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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. Yep. As far as the 30 day comment I wouldnt doubt it's that close but I haven't heard it personally. With how they've changed online and telesales so drastically in the last few weeks I believe it will happen soon.
  2. Not you're thinking with your dipstick. You can always just switch the plan and if you go unlimited your upgrade will be a year from now. Then you won't have to buy a phone at this point in time.
  3. Rumor has it within the next 3 months we will be switching to strictly framily. Not too many places can do 2 year contracts as it is already.
  4. Milwaukee should be getting some tri band loving soon and Green Bay has a few 800 lte towers complete from I've heard. They're just not broadcasting. Yes. It only comes off your data plan though. And you have your choice of data package. 1gb is included. To go up to 3gb is another $10 and unlimited is $20 but that includes an annual upgrade.
  5. Right. I missed the part where it was day 15.I have heard stories of stores not wanting to do it even when they could have because they had already had so many returns that month they didn't want any more.
  6. That's ridiculous. I've returned phones on the very last day. They just didn't want the return. Should have called care and they can call the store and make them return it.
  7. Thanks for the explanation. What's the word on a good rom for this thing? I've already got beastmode kernel on the stock rom rooted and want to go a little further.
  8. It does but it doesn't always connect that way. When I call my manager it does sound crystal clear though. Both being sprint phones obviously.
  9. So what else could I do to help my calls? Not like it matters too much since I have the note now, but when and if I switch back what can I do?
  10. Which makes sense but I noticed a lot more static and other network noise being on rtt than on 800. Wouldn't sprint want to prioritize 800 over rtt for a better network experience?
  11. So I got switched out to a note 3 today and noticed I have 1x800 a lot more often than I did on my N5. Does anyone have any ideas as to why my nexus wouldn't be picking up on it as frequently?
  12. Yes sir. I already noticed I see 1x800 a lot more than what I did on my N5. I always saw rtt no matter what I did. Wonder if it just didn't pick it up quick enough when dropping from lte to voice.
  13. I noticed that when I was out there a few weeks ago. I was always in the store so I thought it was cuz I kept bouncing between 3g and 4g.
  14. So my note got dropped off today.... No gear yet. =/ can't wait til I get swapped out to the new stuff! Only 2 more weeks til announcement day!
  15. Just now read this. No I do not. I meant to get my msl when I was at work a little earlier in the day but it slipped my mind. All of this was standard band 25.
  16. My g2 have all had issues too. That's why I switched to the nexus which has been nothing short of awesome so switching to the note is a hard choice.
  17. Eh. I'm excited to try out the note on sprint and see how it does. I know a few people have consistent dropped call issues in my area and if that happens I'll give it back. Lol. Also edited my op so it makes more sense. I sounded like an idiot the first time.
  18. Woot. I get a N3 to demo for a few months courtesy of my Samsung rep. I get a gear to play with as well. I'm hoping to get in his good graces so he can hook me up with a S5 when it hits.
  19. I was at the auto show an hour after it started and was pulling over 10 down on a few tests. When more people started showing up my phone would drop to 3g or even park on 1x800 til I toggled airplane mode. Overall I was impressed though. I'm also using a N5.
  20. Eh. No clue. Our district service manager is pretty good with following what sprint says.. I just follow orders.
  21. Which would be fine if I had rms but we haven't got that system yet...
  22. The way that I have been told to do it at my store is if you have tep write a ticket and then replace the sim under your insurance. Without tep it costs 75. Technically it is a part that we're using to fix a problem so without insurance it's like repairing a broken earpiece or something to that extent. I personally don't understand why it's that way but the logic is there I suppose.
  23. Our Samsung rep came in today and said there is maintenance release as well as kit kat coming at the end of this month. He did say it wasn't set in stone but they're shooting for that time period.
  24. Gold is the only way to go with it too! Apple can't be the only one with a gold phone.
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