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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. The easy answer is yes Seriously though, as I understand it you will drop to EVDO if LTE is oversaturated. LTE is also a more fragile air link vs EVDO so there is another reason to keep it around. We still also have 1xrtt which is slower than EVDO but has a stronger air link.
  2. No problems here with wifi calling being a power hog but I also do not have it enabled. I would also call back Sprint and ask them to provision your phone. It sounds like that's what they did before but I would call back to make sure.
  3. Was there a Sprint outage? last night I could not connect at about 2 o'clock in the morning.
  4. I prefer the Mifi because I can connect multiple devices at the same time. Not sure if this would resolve your criticism but you can connect some Mifi's via usb.
  5. I just don't have the need to use wifi calling at home. I have a decent signal.
  6. Oh, I dont mean on the end user side but rather on the 911 center side. If they are not set up correctly (ie E911) then they will not be able to locate a voip caller. I have also seen issues with actual E911 centers but that probably had more to do with end user not supplying location information to the service provider.
  7. I have several password protected wifi networks that I use frequently.
  8. I dont take any more issue with the 911 issues on Sprint Wifi than I do with any other VOIP service. Trust me, if your 911 system is not set up for VOIP traffic it can be a nightmare. I will give it a whirl next time I'm on a trusted wifi network.
  9. Since my cell signal at home is solid why play around. I rather let my phone stay hooked to the tower. Just my preference.
  10. Going to hold off on trying wifi calling at home after reading the 911 disclaimers. Next time I am on a wifi system that is not mine own I will give it a try.
  11. Last I heard they are still testing to make sure everything is ok. I'm still trying to get completion that they have handed the keys to the kingdom over to Sprint.
  12. This is a really good deal. But I have to wonder if Sprint will enforce any performance levels with the RRPP members. If seamless transition is what they are looking for then there needs to be similar performance between the networks.
  13. Cant you just uninstall it? I dont even have that app on my M8 which means its not a pre installed app.
  14. Hmmm. I would actually save about $20 a month at the 20 gb level.
  15. Thats what people keep saying. Problem is, only one person has said it.
  16. If you can get them to apply new plans to old hot spots then you are better than me. Besides, he would have to sign up for a new plan. Not sure if they will let you go month to month.
  17. It might be your cheapest option. I have an old 3g MIFI that I tried to activate and Sprint would not give me a plan cheaper than $50 a month. If you go with freedom pop you have to buy the device unsubsidized.
  18. Just use your phone as a hot spot. Make sure you turn the service off by calling customer service. Last I checked they will pro rate you for the month.
  19. Very soon is all I can say. As soon as I get confirmation on completion I will post here.
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