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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Lightsquared was going to pay some of the upfront costs, but most of the contract was down the road with Lightsquared sharing in the operating costs. PCmag has an article with some of the details here http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2389312,00.asp Whether or not it would have sped up the rollout... Sprint has no buildout requirements, so the only thing keeping them to their aggressive rollout is the cost of losing customers. If Lightsquared was in the picture, they might have had some buildout requirements that were part of them being approved to use their spectrum. That might have forced them to hold the contractors to the planned buildout rate, and sped it up or at least kept it on the schedule that Sprint is currently using. As far as Lightsquared being back or bankrupt. They are in bankrupcy protection, but there is some support to try to swap their spectrum with some DoD spectrum, so they can still deploy their network. Basically their entire future depends on that spectrum swap.
  2. Neither. Those are the band-aid fixes that are trying to limp along the legacy network until network vision rolls out.
  3. Those are the anticipated towers that should be active at market launch in Jan. There are more sites though. Those are about 40% of the towers in the market.
  4. That was a very well written, accurate article. Gotta love telling WSJ to eat it... From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  5. Did you read this article? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-167-sprint-intentionally-blocking-new-lte-devices-from-accessing-live-lte-sites/
  6. I'm trying to figure out your question here.. Are you using a nextel or sprint phone? On a purely sprint phone, you would get absolutely nothing usable from a nextel site. They could be colocated with sprint sites, but the sprint part would not be affected by the shutdown of the nextel portion. Also, there was speculation here that Sprint was rolling out LTE to cities with a high nextel user base earlier than other cities with less nextel users. That seems like the only connection between nextel and network vision. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  7. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Wierd. I wonder what caused it. I haven't read a book on the N7 yet. As far as Fido, I am a fan of the zombie genre, and Fido is entertaining. It's not scary by any means, not laugh out loud funny, but it held my attention the whole time.
  8. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    OK, so test one: playing video off internal memory = over 7 hours. I am charging up and when I get another large chunk of time, I will test playing video off the external HD. I left WiFi on the whole time and had e-mail programs and other programs synching, so you might get more time out of the battery, but that is what I got. Also, "Fido" is a pretty amusing zombie movie. That was one of the movies I played in the 7 hours.
  9. Is someone keeping score? What is this + or - 1 business? This is S4GRU, not G+
  10. Legacy equipment is being removed when Network vision is installed. It will have no effect on 4G.
  11. That's why I constantly say that Sprint is throwing away money to limp their legacy network along. All these upgrades are already paid for though, so as little sense as it makes to do the upgrades, it makes less sense to pay for them and not carry out the work.
  12. It would be interesting, but there are a lot if variables that could make one tower drop off faster than another. Downtilt, tower height, topography, vegetation etc can all reduce the signal faster at one location vs another. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  13. Network Vision and the "tower repair" the CSR told you about are two totally different projects. This site does not contain any information on what we dubbed "band aid" fixes. That information can be found at https://network.sprint.com/
  14. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    I might get the nexus 10 incher... I'll probably go for the Microsoft Surface instead.
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