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Radio Comparison Article

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OK. We now have a Motorola Photon on the way after a member donated his device to the experiment. So now we have a total of eight devices that will be a part of the 1x/EVDO radio performance article we are working on.


1. Samsung Galaxy S-III


3. LG Viper LTE

4. Galaxy Nexus

5. Samsung Galaxy S-II Epic 4G Touch

6. Motorola Photon



9. Samsung Epic 4G


I will be doing the testing later this week. I'm also going to go to a lightly used WiMax Protection Site for testing the four WiMax devices in a separate article. Additionally, I'm considering a trip to DFW for a LTE reception article later in the month after the network stops being blocked.


I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of work, but it will be interesting to have these results. Tests will be conducted at full signal locations near the tower, mid range locations and edge of cell locations with tests being held and laying flat without being touched.


Stay tuned.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

Edited by S4GRU
Samsung Epic 4G added to the list
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Sounds great. Recording average RSSI, Ec/Io reported on each handset at the each location would be nice also.

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Robert may have to adopt Buddhism in order to manage all of these handset RF tests.





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u may want to test it while holding it since most people use their phone like that but thats just my opinion.


I am testing both, because I would like to identify which devices are more susceptible to being held.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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u may want to test it while holding it since most people use their phone like that but thats just my opinion.

I am testing both, because I would like to identify which devices are more susceptible to bring held.


The device with the highest signal level while being held wins the Fleetwood Mac award.





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...or should it be the 38 Special award?




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I know I'm old compared to you whippersnappers, but I really like Fleetwood Mac. At least you didn't pick Tusk.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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...or should it be the 38 Special award?





How many people are in that band? I saw 2 drummers and 4 guitarists. No wonder they can't afford to cut their hair...


Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner

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In order to get reasonably valid results, I recommend a strict testing protocol:

  • all handsets be set to a single mode (e.g. 1X only or EV-DO only)
  • all handsets be set to the same sampling interval (preferably 5 sec)
  • all handsets be confirmed on the same RF channel and PN offset
  • all readings be taken over a significantly long period (probably 2 min) and averaged


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In order to get reasonably valid results, I recommend a strict testing protocol:

[*]all handsets be set to a single mode (e.g. 1X only or EV-DO only)



But I thought I saw reports that the newer devices have better 3g performance with LTE turned on, due to the new herp-derp system. That ought to count for something, no?



Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2

Edited by djw39
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But I thought I saw reports that the newer devices have better 3g performance with LTE turned on, due to the new herp-derp system. That ought to count for something, no?


Nope. eHRPD is a core network enhancement. It has no effect on the airlink, which remains EV-DO Rev A.



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Being on eHRDP could affect speeds though if traffic is going to a different packet core no? As long as all the phones are tested over eHRDP it should still enable an apples to apples comparison to be made.

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Being on eHRDP could affect speeds though if traffic is going to a different packet core no? As long as all the phones are tested over eHRDP it should still enable an apples to apples comparison to be made.

Yeah that sounds right.
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Being on eHRDP could affect speeds though if traffic is going to a different packet core no? As long as all the phones are tested over eHRDP it should still enable an apples to apples comparison to be made.

Yeah that sounds right.


Guys, these are to be raw RF tests, not speed tests. Many of the handsets likely will not even be activated.



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The purpose of this article is to compare radio performance from the standpoint of signal strength, not so much speeds. I will do speed tests to compare if there is any correlation between decreased signal and speeds, not to try determine if one device is faster than another.


eHRPD is totally irrelevant to this exercise.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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You go playing with all those handsets, and you're likely to catch the eHRPD... be careful


I do not know what happened, but my eHERPIES disappeared for about two days. So, I made the most of it and went around having lots of phone sex. The eHERPIES are back now, though.



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I do not know what happened, but my eHERPIES disappeared for about two days. So, I made the most of it and went around having lots of phone sex. The eHERPIES are back now, though.



I think you can buy a creme for it.

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Being on eHRDP could affect speeds though if traffic is going to a different packet core no? As long as all the phones are tested over eHRDP it should still enable an apples to apples comparison to be made.


if you want apples to apples we need an iPhone in a line up too. To be fair all of us been drinking different flavors of Android Kool Aid, what about some apple juice?

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