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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. pyroscott

    Evo LTE vs S3

    The GS3 has a touchwiz overlay, somewhat similar to HTC Sense...
  2. Well, I am having difficulties uploading pictures, but I found this video on how to mod your existing case to work with the extended battery.
  3. Looks like Motorola will keep their reputation for strong radio performance alive with the photon q Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  4. It will fit with stock plate, there is just a small gap by the camera. I will find my stock plate and take a picture There is something funky. Mine will last days on standby Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  5. I've noticed that it depends a lot on the ROM/Kernel that I am running. Some are tuned more for performance and some for battery life. I had good results with stock, then bad after an update, then good on several ROM/kernels and then horrible on a ROM/kernal, although I think the ROM I was running was getting buggy and causing battery drain. So far, I don't know if it is CM10 or the kernel, or combo, but it is great. I have the OEM extended battery though.
  6. pyroscott

    Evo LTE vs S3

    There also is the motorola photon q lte coming out soon. If you like a physical keyboard, it might be worth waiting for a bit. Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  7. Not really update related, but I finally tried out CM10 with a new kernel and I have been getting awesome battery life since. I did, however, change my screen timeout from 5 minutes to 30 seconds, but I am getting double+ battery life compared to before. Only an hour and a half screen on time though... Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  8. My house is stick framed with aluminum siding... BTW, aluminum siding is not terribly good at allowing signals through. I figure it is about 10 dbm signal loss caused by the walls. Still no stucco or adobe though...
  9. You and AJ think we all live in log houses don't you? LOL
  10. That probably would win them some favor in the hearts of Chicago customers, but it would no doubt draw ire from the customers across the country who have suffered through months and months of "subpar service." Chicago is one of the largest markets in the country with thousands of cell sites, it is currently the farthest along of any market currently under construction, and it has Samsung's full attention. I realize that most Chicago customers are not members here, and don't know how much effort is being put into that market, but Chicago is not the center of the universe. If Sprint loses some customers because of the upgrade pains, I'm sure they have forecasted that, and are prepared. The Chicago market was like walking into an ambush for Sprint. Do you stop in the hail of bullets and make a plan? Or do you charge into the gunfire and finish the job?
  11. The regulations on the 800 ESMR require a lower max ERP than the regulations on Cellular 850, but it isn't too terrible much different.
  12. While the HTC Arrive has had a lot of good customer reviews and seems to be a good phone, as irev210 said, it won't hold a candle to the new line of WP8 devices. Microsoft is desperate to gain a foothold in the smartphone market, so I wouldn't be surprised if the new WP models are priced lower than comparitive Androids. The Lumia 900 started at $100 on AT&T and is already down to $50. I would expect to see a premium quality handset (likely Nokia) at the $100 price point on Sprint in October(ish). I sound like irev's echo... or a WP salesman...
  13. Somewhat unrelated, but it made me think of this when you said your wife doesn't care about GB ICS or JB. My wife's phone just got an ota for ICS and she is really mad about it. I think her exact words were "this is f'n pointless, my phone was perfectly fine the way it was. Now I have to set it up as if I am buying a new phone... dumb" It struck me as funny because I normally see people freaking out because they don't have the newest upgrade and she would have been fine using the same version of android until she upgraded again. Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  14. Just to clarify, 4G WiMax is still going to be broadcasting, it just will not be expanding.
  15. Without further ado, here is the official S4GRU FAQ. Hopefully this can answer your questions, a search of the site, or google search may also be able to find the answer to your question if it is not on here. Otherwise feel free to ask the members of S4GRU. The old saying says "there is no such thing as stupid questions" after all. Hopefully one of the other members can help you out. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#999;width:700px;word-wrap:break-word}.tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;border-color:#999;color:#444;background-color:#F7FDFA;}.tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;border-color:#999;color:#fff;background-color:#26ADE4;}.tg .tg-hvxd{font-weight:bold;color:#000000;text-align:center}.tg .tg-nudq{color:#000000;text-align:center}.tg .tg-i0og{background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;text-align:Left;word-break:normal}.tg .tg-2ro4{font-weight:bold;background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000} S4GRU SITE FAQWhat are the standards and expected behaviors of this site? See S4GRU Posting Guidelines thread. Who are the administrators and staff who run this site? See S4GRU Staff thread I haven't posted yet but I want to follow a particular post, thread or map. How can I? First off, welcome to the forums, second, don't be shy, post in the thread. This way you would automatically get a email reminder when new posts are added to the thread. If you still don't want to post and just follow, then just click on the "Follow this topic" button. There are way too many map and device threads, is there a directory or index? Yes, just click on any of the the link to get to the list of… Directory of All S4GRU Maps Sprint LTE Device Release Dates History of Sprint Devices (coming soon) For Future use How come I can only see a few maps and not the ones with more detail? We provide numerous maps showcasing the markets being upgraded to Network Vision. Some of these are very detailed and are only provided to members that have donated to the upkeep of our site. These sponsor and premier sponsor members get access not only to these maps but to other Network Vision threads. Ok, I love what you are doing here, so how do I become a Sponsor/Premier Sponsor? Please see the Information about S4GRU Sponsorship levels and how to become a Sponsor thread. I think a post is inappropriate, what should I do? Click the report button and leave a comment of why you are reporting it. This will alert the Moderating team, who will address the post. I am a sponsor but I am unable to access the sponsor forums using Tapatalk. What can I do? You can add the S4GRU Lounge to your favorites in Tapatalk and access it through the favorites tab , or you can try out the ForumRunner app. Currently there is a problem with Tapatalk and the way they authenticate access to the protected forums, and they have stated that they are not going to fix the problem. How do I attach a picture to a post? The thread "Adding images to Posts" shows you how to add images to your posts.
  16. This is a really effective commercial. It has to be one of the best I have seen for a Motorola product. Then again, I usually only see the idiotic droid commercials that spend more time building the Verizon "Droid" brand than actually showing the features of the phone.
  17. And that it is a second round market and not all the first round markets have even launched. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  18. If customers are leaving in droves, they must be adding a ton of new customers, because their numbers have stayed pretty steady. In fact, they posted their lowest churn rate ever last quarter... From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  19. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Yep... lol and it is my keyboard too. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  20. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Everyone is complaining that there is no rear camera on the Nexus 7. I came up with a solution. I tried using the Epic to see if hooking that up with USB OTG would allow me to conserve battery life on the N7, but it didn't make a difference. I still only got 5 hours continuous video.
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