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Everything posted by Jaggrey

  1. Nice! I saw a post about it coming in red, but the BOGO is news to me. Nice. I wish we were getting that blue that Verizon may be getting.
  2. Anyone want to donate a hotspot so I can see how the speeds are here in Miami?
  3. I was fine on my Evo LTE but I came across a great deal on a One, and I had an upgrade on one of my lines, so that's why I jumped to it. I'm in Miami and supposedly LTE 2500 is already live around here so one of the newer, unreleased tri band handsets would be nice, but I guess I could just use an upgrade next year :-) But if that LTE deployment isn't quick, I'd have no problem holding on to my One. I really like it.
  4. Sweet, on both counts! Thanks! I showed your app to my friend that works for Ericsson as a tower tech and he was very impressed. He said there was one piece of information he'd love to see in the app that helps him with troubleshooting. I think it was the PER or something like that.
  5. Is there any way the location of the tower can be cached so it doesn't have to look it up each time? Even tho it only takes a second anyway.... Also, when you're roaming, does the app tell you who you're roaming on? I thought I saw that alluded to in some posts, but I haven't actually seen it do this.
  6. Just an update on this, if anyone cares. I saw the same exact issues with this case on my HTC One. I tried the DualPro Carbon Fiber one and it does not have this issue. So it appears to be something with the paint used on the Shine version.
  7. Yea that area has turned up over the past few months. It was really bad there previously.
  8. No FCC writeup?? What's going on here?
  9. Neither have I and I did both. Driving me crazy. They sent me an email almost a month ago saying my $100 was on it's way. I also haven't received an email for either of the two Ones that I bought with the $25 code. I resubmitted the request a couple of weeks ago but still nothing. I bought both phones thru Best Buy.
  10. I have the HTC One and I have the option to use LTE/CDMA as well as CDMA only in the same spot as my Evo LTE did under Mobile Networks in Settings.
  11. Random HTC One thought: Am I the only one that misses the "vibrate on call connect" feature? It's nowhere in the options. I was so used to that on my Evo. And before that my Epic (I think) would make a tone when the call connected. It would save from dialing a call and holding it to your ear, then after a few seconds looking at the phone and seeing it was still trying to connect or it gave up and was sitting at the dialer. Also, post-update the earpiece is definitely less bassy and has more treble to it. It'd be nice if it was user-adjustable, like the S3s and older BBs were.
  12. New radio is upon us!
  13. Hey the update is live. I'm downloading it now. 237 MB! I'll report if the radio has changed if no one else has. Current is
  14. You have to be connected to an upgraded, NV'd tower, if I remember correctly.
  15. Nothing yet on my end.
  16. Imagine how much money could be saved in knowing this problem versus them ordering refurbs in trying to solve this problem.
  17. Wow these last few posts are valuable information! Definitely good to know.
  18. Oops, sorry about that. I should have clarified in my initial post.
  19. I was talking about 40% of sites converted. That's the metric used here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/page-2&do=findComment&comment=129425
  20. It will be interesting to see how it performs with LTE and if it's similar to the other HTCs on Sprint in how they perform. This might give us more insight on whether the little quirks are an HTC thing or.... something else.
  21. Miami just launched, but according to the lists here it's only about 40% done if I remember right. I am seeing quite a bit of 4g but there's still a ways to go.
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