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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. That free year deal to add a line is a great deal. Sent from my Note 4.
  2. I just tried to call Sprint. The lady I spoke with knew of no such promotion to get unlimited minutes on the ED plan. She tried to switch me to the data share plan. I quickly said no to that. Anyone who was successful in getting the unlimited minutes have any ideas? Sent from my Note 4.
  3. Has anyone tried to call Sprint to get this applied? Just wondering if it's "live" yet. I have the ED1500 family plan. I go nowhere near the limit but I would put it on my account just to make it completely unlimited.
  4. Just be persistent. It took a couple weeks before I finally got it fixed. Make sure they send that email to their "ESN team." I'm pretty sure that's the term they used. Sent from my Note 4.
  5. I think that's due to being able to dial 911 in an emergency. I'm fairly certain the data won't actually work. Sent from my Note 4.
  6. Surprisingly, the rep called me back today just as he said he would. The problem has been fixed and I was able to activate the phone on my wife's line. I just wish I knew why it happened in the first place.
  7. Thanks for all the responses. I just hope I can finally fix this problem.
  8. I've never had good luck with any rep ever calling me back on either Sprint or Verizon. I hope the last guy I talked to does call though. He seemed to really want to help, unlike the woman I talked to a couple weeks ago. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. It works well on my Note 4. It's much nicer than the stock Samsung app. Sent from my Note 4.
  10. I've been fighting with Sprint about my "old" phone, a Galaxy S4T that I replaced with a Note 4 on Oct 17th. About a week later, I tried to activate the S4T on my wife's line (same account), since she has the regular S4. Since then, I've either called or gone to a Sprint store about 4 times. They originally told me that it was listed as "Lost/Stolen," later I was told it's listed as "fraudulent." When I called 2 weeks ago, the lady basically told me there was nothing I could do, however, she said she emailed their "ESN department" and I should expect a call within 72 hours. Well, as we all know, that didn't happen. So tonight I called and got a much more cooperative agent. He said the ESN department never responded to that original email and he sent another. He said he would call me back on Sunday (his next working day) to let me know what they say. I bought the phone brand new in March (from Ebay) and used it until Oct 17th. The only thing I can think of is Best Buy screwed something up. I traded in a different smartphone to take advantage of the $200 trade-in offer so I'm thinking they did something they shouldn't have when deactivating it. The rep tonight mentioned something about a 911 report or something to that effect. He said it was listed on that S4T on Oct 17th, which is when it was deactivated. He had never seen that before though. The weird thing is nobody can tell me when or by whom the "fraudulent" alert was put on that phone. Has anyone else ever had this headache before? This seems ridiculous just to get a phone that I own activated on my account.
  11. Not anymore. They changed it a couple months ago to allow calling from international locations back to the US. As far as the problem goes, I'm wondering if maybe it first needs to be setup in the US before being used abroad. From your description, it appears the first time you tried it was from abroad. The other thing is I remember reading that it would work in like 100 countries but I never saw a list of which ones were OK and which were not. You may possibly be in a country where it doesn't work. Sent from my Note 4.
  12. From the same government that brought us Amtrak and the postal service, both of which lose massive amounts of money every year. No thanks. The private sector is our best hope. Government always finds ways to screw everything up it puts it's hands in. The best thing that ever happened was when the government ordained telco monopoly was busted up. For those who remember, long distance rates went from over $1 a minute to just a few cents a minute in a matter of a few years. Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition
  13. I think it's a Samsung problem. I've noticed the same on my Note 4. Take a look at the service bars at the top right. They are shown as blank. The only thing that fixes it for me is a restart. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. Could that PCI possibly be from a new site in test mode? Just throwing that out there. I'm not an expert but just a thought I had. Sent from my Note 4.
  15. No, as more towers and more LTE bands come online and technicians do their fine tuning, the better it will get. Sent from my Note 4.
  16. Sprint doesn't "flip a switch" to light up a market like other providers have done. Individual towers come online as they are ready. Sent from my Note 4.
  17. I turned off connection optimizer and then went into the wifi advanced settings and unchecked "always allow scanning" and "smart network switch." If you havent already, try doing that and see if it helps. Sent from my Note 4.
  18. Wireless communication, yes. Wired, not so much. They are the only wired Internet provider in my county and the best they have is 10/1 dsl. That costs me $60 a month plus the mandatory telephone line charge so I pay about $86 a month for home internet. I love their wireless side of the business but the wired side leaves a lot of room for improvement. Sent from my Note 4.
  19. I have one gripe about the Note 4 vs the S4. On the S4, you can use the pull down to turn the GPS on or off but even when you would turn it off, it would still keep your location services on using cell towers to get a rough location. With the Note 4, it's all or nothing. It's now labeled "location" instead of "GPS." If you turn location off, you lose all location services. I know there's a work around, but it's not nearly as quick as it used to be. After 2 weeks, that's really my only gripe. Other than that, it seems to be working just fine. So far, I have none of the issues anyone else have brought up.
  20. No problem. If you don't have Google voice / hangouts integration, sometimes it'll show as restricted on the other end, and sometimes it'll show a weird number. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Just remember, if you need to use data and make a call and you're not near wifi, just make the call through hangouts. You can still use data that way. Sent from my Note 4.
  22. It's already available. I just updated. Thanks for all your hard work. That includes Mike and all the beta testers. Sent from my Note 4.
  23. I should probably clarify this to say LTE. Obviously ntelos allows the use of their 3G network to Sprint's customers. Sent from my Note 4.
  24. Yeah, same with most of the Shenandoah Valley towns and cities they listed, which are in the Shentel market. It seems to not be fair that ntelos customers can use Sprint's network but ntelos doesn't allow the reverse. Sent from my Note 4.
  25. I drove through Waynesboro and Staunton last weekend and had 3G service, so I'm assuming they haven't opened it up to Sprint users yet. I'm heading that way again next weekend so I'll see if anything changes by then. Sent from my Note 4.
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