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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Oh ok, thanks for the input. Yeah, it seems to happen to my girls evo with wifi and bluetooth connected since the OTA. Now I don't know if its purely a coincidence but I had her turn off wifi and since then, which has now been a week, she hasn't had a reboot as yet. So I really don't know what to say.
  2. I really don't see anything like this happening anytime soon. Now from a current customer perspective this will really suck as prices will definitely increase without a doubt but at the same time network vision will probably be completed in record time. From an investor perspective this would be the equivalent to hitting the lottery. Seriously, if this were to happen the price of sprints stock will sky rocket like nothing else before it and current shareholders will be very happy, including myself.
  3. Yeah, the overall battery life when my gnex was stock was ok at best but with the current rom my battery life has more than doubled as well. Also, jelly bean really is pretty sweet, I knew there was a reason why I didn't sell my gnex.
  4. LMAO!!! No lie, I bought one of these about two years ago. I thought it was one of the most stupidest yet one of the funniest things I have ever seen so I had to buy one just to put on my desk. When I first saw one I honestly thought it was a joke but when I found out it was real I had to get one. Also, I just ordered two sets of buckyballs, I ordered pink balls and blue balls.
  5. I guess with absolutely no obstructions it can be even further than 10 miles. There have been times where I have gone deep sea fishing and still get a sprint signal and we were 15 to 20 miles out to sea.
  6. Yeah, I just flew out of atlanta on saturday and I didn't get a signal on either of my devices.
  7. I don't consider myself to be a professional investor by any means, its more of a hobby for me but in my "unprofessional opinion" I would probably hold or buy for the time being which is what I am doing currently anyway.
  8. This is an excellent article that's filled with positive perspectives, unfortunately sprints balance sheet looks like a train wreck but hopefully based on recent trends they can maintain momentum and continue to turn things around and keep things that way.
  9. Well the 3 dot menu probably won't change any time soon. As far as ram goes you have to understand how android/linux works to know that low memory really isn't that big of a deal. The OS basically loads all sorts of crap into memory to make things a lot smoother when accessing those items and if you are doing something that requires more ram the OS will free up whatever amount is needed. Look at the og evo, that only had 512 megs of ram and the amount available ram(once apps are loaded up in memory) is basically the same as the evo 3d and evo 4g lte which have 1 gig of ram. Look at the gs3, with 2 gigs of ram how much do you really think is available once all those apps are loading into memory?
  10. I agree but also remember that ics went to the onscreen menu buttons so any app thats updated to ics standards suppose to have onscreen menu buttons which wouldn't show the ugly black bar on the bottom taking up screen real estate.
  11. Very weird indeed, thanks for responding.
  12. There is a zip file you can flash but you have to be rooted.
  13. With all the flashing of different roms I usually always forget to setup wifi tether correctly. I have had my share of parasites, especially when I am at the airport. LMAO!!!!! That's just wrong.
  14. Question for both of you. By chance, are both of you connected to wifi often and if so how often? Does it happen while you are on a phone call or just using the phone in any other way? I asked because my girlfriends evo has been randomly rebooting since the last OTA as well and the only common factor I can come up with while trouble shooting is being connected to wifi/bluetooth when it happens. Anyway, I had her turn off wifi all together and for the last two days she hasn't had any reboots at all which is the longest she has gone so far without it rebooting on its own since the OTA. Might be a long shot but I thought I would ask.
  15. Did you watch the whole video? I would assume no since the video showed that the issue was on the server end, he switched to a different server and all was well across all three devices.
  16. Damn, I guess when sprint says they have unlimited data, they weren't BS'ing at all.
  17. Now this is funny as hell, LOL. I really considered buying a bunch of clearwire stock the other day when it was like $.86 a share but I chickened out. Wish I could go back in time but at least I am doing good with what I have in sprint. I was gonna sell the shares I have the other day when I saw the price dropping but honestly I simply forgot to do so and didn't remember until yesterday. But by that time though the stock had rallied to over $4 per share so its a good thing I forgot.
  18. Well I guess the HTC rep I spoke with at a sprint store two days ago wasn't feeding me BS after all. This is the post I made the other day in another thread:
  19. Google wallet was fixed in the last update.
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