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Everything posted by legion125

  1. Your right, sounds more like a Fisher Price toy. I'm hoping Google's marketing team comes up with a better name for the tablet.
  2. Capitalism with a dash national pride @ its best.
  3. Other articles have stated that Samsung wants a big build up before the Olympics start in July. So figure the release date to be in the June/July realm.
  4. Google has been vexing the last 3-5 months with their attitude about supporting the Nexus line and how they approach privacy issues, to seemingly letting Google Wallet/Music and other subsystems just sink without doing anything publicly to support them. Their laissez faire attitude toward business makes my head hurt.
  5. I'm hoping that all the rumors start to coalesce and we get an announce and launch date soon. That will help every one make a decision.
  6. I agree, Clear is a fail in my area, so I don't even use WiMax. Can't get it at home and doesn't penetrate my office, but Clear gets my $10 every month. I'm not the exception either from reading the forums for the past year. So except for using Wi-Fi at home, I'm on the EVDO network for data everywhere else.
  7. Too bad the Nuggets suck or they could've starred in that commercial.
  8. Here's an editorial that discusses how the iPhone subsidy is squeezing carrier margins. Also a mention of how many iPhone Sprint sold and where the subs came from. http://www.fiercewir...lows/2012-03-05
  9. It does have a different look and feel to it, but it didn't grab me. However, it's their first attempt, so I'll reserve judgement until I see some more.
  10. Good idea. Since LTE requires a SIM card, it could work on VM and Boost if Sprint would allow it due to the establishe spectrum on the chip sets. This would certainly give consumers a lot more versatility, but I don't think Sprint would go for it. However with VoLTE is certainly gives it a better possibility if a chip can be designed to support all the varying LTE frequencies all the carriers will be utilizing.
  11. Perhaps the cluster concept has something to do with that strategy and/or trying it to work the bugs out. Interesting concept. Is Ericsson and A/L doing it that way? Or is it a Samsung venture?
  12. I think Nokia is the only one so far that would be widely accepted. There has been a pent up demand for that brand since it pulled out of the U.S. years ago. (Although they never really made a CDMA phone, but preferred to contract that out) the only other established players (Sony, Dell) haven't done anything for a while, LG maybe?. The new guy's (ZTE, Huawei, etc) still have dues to pay and are taking the HTC route by building entry-level phones and making phones for the T-Mobile brand name series.
  13. Good map. I speculated that due to the wide areas Samsung was responsible for in the west, they would hit the bigger metropolitan areas first and work its way outward along the interstates to get to the smaller markets. I'm sure this is how it was done in the past as well. This just confirms my theory .
  14. Since it and most of the west are in Samsung's sphere of influence, I would expect it will hit the major metropolitan areas first and spread along the interstates while working its way to the smaller markets. I think it's the most logical way to do it with the wide spaces its responsible for.
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