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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. None of the Network Vision upgrades show up on that map. That is purely the "band aid" fixes that Sprint is doing to try to limp the legacy network along until Network Vision takes over.
  2. That's a lot of phones... See also http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/437-cell-phone-memory-lane/page__hl__memory__fromsearch__1
  3. Alright, it's my turn to kick this dead horse. Sometimes people get mad about something (e.g. speed tests or LTE coverage). Instead of cooling down and writing something asking if there is a known solution or if it is experienced by others, some people choose to write a 3 paragraph rant that is nothing more than extension of their anger. This may make the poster feel a little better, but it is not constructive at all. I’ll use work as an example. I assigned several tasks to my team, and then I got out of their way and just provided help when they needed it. I was busy with other things and didn't check their work as they went along. I trusted them that it would be done properly. On Monday, when it came time to turn in the finished product, there were tasks going back several weeks that were not completed to standard and some tasks that I specifically assigned were not touched. I was furious, but I didn't call them in and yell at them, I wrote everything down and fixed the work myself. Then, after the situation was done, and I had calmed down, I went back to my list, talked it over with several peers, and came up with a constructive way of being critical, while remaining calm. Instead of ranting at them, I turned it into a learning experience. Now, when I talked to my peers, would it have done any good to go off and rant? It might have made me feel better, but I would be wasting the time of my peers and they would be less likely to offer help in the future. The internet is a faceless world and really removes a lot of the boundaries that we respect in regular life. I can't go up to some customer at the car dealer and start chewing them up and down, ranting because I bought a car from that brand name and I don't get the gas mileage that was promised, and they told me I would get this great satellite radio and it was garbage, etc. If I did that, I could get punched in the face, or told to @#$^ off. Maybe they would listen, but that would have to be a patient person. It also doesn’t work here. As Robert said, we are not an extension of Sprint’s customer service, we are not affiliated with Sprint and we don’t appreciate reading rants all day. It would make it a lot easier if Sprint would pay the web hosting fees and all the other fees associated with this website. Maybe pay Robert for the time he pours into putting out the info he gathers. I will say this once, this site is not propaganda! Calling this site “Sprint Propaganda” or calling me a “corporate shill” is not going to fly. I have never been paid a cent from Sprint and 100% of my work here on this site is voluntary. In fact, I have contributed money to this site, despite having full access through my status as a staff member.
  4. Yeah, Sprint probably should have illustrated that a little better to customers. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  5. Yeah, I opened up a wiki page at another site. That's as far as I got... it would be valuable to all members. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  6. Maybe I am overly tired but I have no idea what happened here in the last 7 posts. Although I do know the movie quotes. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  7. Yeah, good luck packing all that in the space limited iPhone... Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  8. It is steep when you buy 10 shares at a time ;-) Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  9. It is a way for the manufacturer to tell if you rooted and installed a ROM thereby voiding your warranty. USB jigs are supposed to reset the flash counter.
  10. I'll make it quick Every time I start poking around a cell site, people give me wierd looks. I went to a half dozen different sites last week and I'm pretty sure as I was driving away from one site that was on a water tower, the police were responding and met me on the road. They must not have had a description of my car, as they just drove past...
  11. I'll see if I can find a Nextel tower close to my house where I can access the meter. That is a good idea.
  12. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    I'm planning on doing some tests, I would think the external HD that is powered by USB would be tough on battery life, but the powered HD and the thumbdrive shouldn't be bad. If there is anyone looking for a business opportunity, I think there would be healthy demand for a case that has a built-in microSD slot or full size USB. It could plug into the microUSB port like the battery cases, maybe even have an additional battery. The only problem would be fully illustrating that you MUST be rooted for it to work.
  13. The thing about message board complaints of Sprint is, what good are all these internet rants doing? Nada. If I started an "I hate Sprint" blog today and it filled up with 100K rants, slow speed tests, and comments on how people hate Sprint and want to leave, who will read it? Sprint isn't going to waste their time on it, the only people that will read it are those who hate Sprint or feel jaded. The only way to get your point across to Sprint is to hit them in their wallet. Money talks. There are several ways the average customer can hit Sprint in the wallet. Making multiple calls to customer service and talking to CSRs, techs, supervisors etc. Yes it doesn't cost that much when a few people do it, but if everyone who had problems with their service complained, there would be drastic need for Sprint to open more call centers and hire more techs to field these calls so customers aren't waiting a long time with every call. Leaving Sprint for another carrier. Yes, you may be paying your ETF, but that is pretty much only reimbursing Sprint for the remaining portion of your device subsidy. That $350 or less is not going to go very far in comparison to the monthly service charge. If nobody holds Sprint accountable, and just whines on every message board and tech article, all they are doing is annoying the people who want to have a real conversation relating to the article or topic of the message board. Sprint isn't going to read the message, and they care not about some internet rant. Just like nearly every business, Sprint bases their policies on money, not customer happiness. The more rants I see filling up this website, the more it drives me away. I am well aware that there are many pockets of bad Sprint service. In fact, I live in one. That's why when you look to the left, my device is a Toro and not Toroplus. I really don't need an hourly reminder of how poor service some faceless stranger in __________city ______state, USA has with Sprint. So, as Robert said, if you want to rant, rant elsewhere, there has been a lot of work that has gone into this site and I will not see it overrun by people who just want to shit on Sprint and everything Sprint related! Good day.
  14. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Sorry man. And sorry to everyone else who preordered and has not received theirs yet. Google really pooped the bed on this one.
  15. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    After the unlock and root (using wugs toolkit), I installed stickmount and thumbdrives, my 500GB external hard drive and even my 1.5TB iomega HD work perfect. Who needs microSD when you can attach mass storage devices? First the thumbdrive then tested the portable HD And for good measure, the big dog. They all worked flawlessly. I am watching a TV episode from the iomega right now and it looks great.
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