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Everything posted by mrknowitall526

  1. Hm, interesting point. That I'm not sure of! If I still live here (with my parents) next October, I'll let you know :-). Why would that happen though? DSL is a dedicated line not shared with other people, isn't it?
  2. You mean approx. how many? No, ... I'm sure the number is available, but I don't have it. The law also states "they" will only work on 40 BFRR ("bona fide retail request") projects in a 12-month period. OR, 20 projects that they deemed a "major" project. If your area was considered a major project (which of course mine was), they have an additional 12 months. In October 2012 I was put on a waiting list...started at #47. Last time I checked, a few weeks ago, we were #31 on the list. Construction/planning will start when we reach #20, or it becomes 12 months from our threshold met date. Whichever happens first.
  3. Only in PA, and it applied to Verizon, Embarq (now CenturyLink), and Windstream.
  4. You have to get either 50 people OR 25% of the customers in a certain exchange area to sign up for 1 year for them to start the buildout. There were 19 addresses in my area. I only had to find 4 total. Was not difficult! I can only imagine what it must cost Verizon to build out DSL (have to build remote terminals, rub fiber, etc) to only have a guarantee of 4 customers!
  5. Nope. The law states it has to be at least 1.544 Mpbs down and 128 kbps up.
  6. True, but it's still better than nothing! (about DSL vs. DOCSIS). It has something to do with the fact that landline telephone service is federally regulated.
  7. I live in an area like this. Satellite isn't really any better of an option than mobile broadband...in fact, I think it's worse. Luckily, I'm supposed to get DSL sometime in October 2014. The state of PA has agreements with the ILECs to provide DSL to every customer by 12/31/2015. Read more here: http://www.puc.state.pa.us/general/consumer_ed/pdf/broadband_brochure.pdf and here http://www.newpa.com/community/broadband-initiatives/request-broadband-service . It's PA Act 183. Don't know how legislators ever got it to pass!
  8. We'll see what happens...if they add, I definitely used more than 12 this month. (I have no cable or DSL here, so this is my home internet connection. My desktop went a little crazy with Windows Updates this month...grr.). Here's a shot of a previous bill:
  9. I looked back at past bills. I don't think they will add them together. There was one month in particular where I started with the 6GB plan, went over before I had a chance to change to 12GB. They charged overages on the 6GB plan, and then the 12 started over with a new amount of data. It seems like it looks as each individual line as its own separate entity.
  10. I activated my Mifi 500 today. No LTE yet here for me. But, I'm really impressed at how much better it seems to perform than my Mifi 4082. That one would randomly disconnect all the time. This one has been connected for almost 12 hours and still going strong.
  11. I sign in with Twitter, and have problems being able to sign in with Tapatalk on my phone. It doesn't accept my user name or password. But, I don't have to sign in very often on my desktop.
  12. I have changed plans before, and they do prorate that...but this was the same plan the whole time. I was just swapping devices. See the pic below: My cycle starts over on the 10th.
  13. Just drove past the tower nearest my house. It's been 3G accepted for months, but I wasn't getting the new NV speeds. Just saw at least 2 trucks working there, and orange plastic conduit running all over the place. Must be getting new backhaul today (or soon!) SWEET!
  14. But what I'm wondering is...will they add up the different things that show there? One part says 7.9GB, and the other is about 5.4GB.
  15. Really? That would be pretty awesome... My mifi is my home internet source...no cable or DSL here. If that's really what will happen, that's an interesting loop hole.
  16. I have the 12GB hotspot plan. About halfway through the cycle, I (tried to) upgrade to a Mifi 500 LTE. There were some issues, and the device had to be returned. I then swapped back to my current Mifi 4082. The day it changed, it shows my data usage in 2 groups: 7/10 to 7/23, and 7/23 to current. To figure out the 12GB, is it going to add the 2 values together? Or is it sort of like starting over, from the date it switched? I'm hoping for the latter, because otherwise I'm going to go over 12GB for this month...
  17. *looks at $39 5-year-old Timex Expedition from Kohl's and feels inferior*
  18. I never gave a thought about chargers until I got a smart phone. Once (most) phones started to all have micro-USB chargers, we had many of them laying around the house from various phones over the years, replacement chargers that were bought, etc. With my old EVO Shift, I noticed that some chargers were faster than others. When I first got my EVO 4G LTE, I had it plugged into a charger that we just leave plugged in next to the couch. I was using it while it was charging, and I actually got a message saying the charger couldn't provide enough power so it was actually decharging. Then I looked at the charger....only 500 mA! I checked the one that came with the EVO LTE...1.2 A. HUGE difference!! My car charger is just some cheap thing that was on sale at Radio Shack for $9.47 or something. I have various results. It charges...but sometimes it's faster than others. Last night I used it for about 45 minutes and it brought my battery from 27% to 60%. Other times, I usually just use it to plug in when I am using GPS or playing Pandora in the car. But...the charger DOES matter!
  19. There's been many discussions about the new hotspots since their release, but it's hard to keep track of where they are. How about a hotspot discussion subforum underneath the Devices section???
  20. I have, actually! We'll see what happens. The state of PA and all ILECs have a commitment to provide DSL to all customers by 12/31/2015. We are supposed to get DSL by October 2014. We'll see if it happens!
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