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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by thewezgrays

  1. It is pretty much the only place I go now (premier section)... the B26 and B41 info is priceless!
  2. If you will "definitely get" it then sounds like you are sold I am not sold on them. I stopped wearing a watch years ago BECAUSE my phone tells me the time (cell phones are the new pocket watch)... I have no interest (yet) on putting anything on my wrist.
  3. I guess I shouldn't be surprised... I missed it though, obviously. Saw the post on Pulse and knew it belonged on here.... Feel free to delete!
  4. http://mashable.com/2014/04/14/kfc-corsage/
  5. I hated my Corolla... Two years with that car was enough (and I bought it brand new)!
  6. wait a minute! ....... ....... are you auditioning for Letterman's spot this month?
  7. No, you have much more glamorous and important things to do, such as run this website!
  8. I would love Colbert or Stewart... but another part of me realizes if they got it their witty political comedy would go away/to waste (for the most part)...
  9. My silly post got me thinking... The calendar (and New Years) starts on the birthday of Granddaddy Kim in Best Korea... We should create a new calendar for here.... The Robertian Calendar.... /Happy Birthday
  10. Since there hasn't been a post in here for awhile, I figured I would pop in... Gotta say, we have LTE in a large portion of Horry County now... A few holes here and there. Totally can't wait for band 26!
  11. streaming Pandora for two hours a day will actually consume about 2 GB per month (random google result)... 10 Hours a day every day for a month? Yikes... ----- Last month was my first on the Framily 1GB plan.. I used 500 mb... Unless I start streaming a lot I can get by with that (I do use around that much more on each my iPhone on Verizon and my iPad on ATT though... still under 2gb total)... If I start streaming more (due to better networks) I am sure I will need to bump up to the 3gb plan though...
  12. I can understand that... but my opinion is ROMs, App updates and Dropbox uploads should be held until on Wi-Fi... take them out of the equation and you are cutting your usage a bunch...
  13. I want to add my brother in law to the framily on our account -- and use an old Epic (BYOD) -- I can not see where it will let me add a line but BYOD (it appears to be making me buy a new phone)... Any help? If not, what would be the fastest easiest way to add him on the account? Phone, web, in store?
  14. Technically you MIGHT be... I know that when I have been on completely overloaded towers I have jumped down to 1x or even roaming in the past... you if you are hogging bandwidth you ARE messing up "coverage"... I have come to the conclusion that unlimited data has to go. I think it is unfortunate that (a) T-Mobile has done it making Sprint sort of stuck with it and ( that Sprint has based their advantage on it in ads (again making them stuck with it). I think reasonably price buckets of data are the way to go (aka -- 5 or 10 gb chunks for a reasonable price)... This would allow most of us to do what we want but choke off the "bandwidthhogs"...
  15. I hope so. Because after all, you quoted someone named "bandwidth hog" who was complaining about poor network conditions... Might've found a part of the problem.
  16. I was in Lake Lure, NC last year and had the same exact experience (in fact I was on EV-DO too)... turned out it was "carolina wireless" or something similar... it is native coverage. It was actually a great experience -- we were in a timeshare/condo in the middle of no where on the north end of the lake and had FULL bars with nearly 2mpbs download speeds all week (was a better internet connection than the wi-fi)...
  17. F%$# Face http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3d/Ripkenffcard.jpg (I remember paying like $80 for this card as a kid, then watching it drop to single digit value LOL)...
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