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Everything posted by newboyx

  1. No ads in Tapatalk Pro Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  2. Cool podcast that hits the broad strokes on bitcoin for those who may not know. http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/bitcoin-works/ Sent from my LG G2.
  3. Something tells me this branch won't make it through the night. http://t.co/wdEcMkzFZk

  4. Holy shit, the ending of of Dexter sucked. Ouch. #superlatespoileralert.

  5. I own a LG G2 and notice no difference in battery life with the other bands turned on or off. Sent from my LG G2.
  6. newboyx


    The other carrier versions were the HTC One X. Sadly the cases are not interchangeable. Sent from my LG G2.
  7. If you are connected to LTE there is no 1x connection active on triband devices. Sent from my LG G2.
  8. I assume you mean when connected to LTE? Sent from my LG G2.
  9. There was a week or 2 that we (Best Buy) were forced to move upgrades to the new plans. That has since been corrected. We have no issues processing upgrades on older plans. Sent from my LG G2.
  10. Hopefully not long "@antsmars: How long until the Saving Private Ryan/Saving Mr. Banks mash up hits the internet?"

  11. There are 800 LTE sites completed, but as of now Sprint is not allowing connections. Sent from my LG G2.
  12. FWIW, our Sprint rep said the triband model will just replace existing stock. That being said, he is usually about 50/50 on accuracy. Sent from my LG G2.
  13. You should have resisted. Not only is that joke not very accurate, it is overused to the point of actually not having any humor left in it. Sent from my LG G2.
  14. Which phone do they get for free? Sent from my LG G2.
  15. I read a few months ago that on the GS3 (I think) it would require an ota. Not sure about any other phones. Sent from my LG G2.
  16. But you only get the good stuff if you are a VZW customer. Sent from my LG G2.
  17. newboyx

    First Post

    Welcome! Just curious, what phones(s) are you currently using on Sprint? Sent from my LG G2.
  18. Yes, you call Sprint and add wireless tethering to your plan. It will work as designed. Sent from my LG G2.
  19. Just throw rocks at the bottom to slowly nudge it downward. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  20. Yep, that's right. There is a camouflage recliner in the world. Wtf?

  21. All ceiling tiles should be hand painted. http://t.co/p16OZjUJfQ

  22. The battery consumption should theoretically by very minimal. It only works while on your home screen. How often are you just staring at the home screen? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
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