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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. Are these in addition to the 100 markets they realeased before? Or are these the current 20 out of the previous 100? -Luis
  2. I'm not a big fan of the name Nextel... Nex-tell... Some people pronounce it Nextull down here. it's strange. At least Sprint is always pronounced Sprint lol. Also it would probably bring up some bad memories, idk lol. -Luis
  3. I actually left T-mo for Sprint. The service down here isn't the greatest. But I hope you have a better experience, when it did work it was pretty good. -Luis
  4. Don't companies that operate on Pre-paid also have the highest customer loss?
  5. I don't really see how Pre-Paid is the "new rage" when companies has more post paid customer bases than Pre-Paids. Many of the people that I know that use iPhones on T-mo they do it throught trades or craigslist, etc,. I know of very few people who would sheel out close to $600 for a phone, let alone to use the phone on only 2g network speeds. -Luis
  6. I have to subjectively say that I still think the EVO LTE is one of the best phones out there. It's light, big, and has one of the most amazing screens I have ever seen. I will probably always buy HTC because of the build of their phones. I think they are much tougher, and they don't feel like they are going to break if they hit the floor from a sitting position. -Luis
  7. So this might be a dumb question, but how do I find out what the network strength is and to know if an iPhone 5 is connected to eHRPD? I have an android phone so I know where to find it there, but I have no idea on the iPhone 5. Thanks for any help.... looool. -Luis
  8. If that's what the LTE panels look like then the tower near where I live looks exactly like that. I'm going to try and take a picture with an actual camera and not my phone. -Luis
  9. I have to agree with the other posts. As long as it has the MicroSD then there is no problem. I have a 32gig Prime, and I barely use more than 10 gigs worth of memory, everything else is in the cloud. Floating somewhere high above me ready to be used whenever I need it -Luis
  10. This is where I get confused, and you've probably answered this before. If it's done through an LTE Core, then does that mean that there are LTE panels? If not, how does it process data through a core that is not there? Or is it all down through just software, on the same old CDMA panels? -Luis Never mind I just answered my own question lol
  11. Sorry I meant to say Ping times. Not the data, it was still around .4-.8mbps. I got pings as low as 87ms. I think that's pretty good. -Luis
  12. I liked eHRPD. My data seemed to have been working much faster. Sadly I can't get it right now and my internet isn't working, so I'm calling Sprint so they can fix it. -Luis
  13. This happened to me this morning, is there any reason why it comes and goes? -Luis
  14. You mean the GSIII? I got confused for a second and thought that you had an iPhone 3GS, but then I looked at your phone's list. -Luis
  15. La Escuela! I use Splashtop on my Asus when I have to run Windows Specific programs. Granted it came free with my tablet, I would not pay to use that program. I find Macs very hard to use, especially when the right click is found by holding the Function or whatever button. That has nothing to do with iOS, but I think they have the same philosophy with iOS. Hidden functionalities (is that what that would be called?) -Luis
  16. I personally use my tablet for everything. I have my laptop stashed away in my closet, only bringing it out when I need to repair a phone, root, or just install some software for one of my classes. Other than that I use my tablet for everything. I have the Transformer Prime with the Keyboard so typing is not a problem for me. My favorite thing about my tablet is the battery life. I charge is about once every week and a half. I would buy a tablet if you're not too dependent on a laptop for very serious heavy program. -Luis
  17. My main reason for choosing Android over iOS is simple. I really dislike Apple, and while they release beautiful products, I am not a fan of using them. I actually find it hard to use an iPhone than my Android phone. To me not having a dedicated back key, or being able to have a menu key option is just really confusing to me. Not to mention that to bring up certain options you have to click the home button multiple times. I have a very hard time using iOS since I'm so used to Android. I actually feel dumb using iOS. But that's just me, I know that once you get used to it, it's very simple and fluid. -Luis
  18. Thank you for explaining more in detail. Now i understand why i get really low pings on eHRPD -Luis
  19. Loooool! That's actually how one of my hisses from my old job used to talk. -Luis
  20. I say eHERPED cause spelling it out loud is annoying. -Luis
  21. Just found this article on CNET. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57526808-94/google-lg-to-unveil-nexus-phone-at-the-end-of-the-month/ I have never been a fan on LG. What do you think? -Luis
  22. I have always left my phone in LTE/CDMA mode and I get amazing battery life 12+ hours with regular use (and I use my phone a lot) -Luis
  23. Hopefully not before they fix the LTE issue on the EVO LTE. But maybe, who knows. HTC claims that they are focusing on Quility over Qunatity, but that hasnt stopped them from releasing a ton of phones. -Luis
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