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Everything posted by Jaggrey

  1. Are you able to use the BB upgrade gift cards for other people instead of your line? I registered all of my family lines (even tho only 2 are going to be eligible this year ). Yea... I got a little excited... lol.
  2. That crosses my mind every time I'm at the WalMart near my house. Somewhere in this thread it was mentioned that tower was accepted and even on one point but I've never seen 4g there.
  3. I'm not much of a Family Guy watcher, but I can't help but think of this clip when my phone goes from 4g back to 3g, cuz it's exactly how it feels sometimes!
  4. lol HTC gets cool points for that!
  5. Could it be?? I got a 4g signal at Pines and Flamingo! The 3g in that area is basically non functional. Thank goodness 4g is there! I noticed it leaving Walmart and I had 4g all the way to the Bed Bath & Beyond.
  6. That IS a shame!! Poor Evo LTE. I would be interested in seeing a comparison between the two cameras as well. I really like the camera on the Evo.
  7. Posts like these give me hope for when my area is blanketed in 4g (whenever that happens)
  8. I haven't had much of a problem with reception, but it's nice to know that this one should be a bit better in that regard. Weren't all of the 1st gen LTE phones a little weak in reception compared to the older phones, or does this One put it on par with something like the S3?
  9. Did I read somewhere that SVDO was no longer required with the new Sprint phones? What are the odds of the One having this functionality?
  10. Yea I've noticed that with quite a few of the new 4G areas I'm seeing. I can now also grab 4G on 826 from around NW 36th Street all the way up to around NW 103rd or 122nd. The area around NW 103rd has been on for a little bit but I just noticed the area around NW 36th Street yesterday, although it didn't appear to be too usable. I also noticed on my ride in yesterday that on Miller headed toward the University I'm on 4g until close to NW 57th Ave. Happy to see all the progress being made! It seems usually when the phone switches to it even if it isn't initially usable it seems to be within a few days. Hopefully this will be the case in this instance.
  11. Just had two separate 4g sightings on UM's campus. For those that are familiar with the area (like rjw and luisrodg), I saw 4g on my phone very briefly in the area between the post office and the law school, behind the new UC. It's that area with the traffic circle behind where the farmer's market is on Wednesdays. I saw it on my phone but it disappeared after a few seconds, so it was probably a faint signal. I also was in the Physics conference room in the Physics building, on the 3rd floor. I was next to my friend with an iPhone and noticed her phone said LTE (with 1 or 2 bars), but mine still said 3g. She was next to a window that overlooks the courtyard outside of Wilder Auditorium. I didn't try to see if I could get 4g when on the 1st floor outside.
  12. That's true. Something else that's interesting, it shows the Sprint model will support 700MHz/AWS. I dunno what their source is. http://www.androidcentral.com/htc-one-us-radio-frequencies But all of these questions will be answered once it passes thru the FCC. I'm sure Sprint has already started testing their model... right?
  13. According to this article, all Sprint phones released this year were supposed to support the additional LTE frequencies. I wonder why that didn't happen in the One's case.
  14. Yea pearson is within that red circle to the bottom left of it. I'm pretty sure my friend that works on the towers says there's a tower on the top of Pearson. Looks like the other one is on top of Ungar.
  15. I bet it's catching whatever tower went live recently; the one I catch around Ludlam and Miller. I know there's a tower on the top of Pearson; where is the other tower on campus?
  16. Can you elaborate as to where? I haven't seen it anywhere on campus except for on the top floor of the Ashe. It's also been reported to be on the top floor of Ungar outside.
  17. I think a new tower went online in South Miami. I can now get 4G from about 67th Ave and Miller continuously to a little past 836 after hopping on 826. I've gotten 4G at that intersection before but only very briefly.
  18. I wonder if the increase in battery life is related to the LTE signal acquisition time that we're all noticing, or if there were other bugs that contributed to that.
  19. Yea I'm starting to see that my LTE connections are slower than before also.
  20. I also got 4G on UM's campus very briefly. I was on the 7th floor of the Ashe bldg. I'm sure I just caught it from a faraway tower that wasn't obstructed by trees and buildings.
  21. After several days I see a slight difference (if any) in getting onto LTE. I did prefer how it hopped onto one more quickly before this last update. I have noticed that my battery life has been significantly better, like back to how it was before the Jellybean update. If maybe it was scanning too often before and that affected battery life, I think how it is now is a nice balance.
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