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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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I'm glad I'm not the only Sprint nerd here in Jacksonville. I remember when the tower on i95 and Bay Meadows rd came live and I mapped it for the first time. It was like one of the first 10 LTE sites active. It was magnificent! I wouldn't be surprised if the Sensorly data for Sprint was compiled 99% by us. Lol


Sent from my LG-LS980

It's too damn bad Apple won't allow Sensorly to map on the iPhone. I would have joined the party a long time ago.


If the iPhone 6 isn't TriBand and doesn't allow mapping, I'm going to be forced to move back to Android. It's too bad, as I love the Apple ecosystem and ios7 fixed all that I hated about ios.

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While driving on Southside earlier this week I saw a few wide-load trucks delivering what looked like sections of a tower in front of the tall Bank of America building just north of the Avenues Mall. There was also a truck marked as "Datacom" or "Betacom."  Hard to read from the angle I saw it at. There is supposed to be a NV site there so maybe they are adding a mini tower on the roof? Looking at the roof of the building on Google Maps I see there is already equipment in use up there.

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While driving on Southside earlier this week I saw a few wide-load trucks delivering what looked like sections of a tower in front of the tall Bank of America building just north of the Avenues Mall. There was also a truck marked as "Datacom" or "Betacom." Hard to read from the angle I saw it at. There is supposed to be a NV site there so maybe they are adding a mini tower on the roof? Looking at the roof of the building on Google Maps I see there is already equipment in use up there.

Yeah I was in that area this week. I saw a crane up against the building loading some equipment but I dont know whos equipment it was but there are several different carriers equipment on top of that building so hopefully it was sprints equipment I was getting worked on.


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Yeah I was in that area this week. I saw a crane up against the building loading some equipment but I dont know whos equipment it was but there are several different carriers equipment on top of that building so hopefully it was sprints equipment I was getting worked on.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Sprint is on top of that building. But, it's had NV panels installed for the past 2 weeks already. Might be B41 equipment, though.


Sent from my LG-LS980



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It's awesome that the Southside is finally getting some love. I'm getting jealous of Ocala and Gainesville. St Augustine has also been stuck in a rut. There are 4 towers that are 4G only and 3 towers that are 3G only since I started looking at the maps back in August. My LTE is pretty solid here overall, thankfully. I seem to be the only one here actively using Sensorly in St Augustine, though. Most of the sections that aren't mapped are just out in BFE and I am not trying to be a part of The Hills Have Eyes 3 by mapping it out.


I'm just hoping to see a sea of green soon...I'm starting to think the higher ups at Ericsson are Texans fans.

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It's awesome that the Southside is finally getting some love. I'm getting jealous of Ocala and Gainesville. St Augustine has also been stuck in a rut. There are 4 towers that are 4G only and 3 towers that are 3G only since I started looking at the maps back in August. My LTE is pretty solid here overall, thankfully. I seem to be the only one here actively using Sensorly in St Augustine, though. Most of the sections that aren't mapped are just out in BFE and I am not trying to be a part of The Hills Have Eyes 3 by mapping it out.

I'm just hoping to see a sea of green soon...I'm starting to think the higher ups at Ericsson are Texans fans.

My wife and I go to St Augustine allot and I wish that one tower near downtown was upgraded to 4G. Its been 3G NV accepted for a half of year.
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They are going network vision crayz in ocala lately

It's awesome that the Southside is finally getting some love. I'm getting jealous of Ocala and Gainesville. St Augustine has also been stuck in a rut. There are 4 towers that are 4G only and 3 towers that are 3G only since I started looking at the maps back in August. My LTE is pretty solid here overall, thankfully. I seem to be the only one here actively using Sensorly in St Augustine, though. Most of the sections that aren't mapped are just out in BFE and I am not trying to be a part of The Hills Have Eyes 3 by mapping it out.


I'm just hoping to see a sea of green soon...I'm starting to think the higher ups at Ericsson are Texans fans.

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My wife and I go to St Augustine allot and I wish that one tower near downtown was upgraded to 4G. Its been 3G NV accepted for a half of year.

It is annoying and odd that the one tower in all of St Augustine that is the most important to serve the huge influx of tourists is the one main tower that has remained untouched. The tower right next to the historic district is one of the last few that hasn't been upgraded and that tower serves Flagler College, St George Street, the Bayfront, and most of the hotels and B&Bs in the area.

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Man, Sprint LTE and 3G was totally unusable at The Avenues Mall today. Completely useless. It was packed, don't get me wrong, but I should have had a little something. I couldn't even check my email and all iMessages failed and were sent as texts. It was pathetic. 1x was dead as well.

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I ran a couple of speed tests in sensorly at the Town Center this evening. Came out between 6 and 11 Mb/sec.Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Nice. I remember when you couldn't even pull up a coupon in your email at the Town Center. Oh yeah, that was like a week ago. Nice how quickly things can change.

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I left sensorly running all the way back to the beach and didn't drop to 3g until I got inside my house. I almost feel like I live in the 21st century.Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

I hope Jacksonville gets the same attention that Gainesville and Ocala have been getting over the past month. It will only take a few well placed LTE upgrades to fill things out and make service seamless and solid.

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Has anyone here noticed with their nexus 5 that when enabling band 41 and band 26 decrease battery life?


I turned the two bands off and my phone lasted a lot longer with them off then on. I went to the same places and my phone lasted a little longer than when having tri band enabled.


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Has anyone here noticed with their nexus 5 that when enabling band 41 and band 26 decrease battery life?


I turned the two bands off and my phone lasted a lot longer with them off then on. I went to the same places and my phone lasted a little longer than when having tri band enabled.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I did notice my battery life was a bit shorter but I didn't think it was related to that. But it might have been.


Sent from my LG-LS980



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I did notice my battery life was a bit shorter but I didn't think it was related to that. But it might have been.


Sent from my LG-LS980

I believe I read something on this forum where users enabled tri band and by sprint blocking connections to b41 and b26 it was causing battery drain


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I believe I read something on this forum where users enabled tri band and by sprint blocking connections to b41 and b26 it was causing battery drain


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

It shouldn't affect battery that much, since it only scans every so often.  The issue is definitely with the Baseband and it'll be much better for everyone once LG updates their devices to be Spark compatible.  I've been eyeing the RDF page daily so if there's any new internal test builds, you guys will be the first to know.

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I've noticed a bit of battery life decrease as well, but I am currently 28 hours in on my charge with 23‰ remaining, so I'm not too worried. I've even streamed Spotify and did some GPS navigation today. The only time it went down hard was when I was in a client's home on the beach and was stuck on 3G for a few hours. It dropped about 20‰ from that.

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Man, Sprint LTE and 3G was totally unusable at The Avenues Mall today. Completely useless. It was packed, don't get me wrong, but I should have had a little something. I couldn't even check my email and all iMessages failed and were sent as texts. It was pathetic. 1x was dead as well.

I was there today too and I agree it was BAD. So bad, roaming was the only time I had useable data.

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I noticed about two weeks ago when I was at the Avenues Mall, it was next to impossible to pull anything up as well. I was wondering why, too, since the last time I was there, I got my G2 at that Best Buy Mobile in the food court. My wife was able to pull LTE while looking up a coupon in Victoria Secret. When I tried to check my s4gru notifications while there, I couldn't even do that. Maybe it's because of whatever is being upgraded. I hope, because high traffic areas like the mall and stadium are where they need to keep solid service if Sprint wants to convince people to use their network.

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I noticed about two weeks ago when I was at the Avenues Mall, it was next to impossible to pull anything up as well. I was wondering why, too, since the last time I was there, I got my G2 at that Best Buy Mobile in the food court. My wife was able to pull LTE while looking up a coupon in Victoria Secret. When I tried to check my s4gru notifications while there, I couldn't even do that. Maybe it's because of whatever is being upgraded. I hope, because high traffic areas like the mall and stadium are where they need to keep solid service if Sprint wants to convince people to use their network.

When I was there a few times last week I had great LTE the whole time I was in the mall. Yesterday, not so much.

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So I have pretty much traveled a good portion of the state this week.  The network in Tampa and Orlando is phenomenally good.  Hoping for the same for Jax soon.  Can't wait to see all those CDMA 800 sites light up here lol.

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