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Everything posted by legion125

  1. Here's a good article that came out today about this very issue. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/npd-carriers-are-misfiring-tablets-heres-what-they-can-do-fix-it/2012-03-08
  2. There's still a market for feature phones which I think will soon replace the standard dumb phone as the ultimate low end device.
  3. Apple did it again in my opinion. This was just a refreshed iPad 2 like the iPhone 4S. Except for some quality enhancements, nothing really innovative, but the "Apple magic" worked as always and it will sell like hotcakes. Agree, it should have been called the iPad S.
  4. I agree. This would be a strategic decision since the iPhone is more popular overall. I think Sprint wants/needs an LTE iPhone and wants or promised to get enough LTE markets up by this fall so Apple will be convinced to include Sprint in the rollout. Since LTE wasn't ready, I don't believe Apple would invest the resources into an LTE iPad. Check me if I'm wrong, but Wi-Fi only tablets are still the biggest sellers. 3G/4G models supported by carriers haven't been knocking any doors down in sales. My guess it's because you have to pay for an extra plan that no one wants to buy. I think if the bucket plans like AT&T and Verizon are contemplating, if done right may help out.
  5. We should come up with an award for the "First Flamer" this site gets and then banish him/her as an example to others.
  6. I think a lot of hopes will be riding on a Sprint LTE iPhone. I can only shudder to think what will happen if a non-LTE version rolls out this fall.
  7. If some of the rumors are still true, a hosting agreement with either Sprint or T-Mobile would be huge for either, preferably Sprint which would help make up for the LS2 loss.
  8. Doesn't look like this will affect Sprint directly. Perhaps indirectly if the employees Sprint handed over to Ericcson are in the bottom 10%.
  9. Ergan is a shrewd player. He may sit pat or he could be up to something. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analysts-dish-may-be-bluffing-about-lte-advanced-network-buildout/2012-03-07
  10. The site is starting to make a name for itself. Good articles, good posts and good members make a difference. Definitely better than some other sites.
  11. To the true iFan "a magical experience!"
  12. We will have to hope that Apple includes LTE on Sprints iPhone this fall.
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