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Everything posted by irev210

  1. It's irrelevant Samsung has paid off so many judges, it's tots crazy! Frankly, everyone pays off everyone and all these lawsuits are so people can just get paid! You paid off 500 judges last weekend to get some free chimichangas! Don't disagree with me cause I don't have proof! It's my opinion. There is no need to add 100% made up "opinion" to this thread. Opinions are typically derived from facts. While you may have an opinion, it's based on nothing but your "gut" which is my opinion Such the double-standard saying I can't state my opinion that your opinion is irrelevant!
  2. That's a lot of speculation right there. No doubt apple has a lot of political influence (and for a reason) but to say that Apple is paying off judges? Regardless of if they are or not, it's absolutely irrelevant without any proof.
  3. Well considering the number of times Samsung and Apple have tried to do that and failed... it's hard to speculate as to why. One thing you can't say is that they didn't try. Both sides feel like they have the law on their side, that's why we have a court system.
  4. I am sure that samsung is very "inspired" by apple. Siri vs. S Voice for example My favorite is the Samsung usb cable and charger - it's a black version of Apple's. Let's just call it what it is - Apple feels that Samsung and others are infringing on their patients. Google is suing apple, apple is suing everyone, the beat goes on. One thing this tells you is: A) This is why we have a court system. It's very good to be a tech patient attorney this day and age. C) This is how companies feel they can protect their IP. Not sure why people get so worked up. If you feel it's petty, don't buy that brand. I avoid apple products like the plague and have no regrets... but at the same time, I have no issues with them using the legal system to defend their intellectual property. I still find it ironic that Apple and Samsung have such a huge relationship with one another yet the lawsuits battle on. Moto is doing the same thing to Apple: http://www.intomobile.com/2012/06/25/apple-could-face-ban-us-imports-iphone-and-ipad/ The beat goes on. If you couldn't protect the IP you developed, nobody would innovate.
  5. I can get Sprint 3G pings into the high 50's (like 59). It's hard to get much lower. A lot of it just has to do with what server you are on.
  6. Well, fingers crossed they are actually working on our towers.
  7. Hopefully they don't mess with your pension or opeb... only saving factor working in the public sector. There used to be stability... but now that's out the window.
  8. It was about 45%. But it's pretty irrelevant. As I mentioned above, postpaid churn for Q1 2012 was only 2%. Basically, nobody is leaving nextel yet. This number will jump around dramatically once corporate customers start deciding on what to do. It will get more interesting towards the first quarter of 2013. I figure it's going to be in the 30-50% range for Sprint recapturing... but it's just too darn hard to tell.
  9. Anyone know what is going on with Sprint in downtown Boston (specifically Boston Common). 3G was out all day right in front of the state house - stuck on 1x only. Other areas around are fine, seems like the 3G at that one tower went out. Not sure if it is network vision related, thunderstorm related (from last night), or something else. Usually 3G speeds are very good in this area. I need a bit more than this to stream my radio in the morning:
  10. Nextel plans are cheap because there is no legitimate data services - hard to charge people more for less. I still think that it isn't all about the PTT performance - more about a bundle of services (like above poster who's business got iPADS, iPhones, and a few PTT devices) and the marketing around 4G. We'll see what happens... should be interesting.
  11. AT&T has been the most aggressive. Verizon only has one PTT handset. I think the 1x PTT is going to be hard to beat in terms of coverage. People might be drawn to AT&T and Verizon for other reasons. Sprint has 3.8 million postpaid iDEN subscribers, with about 2/3rds of them being corporate. Average ARPU is only ~$41 vs. $62.50 on CDMA. What's interesting is that even though iDEN is shutting down churn is only around 2% at the start of 2012. There are about 1.6 million prepaid iDEN customers with ARPU of about $35.70 but prepaid iDEN churn is really high at almost 9%. Basically, prepaid iDEN isn't worth looking at. ARPU isn't high enough to get concerned about. Figure they will capture between 30% and 50% - this number is VERY important for sprint. This is what people will be looking at. When the big corporate accounts start to leave, it could get very ugly and capture rate could be very low. I think this is the biggest thing people really have no idea how to estimate. With 1x roaming, I think the SDC solution is likely the best for PTT... but I feel like when these customers go through the RFP process, they will get caught up with 4G coverage/speeds, not really the core functionality of PTT. One thing that is very interesting is the ARPU of iDEN customers... it's very low. Any way you slice it, these businesses are going to have to spend a lot more moving forward. It's probably one of the major reasons they are still on iDEN. Sprint needs these customers to convert to CDMA and pay more $$$. It's huge if they can pull it off.
  12. irev210


    On another note... Has anyone noticed how great the voice quality is on the EVO? No HD Voice yet and I would have to say that this has the best voice quality/ambient noise reduction capabilities vs. any other phone I've used on Sprint. I really am looking forward to HD Voice.
  13. irev210


    You are not alone. I experienced very similar issues. I am so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore. I also got random disconnects @ home as well. The up triangle would get "stuck" and 3G data would no longer work for 30 seconds to 1 minute and whatever webpage you were on would just hang. Has that happened to you? In other locations, the 3G icon would disappear all together.
  14. irev210


    the GNEX is in a league of its own on losing data. Knock on wood, my two EVO 4G LTE's have not lost 3G data yet (while 2x + 2x replacement GNEX's lost data multiple times a day). I love the EVO, it's fantastic* *GPS on GNEX is better though.
  15. Hopefully they will hire someone that is good - keep your deployment on track
  16. Saw this from the other thread about network vision jobs...
  17. The entire DJIA is down almost 2% and sprint is up... the article didn't do nuttin. Entire stock market is taking a beating... sprint has done well lately in the market.
  18. I wouldn't even bother defending... the article is using a report completely out of context.
  19. Biggest problem is context. To make it newsworthy, they shift the context of the report. I wouldn't read into this at all. This is not accurate reporting at all... but they made a headline out of it.
  20. HUGE difference in structure. You are a non-affiliated blogger vs. insidesprintnow which is an employee posting up info. Big difference between you getting info and reporting it vs. an employee reporting his own info. It's like the separation of church and state. Without a doubt it was those videos. I think it draws a pretty clear line in the sand what sprint will tolerate being leaked and what they wont.
  21. Considering the WiMAX fiasco (perceived or otherwise) and the current state of their 3G network... the easy conclusion to make is that sprint doesn't have a good network. People are lazy - they will just look at past performance. All sprint can do is prove them wrong. Now, media loves peak speeds because it shows measurable numbers that anyone can understand. It's not vague, hard to grasp, or confusing. It's a simple, completely irrelevant number that charts well. Regardless of what average speeds are, marketing revolves around top speeds and coverage - just take a look at Verizon's marketing: Nation's fastest 4G LTE network Verizon's 4G LTE network is larger than every other 4G LTE network combined Now, regardless of if you never travel to where Verizon has 4G LTE, people like the marketing story - they feel like they are getting the best. Normal people don't run speed tests every day, monitor network coverage, and post about it in forums.
  22. Technically, the Sony Z comes the closest... and it's not made with slave labor (it's made in japan).
  23. Maybe if you live around a beach or something with lots of sand... but outside of sand rubbing into the glass, it's pretty tough to scratch. Back in the day of resistive touch displays and plastic covers, screen protectors made a lot of sense... now with gorilla glass I think the scenarios that people need the extra protection have gone down. I went screen-protector free shortly after the original EVO came out - haven't scratched glass yet
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