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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. This past summer for sure was when it got turned on. There a couple near downtown that I see when I looked earlier today.
  2. a year ago? You're crazy. The lakefront was just this summer right before summerfest when it got turned on.
  3. Oh lawd. And yes we are happy! Maybe I'll have 4g at work today!
  4. Got approval from my service manager to order myself a new phone so we'll see how my new G2 does. Hopefully my data connection will stay solid now.
  5. The motor x gets better life than what you prolly think it does. Multiple managers in my company have them and have had no complaints about them. It's actually a really efficient device and makes pretty good use of what it has sort of like what Apple has done. It sounds like you want the best or literally everything and that isn't going to happen. Not one phone out there will fit your needs exactly so I guess you have to take some good with the bad. Coming from a guy who used to be Samsung only I'll say you can't go wrong with an s4 but all the bloat is most definitely a pain. Stock touchwiz is something like 7 gigs worth of os. Moto is really slim on their bloat if any and fits everything else better. It really sounds to me like Moto would work for you. I'd say try it and if you don't like it you have 14 days to return it.
  6. Been a common issue the last few weeks. Only thing is to keep trying. I get it in racine from time to time too.
  7. Verizon phone is thicker due to wireless charging being built in. If it's for Verizon it won't fit.
  8. Longest I've gone on mine is 40 something hours with 6 hours of screen on time. I love this phone and the battery life.
  9. hmm. Wonder if the new update broke data in some weird way.
  10. It dropped on my way to dinner and stuck on only 1x800 and then it just did it now at home where I have decent lte. Normally when I try and turn off wifi it won't connect to anything but voice.
  11. Anyone have their data connection just completely drop off and then not come back til you reboot? This happens prolly once a day on mine and it's starting to get annoying.
  12. Those are some awesome speeds for the relatively low signal strength you're showing in signal check.
  13. I activated a 32 gig at my store the other day. You just can't enter the whole meid. You leave the last digit off and you're good.
  14. I had to do a prl for a day or two once I got 800 at the house. The reason mine had to be redone at least in my opinion is due to me traveling out of the areas that have 800 to areas that don't have it at all. Now that the whole area I travel in is 800 I don't have this issue.
  15. I would be careful with this. A lot of users are reporting they've been "updated" to a new prl which has booted them off of lte. Apparently it's a prl from 4 years ago. I don't think we'll have that issue here but something to be on the lookout for.
  16. Anyone have a triband phone in the Oak Creek area? I think I asked before but I don't remember if I got an answer. At work none of our triband phones get lte when the tower down the street both ways are green pins. The usual airplane mode and prl have been done and it will hang on lte for a second and then default back to 3g. Ideas?
  17. Loomis. If you have Signalcheck installed once a site goes 800 live for voice it shows you the exact address of the site. You'd think with Madison being primarily done we'd see some more action in Milwaukee. Guess next time we'll have to whine how you guys did to make sure we get completed quicker.
  18. Still no update here. Did it twice.
  19. This update needs to roll out quicker so we can see if it improves at all for sure. I'd be interested to know if my quality gets better than it already is.
  20. And how's your voice quality? Good or cracked and broken? Edit. Just read what you posted not too long ago. I haven't had any issues with mine as far as sounding tinny. Mine sounds how all my phones have just my g2 has a lot more oomph behind the sound it puts out. The speakerphone being the only thing that lacks.
  21. This I think is playing a big part. For those of you with call quality issues I wonder if you have 800 complete in your area. I frequently look at my phone to make sure I haven't accidently hit speakerphone because my calls are just THAT loud due to my area having 800 complete for voice.
  22. Anyone tried to use the tool on LG's website to update their phone? I got the app downloaded from LG and it says I need the drivers installed through the app but our model isn't listed. Anyone else tried this or have you all just waited for it to show up on your phone?
  23. I went and looked this up thinking it was a repeater. It shows on a map I have access to as being an actual tower and not a repeater. Awkward the signal is such short lived with being a tower.
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