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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. The connections optimizer is also becoming intrusive. About to see if I can uninstall it.
  2. I am just happy that 24 and Sprint continued their relationship. Hint, sprint is all over the original 24 series.
  3. Does his name begin with an R?
  4. Really weird behavior out of sensorley as of late. I get more wifi samples then either 4g or 3g even when I drive on highways with little local development. I have been able to repeat this behavior several times. Anybody else seeing this?
  5. All other websites allow for ranting and venting. This one does not. What you need to realize is that this website is populated with longtime Sprint customers. There is no other single group of people who have experienced the ups and downs of Sprint. There is nothing that you can add to that conversation so don't bother.
  6. Left Lane Larrys also assume that nobody needs to get somewhere faster than they do. Sometimes people have medical emergencies while in their private vehicles. Sometimes emergency vehicles have malfunctions with their lights and sirens. Its just good practice to clear the left lane when not passing.
  7. I understand what you are saying, but I fear that what Son is proposing may torpedo both companies and we end up with two national carriers. Softbank has approximately 60 billion in debt after the Sprint acquisition. If we use the over inflated number that ATT value T-Mo at then Softbank would be at approximately 100 billion in debt. They currently have a net debt to equity ratio of 4.6 A debt of 100 billion would send it close to 9.0 This really bothers me. http://www.softbank.jp/en/corp/irinfo/financials/results/highlights_02/
  8. It does not matter who borrows the money. It still ends up as Softbank debt. I have to look up the figure but Softbank already has an enormous amount of debt. I would be concerned with an additional 40b in debt.
  9. From an investing standpoint you should keep an eye on the debt that would be incurred if Softbank buys T-mobile. Anything near the ATT bid of 39 billion should make anybody pause.
  10. I still fail to see how this merger makes Sprint a better company. I think the money is better spent building a better company and driving t-mo into the ground to the point that if you want to buy them then you can get them cheap. Also consider this, Sprint would inherit all of the well documented shortcomings of T-Mo along with the alleged data whores who left sprint for t-mo.
  11. On top of that AJ the Nexus line was always meant to push development of Android. Perhaps Google feels that they have accomplished that. I also heard that Google owning Motorola caused issues with the OEM's. I would not be surprised if the promise to sell Motorola and a bigger piece of the "Nexus" prize kept the OEM's happy.
  12. There is nothing that says you are married to that T-1 connection. Any wifi provider can do better than that if they choose to.
  13. Sprint has already played the price game and gotten bad press and lost customers when they tried to correct the price issue so I do not think they will go much lower then they are right now. However, they can certainly add value to their plans. Free hotspot comes to mind. They should also enter into agreements with other companies like GOGO for wifi coverage. Heck, maybe even purchase gogo In fact, the only thing that ATT customers have that makes me jealous is AT&T's wifi network.
  14. I would probably cry if I saw the stat for centurylink. I have written to my town and county leaders with the same nonsense response. I have contacted centurylink about when my area is going to get upgraded with no response. I do know that somebody has been running fiber in my area. I guess I need to do some digging to find out who.
  15. BZZZZZZZZ....Sorry. the answer must be phrased what is.
  16. Just because nothing is perfect here are my issues with the M8. I think somebody mentioned before about the auto brightness setting in direct sunlight. He was right. It seems as if the sensor has some calibration issues. Swiping settings in the upper right hand corner is driving me crazy because my finger always brushes the camera and the metal before it hits glass. I know its nit picky but the feeling is a bit weird. Probably more of a kitkat problem but I will have to go into my contacts online and merge/delete orphans and migrate some contacts that are missing. Disappointed that the bokuh effect cannot be used if you zoomed into the picture. Battery is not that impressive until you turn on the battery saver. That's all I have Speaking of the battery saver(this is a kudo) I took a bike ride today. Just over three hours with GPS, CardioTrainer, Sensorley and Music all running. I finished with 70% of the battery remaining. That's pretty impressive. If you cant tell I love my M8!
  17. Hmmmm. I think you can turn of data on the usb connection.
  18. I think Chrysler uses Verizon also through a third party. http://www.autonetmobile.com/
  19. Exactly. I really dont think the general public cares much about ceo pay when they decide on who their wireless provider will be.
  20. Maybe so. But it is not for the public to decide. Unlike congress a CEO cannot give himself a pay raise. That is the domain of the Board of Directors.
  21. I wish I had an answer for you other than taking it back.
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