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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. You guys are right. I withdraw my proposal. Time for me to make some threads! -Anthony
  2. Anyone think we could maybe make this the "iPhone Users Thread"? Sure, we have a lot of 6 and 6 plus users, but do we really need to have a seperate thread for all other iPhones? -Anthony
  3. I was just about to ask that. The iPhone's (with BC 10 support) have been using PRL's that Android phones have been using for a while now. I believe AJ said they avoided 800 most likely because they operate in a Slotted Sleep State mode, so they would usually stick to 1900 (don't quote me on that though). -Anthony
  4. Yup. 51103 on my 5s affer updating. -Anthony
  5. NC has had Band 26 for about 3 months now. Whatever issues Sprint was having with public safety has been worked out. -Anthony
  6. Well apparently he updated Cydia, and if you have a jailbroken iOS 8 device you can install it. Seeing that, the only jailbreak thing that I want is Signal 2, so I jailbroke my 5s. During the process, it encountered an error and I'm restoring now. I would avoid this for a little while if I were all of you. -Anthony
  7. I won't install it until Cydia is released for iOS 8. The jailbreak only enables SSH on iOS 8, so I'm gonna pass for now. -Anthony
  8. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the iOS 8 jailbreak that came out today... -Anthony
  9. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who uses that site -Anthony
  10. The update went without a hitch for me. Started around 15 after 1, finished installing by 1:40. -Anthony
  11. I see this very often when I'm at school on my 5S because there isn't any other Sprint frequency that can make it here from the tower. It's not uncommon for me to see this. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  12. Kinda sad that there is no Nvidia option in the new 5K iMac. I'm sure the AMD chips do just fine, but as an Nvidia guy, I would have loved to have that. -Anthony
  13. I'm confused as to what's different between the iPad Mini 2 and the iPad Mini 3? All I see is the 3 gets Touch ID, more LTE bands, and a gold color option. No A8, no reduction in size, weight, or thickness, and no upgraded display. What was the point of calling it a third generation? This is probably the worst incremental upgrade that I have ever seen Apple do. I'm very disappointed with this. I guess the mini is taking a backseat to the original iPad, yet again. -Anthony Edit: apparently, the mini 3 doesn't even have Spark support. EVEN WORSE!
  14. Oh my God, don't even get me started on that... -Anthony
  15. They haven't put the stream URL yet. I imagine they will post that when the stream starts? -Anthony
  16. I mean, that sounds about right for the 5S. I usually get a little better than that, but it's not too far off. -Anthony
  17. Remember, it's a beta version. So any battery life problems can be worked out by the time the GM rolls out. -Anthony
  18. What device are you using? My 5s's battery life has been phenomenal on iOS 8. -Anthony
  19. Holy crap! I just noticed that! O_o Great catch! -Anthony
  20. You send a screenshot of your signal strength at your high school to your sister (who recently graduated) and your father because you used to have 5 bars of 1x Extended but now you have 4 bars of Band 26. -Anthony
  21. So we can map with Speedtests, but we can't map for coverage. On the iOS app, you can view a speedtests map, and it will show where we ran the test and got what speeds, but if you go to the coverage maps, you can't map with that. -Anthony
  22. That is probably because of the iPhone 6's much shorter LTE Scan Timer. It'll probably stay on 1x longer so it can scan for LTE. -Anthony
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