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HTC One X/Evo LTE Redux, Apple at it again


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Looks like Apple is already trying to stop the Samsung Galaxy S3 and of course they waited till pre-orders went up. Isn't that nice.




So Apple believes it owns the rights to the entire concept of voice control? That is so beyond absurd.



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Funny how Google Voice Actions have been around since Android 2.2 (iirc a year prior to Siri)...and yet Apple decides to attack S Voice now.


It's not like the folks who are buying the GSIII will switch to the iPhone 4S due to the delay. They might grab an HTC One S/X instead but that doesn't help Apple any. The iPhone is in a completely different category than either of the two new monsterphone models, so trying to prevent its existence in the US is just silly in my book. If Apple wants more sales, they should at least put an LTE radio into the iPhone, and maybe upgrade the CPU to an A5X while they're at it...

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WOW! Look at all the devices crApple is trying to ban this time around:



Edit: I think in the article Jerry Hildenbrand said it pretty well:

"This has moved beyond old rich guys fighting each other over what's in our wallets. Apple is determined to keep the American public from having what we want, and instead forcing their offerings on us all. Personal opinions aside, these sort of things are apt to be remembered, and Apple is heading down a very slippery slope."

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WOW! Look at all the devices crApple is trying to ban this time around:



Edit: I think in the article Jerry Hildenbrand said it pretty well:

"This has moved beyond old rich guys fighting each other over what's in our wallets. Apple is determined to keep the American public from having what we want, and instead forcing their offerings on us all. Personal opinions aside, these sort of things are apt to be remembered, and Apple is heading down a very slippery slope."


Another fine editorial rant by Jerry Hildebrand. Kudos to Jerry!



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I remember back in the day it was perfectly legal to reverse engineer something. Now if something copies something else in function regardless if the code isn't the same, ohh noes! we must sue!! What ever happened to competing on the quality of your product. I guess those are the bygone days. Some judge really needs to stop this stupid ridiculous crap.

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I remember back in the day it was perfectly legal to reverse engineer something. Now if something copies something else in function regardless if the code isn't the same, ohh noes! we must sue!! What ever happened to competing on the quality of your product. I guess those are the bygone days. Some judge really needs to stop this stupid ridiculous crap.


So true !!

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I remember back in the day it was perfectly legal to reverse engineer something. Now if something copies something else in function regardless if the code isn't the same, ohh noes! we must sue!! What ever happened to competing on the quality of your product. I guess those are the bygone days. Some judge really needs to stop this stupid ridiculous crap.


It's almost like if Atari had patented baseball, tennis, golf, etc. and no other software company could make those games that perform those same entertainment functions...ever...for the life of the patent. There would have been no Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf or Bases Loaded...and whatever sports you whippersnappers play on game consoles now.


This is absurd. Software is ideas and thoughts. You can't really patent that. If someone rips off the same code and does it exactly the same, that's understandable. But with different OS'es, that's highly unlikely. What ever happened to imitation is the highest form of flattery?


In the long run, these absurd legal grandstandings will likely hurt Apple business. And then they will claim the reason why their sales are down is because people were stealing from them. In reality, it will be because of their business practices.


They just need to keep their attention focused on keeping ahead of the competition. And Apple could do a wonderful job of that. Pushing the bar higher and higher. Leaving the competition in the dust. Let their competitors have their innovations from last year. Because they are already releasing the next new thing.


However, Apple is insecure and greedy. They are afraid they are starting to lose the innovation edge. It's too bad. I want Apple to be an innovator. We all win that way. Sad, sad, sad...



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LOL wow apple is really going at it...well regardless im still pre-ordering mine. They cant stop the inevitable.

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Another article on it.


From that article:


Meanwhile, an Apple spokesperson told CNET in an e-mailed statement today, "It's no coincidence that Samsung's latest products look a lot like the iPhone and iPad, from the shape of the hardware to the user interface and even the packaging, This kind of blatant copying is wrong, and we need to protect Apple's intellectual property when companies steal our ideas."


Yea... It's sooo hard to tell the difference between an iPhone and Galaxy S3. :rolleyes:

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From that article:




Yea... It's sooo hard to tell the difference between an iPhone and Galaxy S3. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I get them mixed up all the time. At a certain point the courts have to see this as frivolous and no longer "defending their intellectual property"

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Yeah, I get them mixed up all the time. At a certain point the courts have to see this as frivolous and no longer "defending their intellectual property"


You have much higher faith in our courts than I do at this point. Although I am not sure if the problem is with the courts or the Patent office or both. I look at some of these patents that have been granted and amazed at how vague some tend to be.

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You have much higher faith in our courts than I do at this point. Although I am not sure if the problem is with the courts or the Patent office or both. I look at some of these patents that have been granted and amazed at how vague some tend to be.


I dont personally believe you should be allowed to patent vague ideas using as yet created technology. Apple is filing a patent these days on every wild idea anyone in the company has. If reform does not occur, apple is going to try to strangle thousands of as yet created products for decades to come. Considering they want to break into the tv market, expect them to fine tune all the features in the internet televisions on the market, come up with one new idea, and file a patent on every miniscule feature or operation. Then? We will have this very same battle on televisions.


Why stop there? Apple should start building houses, cars, etc. File a patent on the shape of the house or the car and litigate anyone else away from being able to do anything remotely similar. Where does it end?

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I dont personally believe you should be allowed to patent vague ideas using as yet created technology. Apple is filing a patent these days on every wild idea anyone in the company has. If reform does not occur, apple is going to try to strangle thousands of as yet created products for decades to come. Considering they want to break into the tv market, expect them to fine tune all the features in the internet televisions on the market, come up with one new idea, and file a patent on every miniscule feature or operation. Then? We will have this very same battle on televisions.


Why stop there? Apple should start building houses, cars, etc. File a patent on the shape of the house or the car and litigate anyone else away from being able to do anything remotely similar. Where does it end?


I heard that they are entering the toilet paper business.


They certainly have enough legal documents from these frivolous lawsuits that really could be put to good use.


Charmin better beef up their legal team. I'm sure Apple is filing a patent for paper based butt cleaning paper right now.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Irony: Samsung bought Vilingo which Siri kind of copied before Apple bought them.


But don't tell the raving Apple fanboys about that.


Apple and Samsung should just cross license patents and get it over with, IMO. Samsung is a large supplier for Apple and I am not sure p***ing off a supplier is such a hot idea.

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I'm surprised Apple hasn't filed an injunction against S4GRU for using the english language that they pioneered exclusively for use with iDevices.

Edited by blkmiles
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Samsung did not buy vlingo, nuance did. Samsung just partnered with them to make s-voice. Also, Siri was originally using nuance technology, and probably still is(apple does license the technology), which is why they act very similarly.


So Siri/vlingo/s-voice are really all the same, just different names.

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I'm surprised Apple hasn't filed an injunction against S4GRU for using the english language that they pioneered exclusively for use with iDevices.




Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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And the lunacy continues.... http://www.theverge....wedge-ultrabook


They've patented the "wedge shape" profile of their macbooks. The macbook was a perfectly square slab ONLY for years while other manufacturers experimented with the wedge shape to manipulate the users perception of size. Apple did not come up with this design. They fine tuned it when technology (and the users willingness to forgo optical drives) allowed it.


I owned a Sony Vaio 15.4 inch laptop from 2005-2009 that was a dead ringer for these mac book airs... (it was stunning and well built). I suppose they intend upon reigning terror on all the computer manufacturers now too?



I don't give a rats arse what the new Iphone looks like or if Siri can wipe my bum and give me a hand job at the same time, I'm not going to own it. I've also taken the Imac off my list of considerations for replacing my aging dinosaur of a desktop. Not going to support a company that's got the world at it doorstep yet salivates over every opportunity it sees to troll and torture its competitors in court.

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And the lunacy continues.... http://www.theverge....wedge-ultrabook


They've patented the "wedge shape" profile of their macbooks. The macbook was a perfectly square slab ONLY for years while other manufacturers experimented with the wedge shape to manipulate the users perception of size. Apple did not come up with this design. They fine tuned it.


I owned a Sony Vaio 15.4 inch laptop from 2005-2009 that was a dead ringer for these mac book airs... (it was stunning and well built). I suppose they intend upon reigning terror on all the computer manufacturers now too?


The ITC has stated that they want companies to slow down on the import bans that keep getting filed for. But it does appear that Apple is still sue happy.


Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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