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Everything posted by legion125

  1. Here's a complementry article that shows Sprint chasing after the M2M business. Its creating a new unit called New Ventures. Sprint is trying to create a partnership with other business instead of just a connection as AT&T and Verizon provides. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57394540-94/sprint-wants-all-your-wireless-connections-from-phones-to-dog-collars/?tag=cnetRiver
  2. Good revenue stream without using a lot of resources. I read where all the carriers have been sniffing around about exploiting this further. Looks like Sprint has made some good inroads with this.
  3. Like selling ice to an Eskimo.
  4. If it does, then it won't have a quad-core and I think that is what most Sprintsters were hoping for.
  5. That's what I thought. Everyone rolling out or promising quad-core's, but they won't be ready until 3rd or 4th quarter. Staring to sound like Blackberry.
  6. Agreed. Even if NV is a resounding success, Sprint's fundamentals are still screwy and investors hate that. Too much LT debt, saddled with new debt being issued and refinanced. Clearwire sitting on the edge of the abyss and everyone knows no matter what Sprints goals or financials are; they are Clear's lifeline. Uncertainty with Hesse and the board and did I mention debt? Sprint may back away from the edge in a year or so, but I would guess a couple years minimum before you see any worthwhile stock appreciation.
  7. I certainly agree Sprint needs the revenue, but I feel better now that some of you who know more about this don't think it will be a big issue (at least not yet).
  8. If anyone has any hard information on when these quad-core chips are done with testing/development for LTE and will hit the market, that will be an indicator when a lot of these new devices will hit the market. From what I've read, late summer is in the ball park although June/July may work as well but I'm not too hopeful on that prediction.
  9. The open(ness) door is slowly closing. I guess someone got Larry Page a copy of Apple's playbook. Delivered in a brown paper wrapper of course.
  10. True, if a workable, fair bucket plan for data is developed by the carriers for use with any and all devices, you could see a change in market conditions that will support carrier branded tablets.
  11. Curious? I never understood why the Phoenix is left to flutter in the wind with as big of a market it is, and with it being a Clearwire test bed.
  12. Eventually Sprint will have to refarm it's spectrum once NV is complete and the push for VoLTE begins in earnest. This should help Sprint in the long run since they won't have diffent technologies all competing for spectrum. Give Verizon credit, they will soak you for every dime you have but you can't complain about the direction its going with it's network. Very good strategic planning goes on at Big Red. I'm also waiting to see how the Clearwire saga turns out and perhaps we'll have a DISH sideshow to watch as well. Could be entertaining.
  13. Although post on the wall about Grand Rapids & western MI being slated for NV for the second round, it looks like Sprint has made some 3G improvements for the Detroit area. There were a lot of complaints coming from the metro area about poor service. Now it looks like things will be improving on the 3G side. Anybody see a difference? http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2202
  14. What do you think? Sprint already has been talking about capacity crunch in the next several years. Will this just accelerate the issue? http://www.fiercewir...city/2012-03-08
  15. It makes sense, the smart phone market is reaching maturity, so with the failure of the other OS's:webOS, Meego,Bada (Maybe BB10 after this fall) and Windows gaining traction but not much, most consumers are picking Android or Apple due to lack (In my opinion) visibility in the market. The Big Two are cannibalizing from the others.
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