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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. I think Sprint it is still 2 years out from getting the praise that you desire from the tech blogs in many markets (not just 1). Truth is that Sprint's density needs to improve dramatically because there are still a lot of gaping holes for where data coverage and voice coverage is abysmal (partially because 800 MHz CDMA/LTE cannot be deployed in So Cal yet) and that is what the goal of NGN is to help fulfill those gaps. Sprint's sacrifice of the 600 MHz auction better be worth it to skip out on that. Hopefully in Q4 when Clearwire Wimax network finally gets shut down on 11/6 that the 2nd B41 LTE carrier will be refarmed and up and running quickly within the next 2 months to provide more LTE capacity on Clearwire sites. Tmobile gets the praise because their cell site density in urban markets is very good. I have just started a Samsung test drive device on Tmobile and so far I am impressed. They have very fast data speeds and I seem to get LTE data coverage everywhere outdoors. Haven't had a chance to test indoor coverage so I can't attest to that yet. In fact I have been able to get B12 LTE in So Cal which I can't I say I have had low band on B26 on Sprint due to SB county lagging.
  2. I would hope that if Sprint were serious about engaging to buy USCC (assuming Carson family is willing to sell) that they would be smart enough to offer the spectrum swaps as a contingency on the deal to the DOJ and regulators. Sprint does not need any Cellular, 700 A/B/C or AWS-1 spectrum. Like I said in my last post, I would hope that it can be swapped with the other major carriers for more PCS spectrum which is better than cash. Sprint's part of the deal from USCC would only consist of its PCS spectrum and its customers. Why would JL be crying to DC? Tmo claims they have the most spectrum per customer so that is blasphemous and not to mention that they will obtain even more spectrum at the 600 MHz auction. They would just be shooting themselves in the foot here and lose the opportunity to obtain the low band 700 A blocks in the midwest that they wouldn't have be able to obtain otherwise if USCC was in charge or the AWS-1 spectrum. If Sprint made no concession offers that would be one thing but that would just be silly for JL or any of the other major carriers if they were going to have a part of it in this too.
  3. Wait so Sprint released ZVH even though there is a ZVI build in the works?
  4. So you are saying the OJ6 update improved the LTE signal better than OI6? Is the "battery usage optimization" feature observed in the latest update according to the patch notes?
  5. Now to think of it, I think it would be great if Sprint made a bid for USCC. USCC has spectrum assets in various frequency classes and I think Sprint can definitely make use of the PCS spectrum. With the Cellular, 700 A, B and C (Lower), AWS spectrum, Sprint can use that spectrum as trade bait to Verizon, Tmobile and AT&T to acquire more PCS spectrum to expand some markets to 20x20. Tmobile would be interested in the 700 A block, AT&T the 700 B and C (Lower) blocks, AT&T/Verizon the Cellular block and finally Verizon/Tmobile/AT&T interested in the AWS-1 spectrum.
  6. I am sure that all carriers can mutually benefit with a spectrum swap but both parties have to be very creative. The goal for all carriers is to acquire large contiguous blocks of spectrum to deploy the fat 20 MHz LTE carriers so there are definitely areas that require attention in all markets. It will be interesting to see if this ever happens. In terms of the 3 other carriers willing to sell PCS spectrum to raise money for 600 MHz auction, I just don't see it happening. All it would really take is for Sprint to buy the neighboring D, E, F 5x5 MHz blocks in those markets to be able to deploy 20x20 channels.
  7. I would like to know what is going on with the injunction because I really want to see Wimax dead forever on Nov 6th. Sprint needs to launch that 2nd B41 carrier in all markets and NV sites that carried Wimax.
  8. Chicago is a perfect example of how Tmobile should aim to build for 10x10 of 600 MHz and pressure Laser, Inc to sell Tmobile the 700 MHz license at a cheaper rate.
  9. Ok that makes sense. Lets hope Sprint makes it happen. I would love to see all carriers swap spectrum to make it as much efficient as possible for all parties to deploy wide channels. I guess a good example would be if a Sprint market owns all of the PCS A block and if they can swap and acquire the neighboring PCS D block, Sprint could then combine the two blocks and make it a 20x20 LTE carrier. And that would also go for blocks B and E OR blocks F and C.
  10. I wonder which carriers would be interested in swapping PCS with Sprint. I don't know what sort of offer Sprint could make to entice the carriers to entertain this time of deal. I assume Sprint would be most interested in acquiring more PCS spectrum to form 20x20 carriers in the largest metro markets which would desperately need it. If Sprint had some AWS spectrum they could dangle that for trade but sadly they do not. Unless another carrier is interested in some 2.5 GHz spectrum or only wants cash, I just don't see this happening. The reason why AT&T, VZW and Tmobile are successful in making these spectrum swap deals is because they have 2 types of mid band spectrum (PCS and AWS) that they could play Tetris to form larger channels and would benefit both companies.
  11. As much as I want simultaneous data and voice on LTE, there is no way in hell I am confident enough for Sprint to switch over to that yet. There are way too many 3G only areas in the market which I would lose reception which is not worth it. Sprint's network needs massive densification because its just too spotty for LTE.
  12. Is the voice quality on VoLTE that much better than 1x Advanced? I think the major reason Sprint customers want VoLTE so badly is for the need for SVLTE. I guess the second benefit is the hopes that Sprint will shut down most of its CDMA and EVDO carriers and refarm that spectrum to LTE.
  13. I think Sprint offering 5 Mbps LTE and cap off at 15 GB is plenty good enough. These guys pay a cheap $10/month for service so its not like they are contributing much to Sprint's bottom line.
  14. Will be done soon according to Legere in the Q3 2015 CC with an agreement in principle with AB License CO to acquire all those markets. Exciting news indeed. Hopefully Continuum and Cavalier are next.
  15. I CLEARly see what you did there .
  16. I get the same experience on my Note 5 where even my LG G2 which was a pretty good RF performer 2 years ago could not get LTE in areas which my Note 5 can even though the FCC docs say otherwise about Note 5 RF performance.
  17. Good to hear that Sprint is beginning to refarm every single market to add a second B25 LTE carrier. That should at least help at least improve the gap for areas that still do not have much B41 LTE.
  18. Yeah i saw the post about a second B25 LTE carrier in San Diego which probably gave me the idea that Sprint might be trying to refarm So Cal to add capacity.
  19. I can't wait to hear the user experiences of Nexus 6P on Sprint once people have had some time to test it on their network.
  20. Well the problem I see with Open World is that it is still very limited. The free 1 GB of data offer is only good in North and South America and none of the Europe and Asian countries can take advantage of it unless you pay $30/GB from the start. For international travelers this is an issue. Perhaps if Open World someday allows the free 1 GB data in all countries I am sure people including myself would consider Open World a more viable option than Global Roaming. The poll seems a bit misleading since it assumes the 1 GB of high speed data is available worldwide when it is not.
  21. Does Sprint have any plans to refarm a second B25 LTE carrier any time soon in LA Metro and OC county?
  22. Just so you understand that the "NO" above is due to not a technological thing but rather a spectrum limitation in the 800 MHz band. The 800 MHz ESMR band that Sprint owns is only a 7x7 block (817-824 MHz, 862-869 MHz). Sprint's plan for 800 MHz is to run a 5x5 MHz LTE block (where ever available, if not available a 3x3 MHz LTE block will be used) and a single CDMA carrier (1.25x1.25 MHz). Therefore its not physically able to run a 10x10 block.
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