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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. Ahhh. Okay. That's awesome! I would hope my snr is good being that I'm a half mile away from my tower with little to no traffic. Sorry for you guys in Chicago.
  2. Hey hey hey. We don't need it rubbed in our face! It's sad that I look at the completed map and want to drive to Madison just to check out your network.
  3. I know you guys have more experience with snr down in Chicago and how it effects signal and speeds. Do I want a lower snr or higher? My home tower is close to 20 the majority of the time.
  4. I normally root my phone but I haven't found a need to just yet. Battery life has been awesome and I don't really have too much bloat on the phone. If I do root later on I'll keep this in mind.
  5. Jelly. Here I was, happy my little t25 would make 20 lbs just cuz I had a 3 inch exhaust all the way back. Lmao.
  6. I haven't gotten my update yet either but I have noticed ever since I got my phone that the external speakers are a little on the quiet side. Now maybe it's just cuz I came from an HTC one but I hardly used those speakers. I can't hear my phone when I'm trying to use it while I shower. I might hear a word here or there but it's just too quiet.
  7. I'm looking to get into computer building so I'm sure my level of tinkering will go up soon. The talon was bought pre tinkered. Exhaust and suspension work and not much else but it was a fun car. I sold it before I emptied my pocketbooks anymore on it. Lol.
  8. It all makes more sense now. I'm still not one to jump on the upgrade band wagon right away no matter what it is that gets fixed. They may fix the camera but break something else without even realizing it. I like to tinker with my phone but since I've become more dependent on my phone recently I prefer to just leave it as is.
  9. And why you quoted me for that... The world will never know..
  10. I'm with AJ. I don't do updates right away. I let the real nerds figure out what's wrong and how to fix it before I ruin a good phone for a camera improvement. Not that worth it to me to have the latest of everything.
  11. I don't get why you would ask your question then? The lte you're seeing on sensory was recorded with a phone that is not triband. Just because they can connect doesn't mean you can. Our phones will only connect to towers that have yellow pins which none of Milwaukee proper has. The closest is Oak Creek and even then I still haven't connected to lte on my g2.
  12. I had the one for a week or so until my g2 came in and didn't like it. The button being up top ruined it for me.Thanks for the honest answer though.
  13. I can pick out my home tower as being one of the accepted ones but couldn't pick out any other ones. I would guess it's waukesha that got accepted?
  14. I know you have access to quite a few devices. What device have you found to work best for you or be your most favorite?
  15. And those of you that had older model phones noticed an improvement in the 3g side of your nexus or no?
  16. I know the evo had issues with lte. Wasn't it's 3g side just as bad?
  17. I'm pretty sure my home tower got turned on for lte. I have a stronger signal than what I normally get when I catch a lte signal but still not the best for how close I am. Pulled 10 down and 3 up on my first test.
  18. So I know the n5 pulls down better lte signal than the g2 but what about 3g? I'm not in a complete market and am considering getting a n5 but don't want it to suck for 3g. Any input is appreciated.
  19. We need yellow. Green is just extra on the cake for 800. Which we have anyways...
  20. That would make sense if my phone did not work in Racine but it does. Prl and what not haven't helped either.
  21. Exactly. My phone connects in Racine to their yellow pins but not the Oak Creek ones. Makes me wonder what's going on.
  22. I've been meaning to ask and keep forgetting. Anyone around the Oak Creek area have a nexus or g2? According to the NV complete maps Sheppard Ave and classic lanes should give us triband users 4g yet I get nothing. Any ideas?
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