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Everything posted by thewezgrays

  1. I would love this to remain a thread about Freedompop being bought out... would be interesting to see what Sprint changes -- as well as what others think will happen etc... Right now I am very happy with my Freedompop phone as my second phone and I am not paying anything for it! I miss tri-band but, it is saving me a lot of money. (I think it makes a great 2nd phone -- but I wouldn't use it as my primary phone due to being restricted to voip -- and data isn't always strong enough for that)... As far as the off topic discussion, I loved the Sprint compared Apple comment -- but that was rightfully followed up to a comment to Sprint compared to Commodore/Palm/etc... both are rather ludicrous comparisons, but funny.
  2. You know, I would probably do this... if it included insurance coverage on the phone... but if you add in the cost of insurance -- or the risk of losing/breaking a nearly new phone (and owing for the full cost).. it gets to be just a bit too high for me monthly.. I will stick to my current plan of buying a one year old phone used and selling the two year old phone. At least for now.
  3. Okay, since you mention it -- I have "liked" the grandmaster flash facebook page after reading this website -- as he has embraced it after being flooded with them on his page: http://grampaandgrandmasterflash.tumblr.com/
  4. Very interesting to see. Between Framily and off-contract VZW ($15 add on fee instead of $40) I have no real way to buy the new flashy phone ($600 plus is a lot of money!)... I figure I will wait around 9-12 months and pick one up used for half price (be it an iPhone or Android, etc)... Will we see a push for lower MSRP? Higher resale prices (which would help justify the $699 phone knowing you can sell it for $500 later on)? At the very least I would like to see sales off of MSRP (until now you see the phone or a penny deals, etc but full price phones are always still full price).
  5. I agree completely in the short term -- but to compete they better build out a first class nationwide network where we do not need to roam so much (see last comment above you about most data roaming being on navigation for an example)...
  6. I am torn on the data cap, but it is what it is. (I am pleased to see them cutting off at 300mb even if on the new tight 100mb limit)... But what I will/would not be pleased about is ANY sign of charges for roaming. That would NOT be a way to try to compete with the "big two"... Setting a roaming cap is already making Sprint like a prepaid option (straight talk, virgin, boost, etc)... Setting roaming overage costs would take us back to the '90s... I know I would shut my Sprint phone down the same day I had even a 0.25 roaming charge on it.
  7. I understand. I just think it might be harder to maintain a quorum of 7 lines now... We will see... I feel there is more competition across the industry on it's way and many options will remain available. Don't take my post as a sky is falling comment. I just hope that Sprint gets focused on a set of plans and stops bouncing around (for many reason than I mentioned, obviously)...
  8. I have been on a cruise ship, so I mostly missed the news (small updates in port) -- but these new plans underwhelmed me... More importantly, I dragged two other accounts into the Framily mix with me... as Framily falls away, when/if we lose lines on our Framily it looks like our bills will go up until we either leave for the competition or merge into more current Sprint plans -- not cool. Especially since the cost goes up for any combination of parties involved (1 line, 2 lines and 6 lines)...
  9. Yeah, I would think many would need a wireless phone "manager" with some of these options -- such as FreedomPop... even Ting could end up with a $500 bill if one learns how to watch a video over cellular (I manage the VZW for my MIL and occasionally she will use 3gb in one crack and I discover her WiFi is turned off)...
  10. What about FreedomPop? I actually signed up for it the other night to replace my Sprint line for awhile cause it seems very cheap (and a fun geeky project) -- but had to back out since they couldn't port my wireless number for whatever reason. (Can't port my numbers to Google Voice either, I blame it on the local telco)... Or Republic Wireless?
  11. Here neither (Myrtle Beach)... they are building up the city right now and fast with LTE OVER THE TOP of Horry Telephone Co... I wonder if it was a buildout requirement -- or they are really doing it for the tourists -- or if they now have control over HTC here finally..
  12. I think with Savannah once B26 is turned on (and this market IS turning it in places now) and optimized -- combined with B25 will be quite the force.. B41 will just be dessert... Official doesn't mean anything... everytime a site gets backhaul it gets LTE... Most of the sites already do have it, too...
  13. Have you gotten word they are going back and upgrading the GMOs in your market (or others)? So far, I see no sign of that here in my market -- but have hope since I live in the middle of a three-pack of GMOs...
  14. ________________________________ Spark ™ ___________________________________ . /fill in the blanks
  15. So does this news confirm that North Carolina is free and clear now, or is this only in reference to squatters and not the public service usage?
  16. So do they prorate the charges but not the data? One could activate it, use the 2GB and deactivate and only pay the proration?
  17. Awesome news... are you hearing thing from the cellular side (building out B26) or from the gov't side (leaving the B26 bandwidth)? I presume that if RDU gets going that MYR and CLT will too.
  18. I briefly hit B26 on my way back from or to Savannah the last two months (I either take I95 or go through Charleston) according to my signalcheck log -- based on the time I believe it was south of Charleston. It looks like B26 is filling in in this market (I wish the MB market would start!)...
  19. The problem with that is there are way too many holes that only VZW and ATT cover... If Sprint cuts out VZW there will be too many holes (1x800 should help a bit though). We already have native roaming with a some carriers (I had "native" coverage in Lake Lure NC back a summer or two ago on Carolina West Wireless)... It was actually some of the best 3G I have ever had. If they do end up with network sharing with a bunch of carriers, the limited roaming we have now should be much less needed though (still no reason to eliminate it).
  20. No way, they can't eliminate VZW for roaming... it would leave 2/3 of the country with "No Signal"...
  21. Black Keys /had to come in here and post as I saw it was going to be my 500th post and I wanted to know what my "member level" is LOL...
  22. FYI Sprint/Samsung have pushed out the Kit-Kat update on this phone.... I have been using it for several months -- and while it is a bit slow and the screen isn't as high quality as the premium phones it is a great phone. It also fits in my pockets just fine along with my iPhone 5s (the screen on that looks SOOO small to me now LOL)... I am not sure if the upgrade to the kit-kat has made my occasional connection issues on 3G go away as of yet, but we will see. It was just good to see this midrange phone get updated!
  23. FYI Sprint/Samsung have pushed out the Kit-Kat update on this phone.... I have been using it for several months -- and while it is a bit slow and the screen isn't as high quality as the premium phones it is a great phone. It also fits in my pockets just fine along with my iPhone 5s (the screen on that looks SOOO small to me now LOL)... I am not sure if the upgrade to the kit-kat has made my occasional connection issues on 3G go away as of yet, but we will see. It was just good to see this midrange phone get updated!
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