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HTC EVO lte connection issues


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Tryed that edit this evening. Didn't help at all for me. Sat at the soccer field for an hour during my daughter's soccer practice. No LTE on my EVO. Her ip5 was on LTE the whole time.


sent from my LTEVO


Had same experience. Fiancé's ip5 had lte in places my evo has never found a signal. Her iPhone was also able to pick up lte while driving on the highway which my evo never does. I'm in San Antonio and after seeing how often the ip5 picks up lte I am impressed at how far along he NV rollout has progressed.







Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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Had same experience. Fiancé's ip5 had lte in places my evo has never found a signal. Her iPhone was also able to pick up lte while driving on the highway which my evo never does. I'm in San Antonio and after seeing how often the ip5 picks up lte I am impressed at how far along he NV rollout has progressed.







Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


yup, i thought lte was spottty until i got the wife her s3 and the daughter an ip5. it seems like there always on lte while im stuck on 3g all the time.

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That's crazy. I guess here's to hoping HTC continues to address the problem. It's sad really, I love this phone and have always preferred HTC and Sense over everything else. I hope as long as it isn't a hardware issue it can be resolved in future updates.

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That's crazy. I guess here's to hoping HTC continues to address the problem. It's sad really, I love this phone and have always preferred HTC and Sense over everything else. I hope as long as it isn't a hardware issue it can be resolved in future updates.


same here ive owned nothing but HTC since the diamond and touch pro days, but this is quickly leaving a bad taste in my mouth after seeing just how much lte is live around the city and this phone doesnt want to use it.

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same here ive owned nothing but HTC since the diamond and touch pro days, but this is quickly leaving a bad taste in my mouth after seeing just how much lte is live around the city and this phone doesnt want to use it.

Same here as well. Had HTC since my PPC6800.


Maybe JB with LTE fix will be our savior.

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Only way to get it fixed is to stay on Sprint and keep calling and open your tickets. After all this is a service that you pay for, right? It shouldn't be your issue to figure out and fix. If they can't fix your phone then they need to swap it to a phone that works. It shouldn't be night and day difference between phones on LTE.


If they don't have this fixed by they time my area lights up a few towers, I feel sorry for the guys at my Sprint store. ;)

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Only way to get it fixed is to stay on Sprint and keep calling and open your tickets. After all this is a service that you pay for, right? It shouldn't be your issue to figure out and fix. If they can't fix your phone then they need to swap it to a phone that works. It shouldn't be night and day difference between phones on LTE.


If they don't have this fixed by they time my area lights up a few towers, I feel sorry for the guys at my Sprint store. ;)

I'm just hoping it isn't strictly a hardware defect. I mean they haven't had any issues with the Rezound or Incredible 4G LTE to my knowledge.
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Evo 4G LTE's are going for about $300 should you decide to sale it secondhand. Amazon Wireless has the Galaxy S3 upgrade for $149.99. Seems like a no brainer to me. Yelling at Sprint to fix it feels like a waste of energy when their engineers were aware of the LTE radio defect before the device shipped.

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Evo 4G LTE's are going for about $300 should you decide to sale it secondhand. Amazon Wireless has the Galaxy S3 upgrade for $149.99. Seems like a no brainer to me. Yelling at Sprint to fix it feels like a waste of energy when their engineers were aware of the LTE radio defect before the device shipped.


Unless someone purchased the EVO LTE off contract for $650 and has an upgrade credit on their account, this plan is not going to work.


I think it is reasonable to expect Sprint to "fix the issue" with the EVO. Whether it is by software update, or by swapping the phone, the consumer purchased the phone in good faith that it would be able to access the network, and it turns out it is not.


HTC is ultimately responsible, but Sprint shares some blame, since as you stated, the engineers were aware that there were connection issues before it shipped. Sprint could have forced HTC to fix the issue if they refused to accept shipment until the issue was resolved, but then all those off-contract customers could have been lost. Not to mention, everyone would be up in arms about a delay.

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So who's has a S3(or iPhone5) and EVO LTE side by side in a LTE coverage area to post some good pictures and write up an article to make some noise on this website and some tech websites. I think if we can get it on several of the big websites that Sprint and HTC will take notice.

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So who's has a S3(or iPhone5) and EVO LTE side by side in a LTE coverage area to post some good pictures and write up an article to make some noise on this website and some tech websites. I think if we can get it on several of the big websites that Sprint and HTC will take notice.


I am writing articles on it. :tu:


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I might be able to perform some test around metro Atlanta this weekend comparing the two devices. My SGIII from Amazon should be here tomorrow. I'd like to sell the EVO LTE 4G before its aftermarket value tanks.

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I think we'll see alot more complaints once more markets start and the coverage starts to fill in.


If I weren't for this site, I'd probably assume that its not my phone but just the current sparse coverage that was the issue.


Hopefully the issue is resolved before everyone's warranty is up.....regardless of whether it's with a software fix or hardware swap.

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I'll be riding this one out. I got my EVO LTE off contract and upgrade isn't til August 2013. I've always preferred Sense so I probably won't switch to a GS3 and definitely not getting an iPhone 5.


Will be interesting to see the side by side comparisons. I'm still waiting for LTE in my home town so I guess I'll hope the connectivity issues have been resolved by the time I get LTE.

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I been saying this since june, been rocking a gnex and evo and the discrepancy is as obvious as the sun in the sky at noon.

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I been saying this since june, been rocking a gnex and evo and the discrepancy is as obvious as the sun in the sky at noon.


Ditto. Out of the four LTE devices in my FIT testing, the EVO LTE stood out as problematic when it came to LTE connectivity. Even compared to the LG Viper.



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Ditto. Out of the four LTE devices in my FIT testing, the EVO LTE stood out as problematic when it came to LTE connectivity. Even compared to the LG Viper.




Glad you are going to report on it. Hopefully the other tech sites pick up the news and run with the issue and get some spotlights on the issue.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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Meanwhile, would anyone think it would be worthwhile for EVO LTE users to fiddle with the LTE scan timer and BSR max timer settings in the ##3282# menu? I was thinking of trying to band people together on here and XDA to try combinations of settings. We could make it a coordinated effort by assigning people ranges of values to try as they pass by sites known to be active.


For example, I pass by several towers which are known to be transmitting LTE. Starting last night, before I passed near these towers, I tried the following settings to see if my phone would detect LTE on its own:



scan timer    max timer
30            16           (default)
1             16
15            8


Someone on XDA already tried setting his scan timer to 60, so I know to try avoiding that. However, I have no idea what these values represent… does 30 correspond to 1/30th of a second? 30 milliseconds? Is it an exponent? Do the values have to be multiples of each other? Kinda shooting in the dark here.


Of course, if someone here can tell me that this is just a waste of time, I’d very much like to hear it before I make an attempt at this. Even better would be a suggestion for a more effective test setup (e.g., ranges of values to try, different menus, slaughtering of a virgin goat, etc…).

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Meanwhile' date=' would anyone think it would be worthwhile for EVO LTE users to fiddle with the LTE scan timer and BSR max timer settings in the ##3282# menu? I was thinking of trying to band people together on here and XDA to try combinations of settings. We could make it a coordinated effort by assigning people ranges of values to try as they pass by sites known to be active.


For example, I pass by several towers which are known to be transmitting LTE. Starting last night, before I passed near these towers, I tried the following settings to see if my phone would detect LTE on its own:


scan timer max timer

30 16 (default)

1 16

15 8


Someone on XDA already tried setting his scan timer to 60, so I know to try avoiding that. However, I have no idea what these values represent… does 30 correspond to 1/30th of a second? 30 milliseconds? Is it an exponent? Do the values have to be multiples of each other? Kinda shooting in the dark here.


Of course, if someone here can tell me that this is just a waste of time, I’d very much like to hear it before I make an attempt at this. Even better would be a suggestion for a more effective test setup (e.g., ranges of values to try, different menus, slaughtering of a virgin goat, etc…).[/quote']


I didn't notice any differences when I tried changing the settings in our Waco LTE performance testing.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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So we were out on the EZ's patio off of N. New Braunsfels in San Antonio and the ip5 was showing LTE and the EVO was still in 3g. Had brought my old EVO 3d to take a shot of both side by side but I had removed the memory card from the 3D. I got a screen shot from each as a consolation prize.



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So we were out on the EZ's patio off of N. New Braunsfels in San Antonio and the ip5 was showing LTE and the EVO was still in 3g. Had brought my old EVO 3d to take a shot of both side by side but I had removed the memory card from the 3D. I got a screen shot from each as a consolation prize.



Did you try cycling the EVO LTE through airplane mode to see if it would find LTE on a force scan? I do like how the iPhone 5 actually shows LTE signal strength in the indicator.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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I didn't notice any differences when I tried changing the settings in our Waco LTE performance testing.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner


Well shucks. I don't suppose there are any custom radios that have been made for this thing? I might try re-flashing my radio to see if that helps. If not, I've been meaning to do a factory reset (I feel that there's a lot of app remnants that I need to get rid of anyway).


As a side question, why do you delete the poster's name and post link of the post that you quote? I live for that little red notification at the top of the page! :-P

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As a side question' date=' why do you delete the poster's name and post link of the post that you quote? I live for that little red notification at the top of the page! :-P[/quote']


I don't. It must be Forum Runner doing that. I use it a lot when I'm mobile. It works well with voice to text.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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Did you try cycling the EVO LTE through airplane mode to see if it would find LTE on a force scan? I do like how the iPhone 5 actually shows LTE signal strength in the indicator.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

I did! It would grab 4g for a sec and then revert back to 3g. The ip5 went to 3g for a little bit but returned to LTE.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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