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Everything posted by Jaggrey

  1. Robert, which LTE devices performed ideally in your latest test? We're always comparing to the SG3 and the iPhone.... is it because they're the most popular devices or the most reliable when it comes to this? How did, say, the Optimus and the Photon Q fare?
  2. I was just at the Walmart yesterday by the tower on 57th and my phone didn't connect. I was just thinking how awesome would it be if that one had 4g. That area really needs it; data is non-existent during rush hour.
  3. Man what did you do to your phone and can I get some of that! lol.... I've seen my phone hold on to a signal that low recently. Ironically I was in the same area at another point and it didn't pick up 4g at all..... whatever.
  4. Along those same lines, my "LTE available file" had 7 entries a few weeks ago and it now has 24!
  5. Oddly I've noticed more consistent 3g/4g handoff connectivity as well with my Evo. I was between a 4g and a 3g tower and my phone was on 4g then as I was driving switched to 3g (I'm assuming to the closer tower) then as I got closer to the 4g tower it switched back on its own and held the signal to about the same point that my wife's S3 would lose signal. I've never seen it do that before. It may depend on the mood the phone is in but I'm still hoping the forthcoming update will improve things since I do still have to do the toggle in other areas.
  6. Somewhere in this thread it was mentioned that in the South Florida market (or maybe all of Ericsson's markets) they were only hooking up 4G but they would come back later and do the 3G/Network Vision improvements. Isn't that double the amount of work for them?
  7. Well if it's bug fixes and an LTE fix I'll still take it no matter what Android flavor.
  8. I was afraid you might say that. I was secretly hoping they forgot to document the improvement of the LTE radio. I still am hoping.... We'll see.
  9. Is this update the "be all or end all" update for you digiblur?
  10. Ask us again tomorrow once the update rolls out
  11. Did they mention anything about a new radio?
  12. I couldn't find anything about this 2.13 radio over at xda. In any case, what were your findings? Was there any difference?
  13. At my mother in law's house my Evo fluctuates between - 94 and - 114 when on LTE, and because it's an Evo it would frequently revert to 3g. My wife's S3 would hold on to the 4g signal but I didn't check the db on hers.
  14. Ah ok. Where are you getting this 2.13 version of the radio? Am I allowed to ask?
  15. Is Clearwire going to deploy that where they already have WiMax towers?
  16. Well at least it's still a "known issue". That counts for something I guess. Here's to hoping they can figure it out!
  17. I know my tower friend got called to DC to help with relief efforts and restoring the Sprint network up there. That may slow us down here since there are less techs.
  18. I wonder if you know something that we don't know.....
  19. I passed thru that area over the weekend. And of course the people with S3s in their car switched to it automatically while I limped along on 3G. Sigh.
  20. But does the phone work fine in LTE only mode regarding initial signal acquisition or just in maintaining a weak signal?
  21. I do see your point. Either way I'm hoping our phones get fixed soon and HTC can get thru their struggles.
  22. No like! lol.... I remember having the Epic and seeing the HTC get updates out the wazoo while my Epic was a lot slower in getting updates, and each update seemed to break something. That's the main reason I didn't want to get another Samsung. So now being in the same position but with a different phone, all it shows me is that it's more phone dependent. And unfortunately we never know until the phone comes out and has been out for a while.
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