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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. It seems like you are the only ONE to tell us about the ONE and it's RF performance... Sorry I couldn't resist the puns. Subjectively for me it works better than the EVOLTE, but then again I've never tried a SGS3/4 or Note, so I'm comparing it to a bad RF performer. -Luis
  2. Seeing as how the rooting process seems to be the same for all three US carriers, it will ultimately depend on the carriers themselves. If Sprint's EVOLTE update is any indication, we might see it first before ATT or T-mo. -Luis
  3. What's interesting is that the HTC ONE isn't listed as a supported device in the website, and as you said there has been no update either for it. -Luis
  4. What I would like doesn't translate in to what I get, that much I have learned to accept as such. I understand that companies have to capitalize as much on these services since they are in decline. It's just a matter of opinion. -Luis
  5. Sorry, let me clarify. I don't use voice or text that much, I dislike having to pay for 1500 minutes to receive unlimited data on a family plan. That's what I meant to say, don't assume I don't want unlimited data, that's the reason I left T-mo when they switched all their plans, and probably the only reason I'm staying with Sprint. What I would like it a small voice plan, with unlimited data. But that's just me, I get better service with Sprint regardless, so that's the price I pay. -Luis
  6. I hope so, even though I get a discount from my job, I still think I pay a ridiculously high amount for what I honestly use. -Luis
  7. Oh yeah, that does sound like a problem. I honestly can't think of what it might be, I would say take it and have it checked out. -Luis
  8. This used to happen on my EVOLTE, sometimes when you power up the camera and snap a picture too soon, the phone won't orient itself as fast. It's happened to me with the One as well. My advice wait at least one second, and see if the camera button is in the right orientation. You can also edit and rotate your photos from within the Gallery, it's a bit of a hassle, but at least it helps solve the problem -Luis
  9. No I never have my phone on Auto-brightness. -Luis
  10. I hope all of this turns out to be better for the consumer than for the company! -Luis
  11. Has anyone noticed the screen does an interesting contrast change when in direct sunlight. I saw it happen yesterday when I was outside photographing, when I put my hand over the proximity sensor, to see the phone better, the contrast changed the colors became a little more dull. When I removed my hand from the proximity sensor the colors became brighter, and the contrast was more dramatic. I had the phone at 50% brightness so it wasn't the brightness going up. I thought it was interesting, and what probably lends to the phones readability in direct sunlight. -Luis
  12. Quick question: has anyone experienced any creaking on the device at all? I read somewhere that it creaks quite a bit, and my fathers creaks a bit too... Nothing too bad, but it still creaks. -Luis
  13. Likewise, I wonder how the recording quality will be after HTC uses up their supply because of the Nokia thing. -Luis
  14. Has anyone been able to test out the microphones under extremely loud conditions? -Luis
  15. Unfortunately what you state as a problem the mass majority probably doesn't experience. I could be one of those people, I only have two phones on my account, one per line. I don't have other phones lying around that I switch around, so I don't see this as a problem, just a shortcoming. I would definitely love to be able to just switch SIMs in the future to switch devices. I'll admit it's much easier that way than how Sprint does it. When I was at T-mobile I could use any T-mobile enabled phone without problem, and activating a new device was as simple as just turning the device on and popping your SIM inside. -Luis
  16. This used to happen on my EVO LTE, certain sites probably encode their videos with a file format the phone can't read. I have no solution, I just tried finding everything through youtube :/ -Luis
  17. As far as I know, the microphone is on the bottom of the phone next to the Micro-USB, I doubt you are covering that part. Someone else mentioned that when idle the phones fluctuates a lot, but when the phone is active it keeps a decent stable signal. I've experienced what is happening to you, when I asked sprint they said that it was due to the ongoing work in the area, it stopped. Hopefully this doesn't keep happening, if it does I would consider trying a different One to see if it's the device or just something that is happening in your area. -Luis
  18. Quick question, does anyone know if Google Wallet will eventually be supported on the One? I used it quite a bit on the EVO. -Luis P.S. Nevermind it seems to be working now, I was getting an unsupported message earlier today, I haven't updated the app at all. The only thing I did was deactivate my old phone, maybe that's why it wouldn't work...?
  19. This is just my opinion, but as far as usability I really do like the HTC One instead of the S4. I played with the S4 yesterday and the One feels snappier in general, the interface looks much simpler. Maybe the S4 has many nice features, but at the end of the day many of them will go unused. Everything that the One brought to the table (Ir blaster, Zoe, and Boomsound to name a few) I use on a daily basis. Usability is all subjective, maybe someone else will actually use every feature the S4 has. But for me, I like the simple and useful feature of the One, rather than the over the top software features of the S4. I don't think HTC One is a miracle device, but rather a statement from HTC. I like what they've done with the phone. Also regarding the RAM, I have to agree. Developers will go wild making apps that are resource hogs, but it would honestly be only a small percentage of phones that can handle those apps. -Luis
  20. Just out of curiosity, why do you say HTC isn't doing well with metal? -Luis
  21. Just out of curiosity, did you try using a case? I hope that you get to use this phone again in the future. -Luis
  22. this is very true, in the pictures I posted earlier to make the signal completely go to 0 bars I held the whole back of the phone. It's definitely a death grip but I don't ever use my phone like that. -Luis
  23. I really liked the BB10, and the whole gesture based system was really simple to pick up. My boss was going to get it, but he ended up getting the iPhone 5. I was looking forward to playing with it some more. -Luis
  24. I have a question for you all, recently the flagship phones that have been coming out have all been pretty much on par with each other, with the key differentiators really being design, brand, and usability, among other things. I remember about a year ago or so, I used to look at Benchmark scores, and it really did influence what type of phone I was more prone to get. But with the recent phones, notably the ONE and S4 with Sprint, there really isn't a big difference in scores and performance (The S4 gets higher scores), but that doesn't really seem to translate into better performance in real world tests (subjectively). My question is this: Do you look up certain objective facts, such as the benchmark scores, or are you more influence by the your own subjective observations, such as feel of the phone or brand? -Luis (The reason I'm asking is because articles keep pushing scores, and performance, one saying that the S4 isn't better than the iPhone 5, and that they fail to understand why someone would line up to buy the S4)
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