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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. The demo I keep seeing is a sprint one but it's unactivated. I wish I knew more on this too.
  2. I haven't read through this but I stopped back at my work today and the moto guy was there so I got to play with the x uninterrupted. I checked out the debug and diag screens and they do work on this phone. I also got to play around with all the features and what not and this phone is going to be awesome. How it integrates with all the Google Apps will make this a powerhouse for the casual to semi serious phone user.
  3. That's my home tower. Progress is progress! My next day off I might have to go visit some towers and see what I can find.
  4. The pictures don't do it justice. It's a gorgeous phone in red. Kind of like a super model in a tight red dress.
  5. Funny. We got two in and they sold within two hours of having them.
  6. Yep. That was me. I have a buddy in Sturtevant who let me know he got 4g as soon as it happened. It won't be too long before a lot of places get turned on.
  7. If it was my phone I would. That's store inventory right there...
  8. This right here just might make me switch from us cellular to sprint. This phone looks fantastic in red.
  9. No worries. You gave me a reason to look at the map and see that the tower I thought went active actually didn't. Now I know which ones have.
  10. Just checked the map and you have the wrong tower. Mine is further north out by K and 94.
  11. Must have been. I checked the map Saturday after my talk with a commissioner and it wasn't done then. Now I just need to get a phone to test it and see how it would be in my house.
  12. Sneaky bastards got a lot done since last time I looked at this tower just a couple weeks ago.
  13. Racine is prolly going to be lit up real soon. A few wees ago I saw techs on the tower by 20 and 94, yesterday I got word from a friend that Sturtevant had gotten it's 4g turned on and sure enough when I drive past the tower a half mile from my house its got NV panels and rru on it. Due to it being dark I didn't investigate beyond the car but I'm for sure going to check it out before work tomorrow. I also got to talk to a tower commissioner today and he said they've been doing a lot of testing in Sheboygan lately. It almost feels like the calm before the storm with all this recent activity.
  14. By rawson ave. Its right across from the walmart and planet fitness in the neighborhood of houses, but it's only a couple houses in so you can see it clearly from 27th.
  15. Took long enough. I took pictures of that tower being complete weeks ago.
  16. The Lions club...? Is that the tower in the back of the field next to a baseball diamond?
  17. US cell has been rumored to be selling off parts of California to t-mobile iirc. As far as where I am it will never happen. In Wisconsin us cell is right on par with Verizon where as with the Chicago region there weren't doing so hot. So while it is possible that they might buy another portion of it there is no way the whole company itself will go down right now. In a few years maybe but not now.
  18. Didn't have anyone come in saying anything about it today. I'm sure my manager will see this and go check it out and let me know what he finds though!
  19. All this progress is peaking my interest in jumping over to sprint. I need to do some mapping for us Racine people.
  20. No clue how they're qualifying it or the method to their madness. I'd honestly have to look at a map myself. I just heard some cities mentioned around work as being on the launch list.
  21. A little bird told me Baraboo and some other markets will be marked 4g complete early next week. Hopefully this brings about some new lte around our area as well.
  22. The middle ones on the top rack are evdo antenna iirc. I've been wrong before though...
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