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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. Nexus may not have the battery life of the G2 but everything that I use it for, it has done better and seemingly quicker than the G2. I know they have the same processor and all but I'd take a Nexus any day now. The G2 was good for me and I'd recommend it but I always recommend the N5 first at work now.
  2. Fired mine up for shits and giggles. No update for me either.
  3. Same priority. Stronger signal from 800.
  4. With how terrible my g2 was for battery life I haven't even noticed the 700 mah difference between the two. I still go all day with my phone with 3 hours of screen time. But at least it's on something that works. Lol. Edit. My N5 seems to charge quickly? Never had an issue with it charging slow.
  5. Just as a note onto rf performance. When I switched to my Nexus I immediately saw a gain in signal strength. My speeds at home are close to 5 mbs faster and I barely drop to 3g when inside work now. I'm starting to think the g2 may sound good on paper but when used in real life, it might not actually be the greatest thing out there like it was supposed to be.
  6. Woot! Barely lost lte my whole drive out to Madison and my gps worked flawless with the network out here. You guys are spoiled out here!
  7. All this efs talk is making me want to look it up and back it up. I've been there before on us cell with no data from flashing a bad rom.
  8. If you don't like LG's software business model don't buy from them? Pretty simple to me. Hence why I don't buy apple. I don't like the idea of them polishing a turd and reselling it as a brand new item. In this day and age it's pretty easy to switch phones if you're unhappy. The 14 day trial period is your friend.
  9. I think they stepped their game up for sure. They fixed the earpiece issue relatively quickly with the maintenance release. You guys do realize even with spark enabled your phone will still more than likely hold onto1900 due to it reaching a wider area than 2600 right? I don't see why the big push for it all the sudden.
  10. Which isn't at all true either. The Nexus has been getting maintenance updates just like the g2 did on a pretty rapid basis in my eyes. Software really isn't that big of a deal guys. If it was as easy as what you guys are making it seem like it would be out. Find something else to occupy your time with other than staring at your phone waiting on an update.
  11. I suppose you're right. By speed I meant more fluidity. I have no clue if it's just the coding they change in kernels or if it's clock speeds but phones always seem to run quicker with one on it.I'll give battery guru a shot.
  12. It's fast. I'm just looking for a little more battery life out of it and I've always rooted my phones. Greenify is what I'm missing right now. Not allowing apps to run in the background I would expect to get another couple hours out of my phone.
  13. I see a lot of people like Franco kernel for the N5. Is anybody here running it? Is it worth root just for the kernel to get some more speed out of the phone? I'm trying not to root this phone since it does really well on its own already but the temptation is just too much. Lol.
  14. I can only like your comment because I can neither confirm nor deny this information. Lol.
  15. Correct. I'm not too sure about being a repair center since I haven't been out there to check em out so I'll just agree for now. Can't wait to have some decent signal for some speed tests.
  16. I'll be between Fitchburg and University Dr helping out at those stores. If anyone on here knows someone looking for a job come see us at those two stores!
  17. I get to go work in Madison for a week. I can't wait to try out a close to compete market and see how my n5 does.
  18. Try *#*#72786#*#* and see if that helps. If it doesn't do anything then flip the # and the * on both ends and it should work.
  19. N5. Got mine yesterday and I already love this thing. I've used pretty much the entire line up of Samsung starting at the s2 onwards as well as the g2 and the Nexus blows them all out of the water. All the little things it does that no other phone can do make it worth it x461916764.
  20. This. My G2 was too inconsistent with performance. The speaker was loud when it wanted to be and knock on only worked reliably half the time. So far no hiccups with the N5. I doubt I'll go to another phone after this. Nexus FTW!
  21. Even more proof that no one knows about the Nexus even the reps. Which to be honest we haven't gotten training on it at all. I showed one of my coworkers, who is a big Apple fan boy, the Nexus and even he fell in love with it.
  22. Just got mine activated not too long ago and I agree with what everyone else has been saying. It does everything well and looks amazing doing it. I've gone through the whole Samsung lineup and had a g2 and they don't compare to this at all. The fluidity is just nuts. I'm honestly surprised more people haven't heard about/want a Nexus.
  23. Most refurbs come in sprint boxes. New ones come in original packaging or white boxes. In rtn it will say reconditioned status. That will tell you what it is. Lucky me. I get phones for full retail taken out of my commission so I have a nexus 5 waiting for me at work just waiting for paperwork to clear. We shall see how the N5 fairs once it's up and running. I'm so glad to be moving away from this inconsistency.
  24. It is turned to 40% and auto brightness on for when I go outside. Even at 40% it's still light enough to see but not overly bright imo.
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