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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Sprint Nextel revealed their second quarter 2012 corporate earnings in a conference call to their investors today and S4GRU was covering for news on Network Vision. Network thinning of the iDEN network is complete, taking 1/3 of Nextel towers off air. The Nextel network was built to support 20 million subscribers, but was only supporting 4.4 million subscribers, so it could easily be thinned without [much] noticeable change in street coverage. Sprint also converted 60% of the Nextel subscriber loss into their Sprint subscriber base. Interestingly, they stated that Verizon has been the biggest poacher of subscribers leaving Nextel, grabbing 50% of former subscribers in the last 4 1/2 years. In that same timeframe, Sprint has grabbed 25%, AT&T 20% and T-Mobile 5%. On the Network Vision topic: 4 additional cities will launch, including Baltimore, by the end of August.*Edit* Cities were disclosed VIA press release following the conference call. They are: Baltimore, MD Gainesville, GA Manhattan/Junction City, KS Sherman-Denison, TX Over 2,000 sites are currently online with 12,000 sites to be online by the end of the year Network Vision towers are seeing 10-20% additional voice minutes usage per tower, overnight after activating Network Vision. This will equal roaming savings for Sprint, and ESMR will only increase that savings. CEO Dan Hesse confirmed that Sprint will be releasing the Motorola Photon Q "in the very near future." It will be a QWERTY slider "with robust business and consumer features." It will also be sporting world phone capability. Several hundred Network Vision sites are waiting for backhaul, and will turn on when the backhaul is installed, several hundred more sites have birds nesting on them and Sprint won't be able to turn them on until the birds leave, according to the conference call. Sprint sold 1.5 million iPhones during the quarter, even though other carriers saw slowing of sales with rumors ramping up that the new iPhone would support LTE. 40% of the iPhone sales were to new customers. They also stated that iPhone customers require less customer support and are expected to churn less than customers on other phones. Mr. Hesse confirmed that Sprint is not looking to change plans in the near future. Things are looking up for Sprint. This quarter saw their highest ARPU and their lowest churn rate to date. They posted a larger loss than Q1, but beat their revenue goals for Q2. For more detailed financial information, check the source link below. Source: http://investors.spr...spx?iid=4057219 http://finance.yahoo...-141200985.html -Thanks to S4GRU sponsor marioc21 for finding this link!
  2. Nobody has as far as I know.... check xda and let us know if you find anything
  3. Have you read this article? LTE is coming. As said above, LTE and 3G enhancements are Network Vision and will upgrade the whole network.
  4. 12 bucks a day.... good grief. Who even pays that? From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  5. Aww, you picked the scab off...
  6. Dan, I really like that article. As you said, you put the facts out there and let others judge for themselves. Just another reason why I really enjoy reading articles on light reading. You know you aren't reading someone's bias, usually only facts.
  7. We are still early in round 1. If Oklahoma moves up into the end of the second round, it will still be a while before anything starts. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  8. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-158-is-sprint-going-to-show-up-sooner-in-the-show-me-state/ latest info on the site
  9. I found this in a picture at the doctors office today... looks like someone calls it the research triangle... From JBToro on tapatalk.
  10. I would say that it has something to do with the battery saving settings on the phone. If you are in a 3G only area, you are probably not going to want your phone to be constantly searching for 4G and using battery needlessly. Then when you toggle airplane mode, it resets the power saving data, and the phone does its normal routine of looking for 4G first, then 3G, then 1x, then roaming. I would think that when your area fills up with more LTE towers, it will improve the connection time when it does have to switch to 3G for a little bit. There are many members who have stated that they leave CDMA/LTE toggle on outside LTE areas and don't notice bad battery drain.
  11. Constructive negative criticism is perfectly fine. The key word is constructive. Understand that this site is not affiliated with Sprint in any way, and even if there might be Sprint employees among our members, they are not going to "fix" any problems that people bring up here. If someone is having issues that we might be able to figure out in the community here, great, bring them up. But we have no influence over anything that Sprint does. If someone just wants everyone here to know how much hatred they have because Sprint (insert rant here), we have no time for it and I will delete it. It isn't so much censorship, or wanting to wear rose colored glasses, but that we all know the shortcomings of Sprint's legacy network and this site is "Sprint 4G Rollout Updates" not "Sprint Network", so our focus is on Network Vision and things related to that. Also, as far as this site being for "Sprint Loyalists", I am not a Sprint customer, yet I am a contributing author and moderator on this site.
  12. Buy out their public shares and turn around and offer private placement? Sounds inadvisable. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  13. Thanks guys, now I know why Lightsquared might be interested in clearwire. Corporate shorts... Those clearwire buys know how to party.
  14. Then where are they going to get money to roll out LTE? They don't have close to enough cash to buy out their shareholders. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  15. With all the bad press Sprint is taking, the only way for them to attract more customers is to keep unlimited data around. Once the network vision project is done and (hopefully) Sprint has the best, most reliable network out there, they can drop unlimited data and feel confident that they can keep their customers and continue to attract more customers away from other carriers. I can't imagine that happening until at least late 2014. Unlimited data could close the gap between the duopoly and Sprint. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  16. They are bankrupt and would need to find investors to be able to do anything like this. If someone wanted to invest in clearwire why would they go through Lightsquared first to get to clearwire? They could just invest in clearwire.
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