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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Bands 25 and 26 are both now essentially ubiquitous all over the entire metro Atlanta area. There aare - and will always be - key problem areas. But this is RF we're talking about. Nothing is perfect but the Sprint network in Atlanta is strong. My only problem really is my Nexus 5. It seems to have issues sticking with connections and unnecessarily reverting to 3g when strong LTE connections are otherwise available.
  2. My first thought was "oh my God, those Samsung folks are NUTS!!" But then, really, there are a lot of people (like my elderly mother) who could use a relatively inexpensive, yet rather capable, smartphone. And as this would be her first smartphone, we wouldn't want to jump head first into the high end pool, especially when she barely even understands what an "app" is to begin with. For people like her, this could possibly find a niche home.
  3. But why would you want to be on 1x800 if you don't NEED to be? There is no point if the phone is performing fine on 1xRTT.
  4. Anything less would be exceedingly un-AJ like.
  5. well band 26 is also part of Spark and so is band 25. Both are already live in Lexington and surrounding areas. The only part of the trifecta (see what I did there?) missing is band 41. I am not sure if Lexington will be part of the first wave of band 41 coverage (Sprint's much touted first 100 million) or not as they've been fairly vague in specifics on the b41 rollout.
  6. Agreed. They are wearing me out. I can't with them anymore.
  7. So my local tower that beams delicious LTE (band 25 directly at my apartment) was the very last tower inside I-285 to get LTE (of course it was). Once it came online, things were awesome. I didn't really bounce to bands 26 or 41 until I was well out of this tower's reach (because I simply didn't need to). For the past 2 days, however, I notice that when I approach the reach of this tower on my way home from work or being out, I do immediately latch onto band 25. However, within a few minutes (and despite a very strong signal), I am kicked to 3G. Clearly, they must be testing/adding either band 26 and/or band 41 to this tower. I was hoping it was band 41, so I tried disabling it, to see if my connection issues pertaining to this particular tower would clear up. It didn't work. So I then re-enabled 41 and disabled band 26. To my surprise, I did latch onto band 41 about half a mile from my house while grocery shopping at Publix. Seems something went live nearby recently with 41 but it isn't my local tower. Back at my apartment, I'm sitting pretty on band 25 with 26 disabled. So they must be testing band 26 on my home tower but the real surprise in this was the addition of band 41 to a nearby tower that wasn't there two weeks ago. I wonder if it's a clear tower or an NSN installed Sprint NV tower?
  8. Yikes. That blows. I guess I've had days like that. Days when things were going so poorly than anything else negative that came up in my day that would be properly addressed on any other day I simply at that time said "fudge it." Yeah, some days are like that. But I would think that a massive company like Sprint would have checks and balances in place to ensure things like that didn't happen at all or, at best, were kept to a rare minimum.
  9. Wow. That's crazy. No new permits at all? Now I'm really curious. Maybe Robert could chime in with any ideas? At this stage in the game work should be generally wrapping up across the board, at least as far as NV 1.0 goes.....so I guess now isn't exactly the time to tell you that for the first time 2 days ago I'm fairly certain I connected to a Sprint NV 2.0 b41 site? It was nowhere near any live old clear LTE converted site. I need to document it better which I think I'll try and do today.
  10. I just want us as consumers to be careful not to be too caught up in whatever new trinkets and gadgets company X is selling us - even if it is our favorite company (it is mine). To be clear, the drive to constantly sell more than the previous quarter and the previous fiscal year will never go away and so new categories of devices are often developed to help the company fill those perceived needs/sales goals. It's just that it isn't necessarily our duty to help them achieve those goals, especially if the new gadget doesn't truly serve a purpose already fulfilled elsewhere. Consumer caution here, I think, is the takeaway.
  11. Thanks for the informative reply and non judgment of my not being aware. As closely as I follow these forums, I simply can't be everywhere, all the time (meaning it's very easy to miss seemingly obvious items at times). That's all very good news. My experience in Atlanta with Sprint was already approaching excellent and this will only make it that much better. Such a turnaround from 2 and one-half short years ago when my galaxy S2 on wimax was just shy of being a paperweight. Or an air to air missile, depending on my mood at the time. And, yes, I finally see why everyone praises the Nexus 5 so much. Go Google, go LG and go Sprint!
  12. Well then I obviously missed it or I wouldn't have asked. We all just got 4.4.3 (and me in the very final hours of the final day of the rollout) so I was very confused and a little excited. Darn. Oh well. Bug fixes are definitely important, too.
  13. What is 4.4.4? I just posted this in the Google I/O thread.. WHOA...while I was out for a long, sweltering job beneath the angry Georgia sun, my phone apparently downloaded Android 4.4.4?? WTF is that? It's installing now. Anyone else get this?? Confused in Atlanta, JG
  14. I am a news junkie and am ALWAYS on my phone. Yes, I'm THAT guy! I admit it. So I know that the wearable concept may not work for me as I have a seemingly deep seated need to have my face buried and fully immersed in my phone at all times. Ah..I might need therapy for this. LOL. But I do really want a fitness tracker. Fitness is huge for me, not just because I'm now in my early thirties but because I have enjoyed being physically fit for nearly all of my adult life after a childhood of more weight fluctuations than Oprah Winfrey. It's a huge part of my life and being able to track it more closely would be a big plus for me. So I'm definitely interested in any smartwatch with built in fitness monitoring..like the Gear Fit. That thing is gorgeous as well. I'll try them all out once they have physical demos in all the usual suspect stores as I like to keep an open mind to any and all new tech. Ya never know...I just might fall in love with a new product category : o )
  15. Thanks for the reply. I considered the work thing. And I can see the validity in that statement. However, in a social setting, going from the guy who's always on his phone to the guy who's always on his (watch??) seems to be a wash. I guess usage cases will become more clear in time as more and more people presumably begin sporting them. But my other qualm in all of this? If you're just going to give me notifications........don't expect me to pay $300. I mean, that's completely absurd and more than the phone costs to begin with (well, almost. I have a Nexus 5 so we're talking $350 but you get my drift).
  16. lol. cheers for honesty!
  17. Honestly could some of you humor me as to why anyone would want a smartwatch in the first place? I just don't get it. The Moto 360 is a good looking device to me but it would be fine if it were a simple analog watch. But the trouble for me is that I don't even wear watches because my smartphone has replaced that functionality completely. It's all about simplification. Why would I want to duplicate my smartphone's functionality on my wrist on a wearable device that my smartphone replaced years ago? Seems bizarre to me. I'm not poking fun it at it (well, maybe just a tad) but I really and truly would like to know from some of you guys your reasons for wanting one and how they might make your/my life easier. Is pulling out your phone to check notifications now considered to be too difficult?
  18. So much streaming nerd porn....*drools
  19. Are you referring to the 8T8R field tests that Sarah mentioned in her article? Those actually wrapped up longer ago than she alluded to as installs are already occuring in cities other than Chicago. I don't think I can say anymore outside of a premier sponsor area. ; o )
  20. Are those issues only on old Clear equipment conversions or do the band 41 ecsfb issues also affect Sprint NV 2.0 installs? Just wondering if I have something else to "look forward" to or not. LOL
  21. YES but only if the following two conditions are met: 1. Filthy mud wrestling MUST be involved. 2. This must take place at Sarah Palin's house. That way the Russians can watch, too.
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