume the reason I get a few bars on my back porch is because my house is at a higher elevation than the surrounding neighborhoods. Nonetheless, this tower is pathetic. I don't understand how such a tall tower has a signal radius of only a mile unless it's being powered by two AA batteries. Basically, it works okay, but only when you're RIGHT NEXT TO IT.


The tower shows up as eHRPD on my S3. I heard somewhere about this meaning that data is being routed through a 4G core, or the tower's "software" is ready for LTE hardware, but I haven't seen a single person working on this tower for years.


And then there's this on the front door of the cell site.






Sprint acquired Nextel in... 2004...


Wow. This hurts my head.


This is in an industrial park with several other towers.




AT&T's two towers are in the foreground, with their LTE equiptment on the bottom right and LTE tower on the far left. The Sprint tower can be seen in the middle, with the Verizon "water tower" in the far back. I watched AT&T's tower on the left (actually, more like repurposed telephone poles) get upgraded over the last month. It was a slow and painful thing for me to watch as the Sprint tower sat there, untouched.




And the behemoth. Years ago this was a green water tower. It is now Verizon's glimmering beacon. I'm sure Verizon doesn't own all of those antennas, but this is marked as their cell site and I'm pretty sure their LTE antennas are the big, fat ones. Their LTE equipment is on the other side of this tower.




Me and my friends hang out in a repurposed apartment in this industrial complex. Friends have Verizon and AT&T. They also have impeccable LTE. and I have impeccable... 3G.


I'm pissed with Sprint right now and ready to move to AT&T. Cheaper than Verizon and they just rolled out island-wide LTE several months ago.


Just a little love from Kauai.


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Bumping this thread a little with some absolutely PATHETIC antennas.


You are under several misperceptions.  That is a now decommissioned Nextel iDEN site.  It is not a Sprint site.  Your Sprint CDMA1X/EV-DO site is somewhere else, possibly the water tower.



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I'm pissed with Sprint right now and ready to move to AT&T. Cheaper than Verizon and they just rolled out island-wide LTE several months ago.


Also, as this is your first post, know that S4GRU does not host complaints.



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You are under several misperceptions. That is a now decommissioned Nextel iDEN site. It is not a Sprint site. Your Sprint CDMA1X/EV-DO site is somewhere else, possibly the water tower.



Wow. I did noy even consider this being an iDEN tower. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Wow. I did noy even consider this being an iDEN tower. Thanks for clearing that up.


From the pics you posted, those are omnidirectional antennas.  CDMA2000 can use omnidirectional antennas on a single sectored site, but not on a multi sectored site.



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