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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. What RAM issues can you have on the S6? It has 3 GB RAM which should be plenty sufficient for even the hardcore needs.
  2. Awesome I definitely need to check out all those markets when I get a 2xCA device since I am there most often.
  3. BOOOO that sucks.. I assume the GS line doesn't do it either?
  4. How do you find the RDF page for the Galaxy Note 5 on the Sprint website? I know for the LG G2 it was this but how do I modify the URL for the Note 5. All I know is that the model number is the SM-N920P. http://device.sprintpcs.com/LG/LS980-SPRINT/latest
  5. Dude after looking at the microUSB 3.0 port I was pretty much not happy with the way USB was heading with that super ugly port as well as how much bigger real estate it was going to take on devices. Not to mention as an engineer I felt like limiting the USB port to 9 pins was not going to be sustainable for future growth. Now with USB Type-C with 24 pins in the port with 4 pins dedicated for providing power, and 8 pins for data transfer it is definitely setup for future enhancements. Not to mention one of the main features of the Type-C port is that like the Lightning port it is reversible and not just have to go in one direction like USB 1.0-3.0 and the size of the port is so much smaller which means it can fit into smaller devices. Yes its going to be some growing pains on your wallet but eventually we all have to adapt for the better but honestly how many cables do you need at this point? Once USB Type-C becomes more mainstream the economies of scale for the cost of the cables will go down.
  6. It sounds like SignalCheck Pro already displays all available EARFCNs the phone is connected to a tower so to me that is sufficient enough to indicate that you are connected via 2xCA? Is this correct? I just wasn't sure if SignalCheck only displayed the PCC carrier EARFCN and not the SCC carrier EARFCN. SCP does not display EARFCNs EDIT: Updated some info based on responses below.
  7. What about CDMA calling and B25 and B26 LTE performance compared to the LG G4? It sounds like B41 performance on the Note 5 seems to be pretty good.
  8. What price did you expect for the Nexus 6P?
  9. Hi Mike. I was wondering with the new Sprint phones containing 2xCA capabilities, is there a way to extract the information where you can indicate if you are currently connected to 2xCA B41 LTE? I think that would be a great addition to the app in your next version if it is possible.
  10. Hey Note 5 owners. Need some help here since I am debating between a few handsets (Nexus 6P, GS6, Note 5) for my upgrade coming up. I was looking at The Wall article that talked about the Note 5 RF performance specs and I want to know despite the lower FCC numbers quoted in the article, is the RF performance in the real world better than expected, as expected or worse than expected especially compared to the Note 4? Also I am curious how the battery life is despite the smaller battery compared to the Note 4? TIA for the advice provided.
  11. You would hope so. We won't until sometime early 2016 to see if progress has been made. So far in LA there are a ton of gaps which need to be filled with new Macro sites.
  12. Here we go . Sprint is raising prices on its single line unlimited data plans from $60/month to $70/month beginning 10/16. The question is are current customers under the $60 plan going to be affected or is it only for new customers signing up after 10/16. I guess this increase in price is to help fund the NGN project. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-raise-price-unlimited-data-plan-60month-70month-starting-oct-16/2015-09-30
  13. Is anyone surprised that the Nexus 5X and 6P preorders have not gone OOS yet? I would have thought the preorders would be sold out by now for at least the base models for all colors.
  14. Curious for those that had the Nexus 5 or Nexus 6. Since the Nexus units do not have the dialer codes like Sprint branded phones do, is there a way to configure your band priorities (##3282#) and check the LTE engineering settings (##33284#) on a Nexus phone?
  15. It doesn't seem like Google is going to sell the Nexus phones in stores within the US where you can demo the unit (another reason why only the Play Store only option sucks). I believe Best Buy usually has a Google dedicated booth which they can showcase their products so hopefully the Nexus 5X and 6P are available for demo there even though you won't be able to buy it.
  16. The understanding is that the higher the numbers, the better the RF performance. Remember that these FCC tests are done in a controlled setting so the articles have a disclaimer saying that it can vary on real world performance. We do not know what the setting that was used to test this but perhaps digging deeper in the FCC docs can give hints but ehhh I don't really think its worth that effort.
  17. What about the 6P? I believe it has dual speakers.
  18. Based on The Wall articles The 5X radio performance B25: 25 dB B26: 23 dB B41: 19 dB The 6P radio performance B25: 22 dB B26: 19 dB B41: 22 dB I guess it just depends on which LTE band you value most. In my situation I think B41 performance is more important because that band provides the best speeds and B26 is non existent currently in So Cal so it doesn't matter to me. In terms of B25, I am hoping real world performance doesn't make too much of a difference between the 2 phones.
  19. I don't think you get it. If the other major 3 carriers are signaling that they arne't going to participate then the broadcasters have less incentive to want to give up their spectrum. So without broadcasters participating in the auction or not enough of them wanting to participate since they believe they wont' get adequate funds for their spectrum, how can you have an auction when you have a low broadcaster participation? The FCC cannot force the auction to continue unless the broadcasters cooperate and voluntarily give up their spectrum. You are assuming that the broadcasters are going to ignore everything and continue to press forward without factoring any news which may change their position. With a reverse and then forward auction you need to first have a successful reverse auction before you can hold a forward auction. The argument has nothing to do with whether the FCC wanting the smaller carriers to have low band spectrum for competition. To be honest the FCC actually wants to see competing prices because it only drives the price up and they get more funds to fund FirstNet.
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