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Everything posted by legion125

  1. Always good to have a throw down phone for those just in case moments. I'm waiting for VoLTE to become prominent. Phone prices should be cheaper and with SIM cards you can switch according to your needs like a GSM phone. CDMA is easy to switch if you have a phone or a computer to contact Sprint, but GSM is easier .
  2. That and the one with the girl and the data counter were one of the best the old agency put out in a while. The original "Now" commercial with all the data facts about the network was classic.
  3. The reason we came to Sprint and left AT&T was because my wife had to go outside to make a call while folks with Verizon & Sprint sat at their desks. The coverage maps of AT&t and T-Mobile are mirror images in my area so that left out GSM for us and on to Sprint for the better value (at least in those days).
  4. Is this the one with the floating icons in NYC? If so, I think that was the last one done by the old agency, or maybe i missed the new one.
  5. Can the Evo Shift handle ICS? I thought the limited memory on the phone would be an issue. I'm pretty sure the processor could handle the work.
  6. I'm sure Sprint has been watching and taking notes. We can only hope most of the bugs are ironed out before its LTE market goes live. The good thing about Verizon is that it stays on top of things so solutions should have already been worked out.
  7. Agree, with the Embarq's land line resources Sprint would be in a much stronger strategic position and would have more options both operationally and financially.
  8. Sprint is my favorite carrier out of the four. Can't beat their voice coverage and I've been content with my 3G data speeds. I made the choice to stick them out until NV is complete before i make any further decisions. T-Mobile has me intrigued occasionally, but I can't get past the "swiss cheese" coverage in my area.
  9. I've signed up for the Google, Samsung and Sprint notification for the GNex for release information. I can only hope one of them works.
  10. Wow! Look how much Sprint coverage was lost when it lost the roaming agreement up north. If I remember correctly that was an Alltel market that was converted to AT&T after Verizon bought Alltel out. Is that area going to be worked on under NV or is Sprint going to abandon the upper mid-west
  11. Thanks, I'm getting tired of waiting for the stock ROM. i feel like both Google, Samsung and Sprint (in that order) has given me the finger and I'll never get it waiting for them. Anyone have a review on the NS4G? I was wondering if it was still in Beta build and if its stable. I'm sure coming from Cyanogen it is.
  12. I'm sticking with Sprint at least until 2014 when contracts are done and NV should be complete. Right now I get good 3G coverage in my area with some bldg penetrations issues at work sometimes. I don't have WiMax where I live and I can't use it at work since it won't work in my office so WiMax has become a non-issue for me. I use Wi-Fi @ home. If I can't get usable LTE at home and work once NV is complete then it may be time to move on. With Sprints new pricing (i.e. removal of discounts and incentives), we all have to do our due diligence and check out the competition. The only thing that may make me hesitant is giving up AMAT, free Pick 3 on all lines and free N/W @ 5. Oh, I'm not a huge data hog so unlimited while nice won't be a huge retention factor. P.S. If each carrier had the same price point, would you still be with Sprint?
  13. Our Pre has rareley had any issues, very stable but slow. Never had the hardware to take advantage of the software. My wife loves the multi-tasking and except for the lack of apps would keep it forever if it ran faster. She's waiting for another phone to fall in love with before she let's it go. Hopefully the GSlll?
  14. Good to know. I always thought each step had to be added as a layer to the other or concurrently. Didn't know you could add DO Advance to Rev A.
  15. The god's eye view was what I liked about it. Gave an omniscient perspective. What are my minions doing? HAHAHAHAHA!
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