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Network Vision/LTE - Northern & Southern Connecticut Markets (includes all cities)


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I found a couple of the more rural northern CT sites broadcasting LTE.  These sites had microwave dishes on them.  When I saw LTE go live on the site in the middle of the cow field, on top of a big hill in Somers, I figured I would go check a few other sites that I knew had microwave on them, since the one in Somers has 2 microwave dishes the size of a pick up truck.  Sure enough they were now sending LTE too.


I would expect a few more LTE acceptances soon.  Things are moving at a nice pace.  Now, if they would just get the towers in Windsor Locks going, the entire heart of the area north of Hartford will be rocking and rolling.

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I would expect a few more LTE acceptances soon.  Things are moving at a nice pace.  Now, if they would just get the towers in Windsor Locks going, the entire heart of the area north of Hartford will be rocking and rolling.


Yes they are, picked up LTE in Canton where RT 177 meets RT 44 on the way home tonight

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talked to a rep yesterday and the downtown meriden tower on hanover st now has a pending 30 day staus for network vision..lets keep our fingers crossed that it happens as before this happened and then it goes back to pending...also did anyone notice yesterday as well in the area that maybe phone calls sounded unusually clear??? wife called me mid afternoon and the voice quality was phenominal and then after that it was back normal...not complaining but maybe if they were testing HD voice and caught a glimpse of it and maybe someone else experienced this???

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i'm doubtful. got the same message.. its been a while since i posted in this thread, but i've had 4G at my home now for close to a year (New Haven) and there is still crap coverage in many if not all the surrounding cities. no 4G in orange/west haven/milford/etc.. in some parts of orange i can barely get 3G service inside my gym and that's 50 meters from a corp sprint store. i don't get it.. so unless they are flipping some switch that will turn on hundreds of towers to 4G i'm not buying it. 4G network is still crap in most of CT.. and while speeds and latency is much better than 3G, i've never hit a speed test above 8mbit/s download. 2-5mbit/s avg seems to be what i've expereince during this past year i've had 4G. so again, unless they hit some switch for many many towers to suddenly turn on, i think the year will pass by with barely any improvements.


starting to lose hope for Sprint, they are just so behind and slow doing upgrades.. i think by the time they fully deploy 4G half the other networks will be half complete with 5G lol.. not trying to sound like i'm bashing sprint because i've had their service for many years, but it is an embrassment how there is not even 4G coverage near corp sprint stores around here. it must be funny trying to sell a customer a 4G phone and geting them to buy in how good it is when the phone is showing a 3G icon.


follow up to this message..


4G seems to be down now in my home when i've had it for almost a year. basically i now have to force my phone to use 3G because it shows 4G icon but interent isn't working, 4G just sits there with no activity and it's been like this for a week.. almost felt like slamming my S4 to the ground but that will only hurt my pocket, not sprints.


and regarding that sprint txt message about 4G, well it's been a month and still no difference in coverage. maybe they meant end of 2014? i did notice about a week ago i picked up 4G signal at my gym in hamden (near skiff st and stop&shop) but its there one day and 3G the next..


nothing still in miford, from west haven, orange, up past exit 38 in i-95 all 3G still.

if this is how they're progressing in south (when it was the first to be worked on in CT) and a year has gone by since they started this county, i can't imagin when the folks up north will see anything any time soon.. if you're waiting for 4G i'd jump to another ship lol.

Edited by scub
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that is really weird that you have 4g service like that down there...here in the meriden area 4g is working pretty good except the tower near my home..only tower in meriden not upgraded...around town speeds are about 12/15 mbps download up to as high as 25mbps download with 40-80 ms ping...once spring/summer gets here im sure that when we will really see some 4g start lighting up all over the place and spark to start being available by the end of next year.

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The LTE acceptances have been flying lately.  If you arent a sponsor and you live in CT (not just the northern market), now is a great time to make a small donation and see whats really going on.


Anyone find any Band 41 yet?  Student, I am looking at you :D

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i'm noticing now that i'm on cdma 800 a lot latley.  Data speeds are not that bad for no evdo its about .25mbps.  Where i use to roam.  My battery is taking a toll though

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Couldn't find any 41...none by Hartford Hospital, and none by Weston st north of Hartford


Anyone have any sites I could drive by and check?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Couldn't find any 41...none by Hartford Hospital, and none by Weston st north of Hartford


Anyone have any sites I could drive by and check?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Good luck! Haven't picked it up on a G2 and I live in Hartford. Also why does my EVO LTE pick up 800smr almost everywhere in CT while the One and G2 are constantly on 1xrtt? It's as if it was shut off from the 55/56 PRL because the 25/26's pick it up most places sitting next to each other. As a matter of fact I haven't seen 800 smr on my One for about a month so I'm actually shocked the EVO is connecting to it. I guess that's why Student had posted the pics on 800 after I said it seemed it got shut off. The S3 is on the 25*** PRL and at the time I was going by my One's signalcheck app and now I know the LTE is also connecting like a champ on the same PRL. Edited by RayTrue04
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I put digiblurs Prl on my Nexus (what a pain to do) and I've seen a lot of 800,but when it was on stock Prl i rarely saw it.

Some day it's bc the radio performance is better so it holds 1900 & doesn't switch to 800


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I picked up 1x800 today while inside a building on the CCSU campus. My phone kept jumping between that and roaming on Verizon for about an hour until pcs became available again. Unfortunately the only LTE I have been able to pick up in this part of New Britain was from the tower downtown and it is usually unusable.

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Fantastic update tonight.  Check it out when you guys get a chance.


Anyone find Band 41 yet?  Anyone want to send me their Nexus 5 so I can go find it for you?  :P

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