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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Yes. Please limit the bugs this summer. Last summer's incessant rains and mild temps only provided the best possible environment for bugs to breed and thrive in. Here's hoping this winter's multitude of hard freezes only serves to hamper their reproduction!!!
  2. I never got it. Probably because Atlanta is largely done?
  3. I used to be a white girl with flowing, golden locks....at least until they built this NV tower right next to my house. Now I look like this (see photo under screen name). Is there a customer support line for this sort of complaint (press 2 if you've suddenly become a 30 year old black man)? ; o )
  4. Sadly I know that you are correct. Most people really do have thought processes that basic, be it conscious or subconscious. So I totally get your drift.
  5. Yeah when I saw that this morning on CNET I was like "huh?"
  6. That's what I figured - that they now charge a deductible. I knew it had changed, just wasn't sure entirely how. That said, I was grandfathered in, per the geek squad rep who last replaced my cracked phone. But, like I said, that was my third replacement with no deductible. I definitely see why they changed it. As an aside, I did finally purchase a Samsung case for the GS4 upon my last replacement. I haven't had an issue since. Funny how that works, eh? : o )
  7. I purchased mine through Best Buy last spring. It is a $10 per month, $0 deductible. I have had 3 replacements. The screen cracks very easily on the GS4. Much more easily than on my GS2. But I have paid Best Buy precisely $0 for any of the 3 replacements. I just traded in my 3 cracked devices for 3 new (possibly refurbished, I don't know) ones. It was a FAR better option than Sprint's insurance plan which was one more dollar per month and carried a hefty deductible. I do think that Best Buy's plans changed last August and that they may carry a deductible now and you are also now limited to a certain # of replacements from what I understand. Of course to get their plan you would need to have purchased your device through Best Buy.
  8. This is retarded. Kill the Nextel brand and everything associated with it. Find another name for this business customer push!
  9. I assume the two phases refer solely to clear ' s current wimax footprint and not to Sprint ' s total current site count. (?)
  10. Oh sorry. This particular part of Atlanta. Probably due to a little over saturation. In Lexington I get noticeably higher speeds.
  11. And of course the comments are 100% negative. At least on Cnet (regarding the 70 newly announced Sprint LTE cities). I don't get it. I have great 1900 mhz LTE coverage everywhere I live, work, play and travel. Am I the only one? Or are these people posting grammatically incoherent comments just perpetual negative Nancys?
  12. I find nothing at all troll like in his comment whatsoever, either and am frankly confounded as to why it was taken that way. As stated, the market is headed in this direction (thankfully) and I think he was likely wondering if any of Sprint's MVNOs or prepaid brands would let you BYOD. A legitimate and intelligent question from any perspective.
  13. I have to say..Sprint ' s LTE 1900 network is now fairly ubiquitous in all areas I work, live, play and even travel in. Bravo, Sprint!
  14. @Dave - good point. I'll keep it in mind as the 16GB stock becomes available after the holiday.
  15. I know I posted this somewhere else at some point, however, I would love to live in a universe where Sprint offered a fair, one-time upgrade path (perhaps a reasonable fee upon returning the old phone?) from the S4 to the S4T for those of us already rocking band 25 LTE S4s. That would be lovely. But, then again, that would likely only occur in a universe far, far, far, far, far....*breathe*..far, FAR away! Also I've been converted over to the camp of never buying a phone on contract again. The OG S4 was my last contract phone. This seems to be the way the industry is headed. One more thing...I was at my local Sprint store in Buckhead the other day and I whipped out my GS4 next to a Nexus 5 on display. I then opened up the same website on both phones (weather.gov if you're counting) and cranked the brightness all the way up on both phones. I was surprised to see both how dim my GS4 was next to the N5 as well as how yellowed out the whites appeared next to the N5. I had read about such things but had never borne witness to it firsthand. Don't get me wrong - I love my phone. It's just that the N5's superiority in color accuracy caught me off guard and I wanted to share that comparision.
  16. Good, then. Because we all know from the wealth of knowledge available here at s4gru where all the latest accepted towers are located, months before the general public. With that in mind the "launches," regardless of the timing of PR newsblasts, are moot.
  17. Are we really stressing over an "official" announcement differing by 15 (ish) days. I mean, really? What..do you think deployment stopped during that time and just suddenly was all completed overnight for the announcement? LOL....ok..sure.
  18. And they will. Planning for the future is also extremely important, which is precisely what Spark speaks to. It is happening as we speak. Be patient.
  19. Is it not the same Chicago - centric news release embedded toward the last pages of the original sprint spark post?
  20. You missed a city of around 1 million - Louisville, Kentucky. A pretty big miss! Lol ; o )
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