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Yearly upgrade sticking?....

Sgt. Slaughter

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thread over here has some interesting things going on. Some people that have bought the LTE show an upgrade for 6/1/13...only 1yr away form the recent purchase....some sero-p ppl and some old premier customers using their last premier upgrade on the LTE, but its not consistent cross the board as some sero-p ppl show '14 as next upgarde...

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im thinking this is a glitch in the matrix somehow b/c some have been with sprint over 10yrs there and show '14 upgrade over there....


maybe Duff can look into this for us?...


Duff has not been around for over a month. He was taking a new position with RIM the last I heard.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Duff has not been around for over a month. He was taking a new position with RIM the last I heard.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Well for his sake I hope RIM doesn't go under over time then....as that would really suck.


Stinks we lost a resource but hope for the best for him in the end...

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I bought an E4GT last September on Launch Day. I figured that was my last Premier Upgrade, but the online system says that my line is eligible for upgrade on 9/1/2012. However, there is a disclaimer that the "Program expires July 14, 2012" at the bottom of the page...


Edit in: There is a second disclaimer with "Excludes Sprint Relay, SERO, Sprint Business Advantage Talk 200 plan, and the $34.99 3G and 3G/4G Mobile Hotspot and Tablet plans. Some exceptions apply."


I'm not SERO, but this may impact them.

Edited by jefbal99
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I am ready for upgrade on the 1st of every year

Got my iPhone 4S for Sprint on release day and was ready for upgrade again in January

Now I got the Galaxy Nexus and ready for upgrade January 1, 2013

This is how it has been since opening my Sprint account years ago

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I am ready for upgrade on the 1st of every year

Got my iPhone 4S for Sprint on release day and was ready for upgrade again in January

Now I got the Galaxy Nexus and ready for upgrade January 1, 2013

This is how it has been since opening my Sprint account years ago


Don't look a gift phone in the mouth! :tu:



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