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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Keep it up and you're going to be banned. The $10 is not for 4G, it is for the massive amounts of data usage that is possible with a smartphone. Nobody around here likes listening to people complain about "how much Sprint sucks" or "I have to pay $10"
  2. Yeah, it was taking a lot of time and money to create those maps. I think it was scrapped.
  3. Also, there are 2 receive antennas and only 1 transmit. You can have MIMO on your downlink but not on your uplink.
  4. I have found the battery life to be pretty decent on the GNex. I have the extended battery, but if I keep a close eye on what is running, syncing, and make sure the screen is off when I am not using it, I can get 2 days out of a charge. I haven't used the GSIII or EVO LTE, but from what I've seen, the battery life falls just short of them, but still whips the tar out of the E4GT, EVO 3D etc, and flat out embarrasses the OG EVO. Everyone keeps saying the radios stink, maybe it is because I switched to Verizon, but I have not had a problem with signal. Maybe I need to go try out a GSIII, but I just don't understand why everyone is ripping the GNex. It is really great looking, the development community is robust, the stock software is awesome, oh yeah and it's also a smartphone.
  5. I knew you would. LOL The verizon extended battery is the same thing as sprint except for the battery cover that comes with it. You can use the stock battery cover, but it fits rather tight.
  6. I would expect it to not roam when it is -100dBm or better signal
  7. Give us an update of how the cell service is out there. Maybe that guy from SD that was posting a while ago can show you the locations of South Dakota's 3 Sprint towers... and 1 WiMax tower. LOL
  8. Accuracy varies by market, see also here and here.
  9. Is the signal strength less or does it just randomly roam? If it is signal strength related, it is probably antenna related. If it is randomly losing 1900mhz signal, it could be some internal component that is screwed up. It could also be software, kernel, baseband, etc I would get it replaced. Are you within the return window? You should try to get another new phone instead of a refurb warranty replacement. Not that there is anything wrong with a refurb... Just nice to have new... Less possibility of problems.
  10. I don't get how you would write an article like that without proper research. If Sprint used the 3G backhaul it would be so pitifully insufficient nearly everywhere, it wouldn't even make sense to upgrade the network to LTE.
  11. Really? My wife had the moment and hated that thing with a passion. She would rather throw it against a wall than use it again.
  12. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    So they give you the price of the tablet? Sounds like it is asking for abuse of the system...
  13. You still need to pull a permit to do any work on the site. Some jurisdictions are needlessly difficult to navigate, which, in my opinion, is there way of having contractors make mistakes in the permitting process or start work ahead of getting the proper permit so they can collect fees. There was a simpsons episode once where they were making a movie in Springfield and all the townspeople were raising the costs on everything so they could make money off all the "rich Hollywood folk." That is how the City Hall seems to run in some podunk towns. P.S. I used to work for a construction management company, so I am not just pulling these opinions out of my butt. The city I live in is very easy to pull permits and get inspections. I am a resident though, and the city doesn't expect me to be able or willing to pay penalties without a big fight.
  14. I don't think I have the patience for the facebook page... I could try.
  15. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Yeah, my UPS tracking still says the scheduled delivery is Friday 13 July 2012... Stupid UPS, should have shipped it FedEx, I would have it in my hands by now. Or I could have ordered with gamestop. If it doesn't get here before Office Depot gets them in stock, I will strongly consider making Google eat the shipping costs and refuse shipment. From what I have read though, the warranty from Google Play trumps any other seller (and it doesn't cost anything). The store manager at Office Depot did say that they have a $50 2-year warranty that gives your money back if anything goes wrong including physical damage... Not sure if I believe that physical damage is included, but he specifically said that it covers drops.
  16. As you put it, "newsflash" EOL just means that Sprint isn't selling the phone. Whether the manufacturer wants to keep updating the software is on them. The 3D is still supposed to be getting ICS... possibly JB. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  17. It absolutely will get better. LTE will be the same as what EVDO is when it is completed (coverage not speed). Then all sprint has to do is start weeding out the EVDO and expanding LTE. Keep in mind what Robert said about chicken littles. Everyone wanted the LTE towers to not be blocked, yet the sky is falling when there are problems with the network in its infancy. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  18. pyroscott


    Welcome to s4gru! From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  19. You're dreaming if you think you will see 5G data on phones within 5 years. 10 years is pushing it. Carriers haven't even achieved the technical standards for 4G yet. As far as driving 200mph, that is a danger to society, and I sincerely hope that you do not kill or hurt someone innocent. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  20. pyroscott


    Welcome to s4gru! From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  21. Yeah. Most members here have been seeing a lot slower WiMax speeds... From JBtoro on Forum Runner
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