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Everything posted by Jaggrey

  1. Compared to my wife's S3 it's similar in most cases or acceptable. I have noticed at our house she'll get 4G throughout while mine will go in and out of 4g. It's definitely better and more consistent than it has been and it's pretty much in line with how her phone performs so I'm satisfied. I'm sure it'll improve once our city launches.
  2. It's weird because on my wife's S3 the Google Nav works fine, post update. But I did see that some Verizon S3 users were having the same problem as us. I've noticed this also, but I'm waiting to give it more time to see what happens.
  3. I'm now finding 4G on 826 between about NW 74th Street until 103rd St. Over the past couple of days my phone would show 4g but the internet didn't work at all. Yesterday it seemed to be working. I was also in that area on the streets yesterday and got a useable 4g signal. Today going south I also had 4g around NW 36th Street. Never got it there before, tho it was mapped in Sensorly. Either it's been there or the update my Evo got yesterday helped it be more sensitive somehow.
  4. Looks like the baseband changed also according to this link: http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=2126739 My 4g has been working so well I'm scared to mess with it.
  5. As reported in the Android Central forums: http://forums.androidcentral.com/htc-evo-4g-lte/224991-update-coming-htc-evo-4g-lte-115.html#post2556988
  6. Jaggrey

    What is a PRL?

    This is interesting stuff; thanks for the write-up! Will part 2's LTE information include the mystery with the "LTE available" file on some devices?
  7. Yea using data on Sprint down here has really been an exercise in patience. There are random pockets that are decent but it seems in many areas I frequent it's almost unusable. I even noticed on my bill that I'm using less data than I used to.
  8. There's a new spot by my mechanic at 441 and Miramar Parkway. I don't remember that from the last time I was there which was about a month ago.
  9. I'll try calling them next time. I'd think that it would have the same effect on my Evo in that case tho, or at least consistently flip the time when connected to 4g. How did i happen in your case in Chicago?
  10. Usually these are tower issues, but in a household with 3 Sprint devices, only my wife's S3 occasionally goes back in time by 29 hours. My phone (Evo LTE) hasn't had this issue at all. Both will be either on 4G or on 3G, but regardless of which, hers flips back. Turning airplane mode on & off usually fixes the issue, but it happens every so often (maybe once a week). I was guessing maybe they were working on the 4G tower here since it's not formally launched in my area yet, although if that was the case I'd think my phone would weird out too. Any ideas?
  11. I noticed the same thing at the tower in Miami Gardens on 183rd and 47th Ave. No 4G since yesterday. EDIT: Seems to be back now. But neither my phone nor my wife's got 4G from that tower at all yesterday.
  12. Exactly how I feel. Two thumbs up from me.
  13. I'm thinking the drop in battery life is more with Google Now trying to update things in the background and the slooooowwww data where I'm at causing the phone to drain the battery more as a result.
  14. Starting the argument crossed my mind but the latest update seems to have pretty much fixed the LTE issue for me among other growing complaints I had with the phone. Noticing a lot more 4g in my area now compared to before the update. I still need to do more side by side comparisons with my wife's S3 but it's much much better than before.
  15. Yea there's a thread about Google Nav crashing on Android Central. Someone may have found a workaround but I haven't tried it yet to see if it works. http://forums.androi...tml#post2443117
  16. I went by an area near a known good tower where my phone will sometimes grab it outside, sometimes not, and inside it would only hold 4g in certain parts of the house (while my wife's S3 locks on and stays on throughout the house). Now post-update, my phone was on 4g and stayed on 4g the whole time I was in the house, no matter where within. Also on my way in, I passed an area where my phone picked up 4g before but I noticed it held onto the signal much longer than before. I saw in the status screen the signal went down to about -122 or -125 before it kicked back to 3g. Got to say I'm very impressed. For me it's much better than before.
  17. I'll try also with my wife's S3. I will say this. On my way home I DISCOVERED a 4G area along my way home that I didn't even know existed. And also another area that I always drive thru but my phone has never switched onto the phone grabbed it about the same time my wife's S3 did last time we were in that area. Signal showed - 117 - 120, which I hadn't seen it maintain let alone try to connect to before. So my initial observations are promising. It's definitely an improvement!
  18. I'm interested in seeing how this performs with LTE now, as far as the problems we've been having. And of course we need Robert to redo all the work he's already done comparing all the phones (kidding kidding )
  19. I just added some Sensorly data on Coral Way and SW 72nd Ave. heading to Bird Road. I was getting off 826 and Coral Way and imagine my surprise when I saw my phone was on 4g. It's never connected there before on its own even though I knew of its existence. It actually stayed on it for a while too.
  20. How do you get to it? I'd like to see it on my wife's S3.
  21. Why is it that no other Sprint LTE phone has this file accessible then? Or do they even have it at all?
  22. Whatever. All this reading is doing is giving me buyer's remorse. Lol. I really hope HTC fixes the issues. I know no phone is perfect and the grass isn't always greener on the other side, no matter how convincing the greenery is. I just want my phone to perform the way it's supposed to, regardless of being the popular phone or not.
  23. According to the first page, so I don't think it's based on sales; it seems to be mostly their opinion. I'd find it hard to believe that they've sold more of the Optimus G than the Evo when the Evo has been on the market much longer.
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